Verified Reviews - Journal of Molecular Structure
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Dream 2023-07-14

Posted on June 19th, received on July 14th, in less than a month, the journal's efficiency is extremely high.

投搞一直被拒 2023-07-06

I see many people doing the same work as me in the journal, and they can all submit, but when I submit, it gets rejected directly. I don't understand why...

han- 2023-06-06

May I ask what the current status is? Has it been accepted?

han- 2023-06-06

May I ask what is the reason for the rejection?

阿诺泰 2023-03-31

I always feel that what I have done is very mediocre, like a pile of coal. I managed to come up with a coal structure and it was accepted. Then I feel that there is still a lot of room for improvement, such as quantitative calculations and so on. However, I consider myself lucky to have been accepted.
The assigned editor is Gyorgy Tarczay.

Received 11 July 2022
Revised 10 October 2022
Accepted 16 October 2022

做假药的Jack Wang 2023-03-23

According to the review comments, revise and resubmit, and after a full 30 days, it was rejected on the grounds of lack of innovation.

风一样的鱼 2023-02-27

Posted on January 26, 2023
Received revision comments on February 13, 2023
Returned on February 21, 2023
Accepted on February 26, 2023
From submission to acceptance within a month, it's still quite fast.

Nature编外主编 2023-02-12

1.6 Submission
1.21 Received opinions from three reviewers, two rejections and one minor revision. The editor rejected it.
(The reason for rejection was that there was already a similar structure. Wrote a letter to the editor to explain that the reviewers misunderstood and requested withdrawal or minor revision)
1.24 Revised, currently waiting.
Previously submitted an article, now it is becoming increasingly difficult to submit.

4523 2023-02-10

After submitting to the journal, there will be a three-month revision period. There will be five reviewers, which is relatively high for a second-tier journal. I wish you all the best in your endeavors.

lihongdao 2023-01-11

The journal has been upgraded to Zone 2!

慕鱼 2022-11-08

6.26 Submission
6.28 with editor
7.13 under review
10.6 Change of reviewer
Reviewer expected to complete by late October
11.5 Final decision
11.8 Rejection
Waited for over four months, finally got rejected. It's frustrating, couldn't they just give a straightforward answer? It's unpleasant. If I'm not too confident and want to take a chance, I should still be cautious.


Around February, received the reviewer's comments, took about half a month to revise, and another half a month to accept.

4523 2022-08-16

Hello, how long does it take to receive the online publication? Thank you.

miracleF 2022-08-10

This magazine is still quite good. I submitted it during the epidemic period, considering it as the most basic guarantee for graduation. The boss feels embarrassed to mention it to others because he thinks I embarrassed him with this article. Let's submit another high-scoring one in October, hoping to be accepted.

123 2022-08-06

It has been almost two months, and there is no news at all. It's so slow, I'm really frustrated.

xinxin666 2022-08-04

The review speed is fast, and the editor is not too difficult for people. After minor revisions, it was accepted in just one day.

123 2022-07-21

I would need some more context to accurately translate the text, but here is a general translation:

"Submitted one month ago, but still no news. How long will it probably take to receive the revised feedback?"

YPwang 2022-06-14

I don't know what states you have experienced.

YPwang 2022-06-06

Envy, the review process is so fast, I wonder how long it takes from "With editor" to "Under Review".

YPwang 2022-06-06

I don't know how long it took for you to receive a reply after your Under Review.

libi 2022-03-20

I haven't received any news for three months, will I be fired?

大薯条 2022-03-15

After submission, the review process was quick, taking about two days. There were four reviewers, and it took one month to receive their feedback. I had two months to make revisions, and a month and ten days later, I submitted the revised version. One of the reviewers conducted a second review five days later, and the next day I made further revisions. Three days after that, the paper was accepted. In total, the process took less than three months. However, it is slow in terms of being searchable on Web of Science, as it still cannot be found after two months.

libi 2022-03-11

Have you received it, OP?

芃芃不是梵梵 2022-01-14

Submitted on November 1, 2021, revised on December 13, 2021, and accepted on January 4, 2022. The speed was very fast! Thank you, editor Gyorgy Tarczay!

规范和大家 2021-08-04

It has been 12 days and it is still in the hands of the editor. When can I get a result?

规范和大家 2021-07-27

I have been with editor3 for three days already. I'm really worried about getting desk rejected in a few days.

snoopy123 2021-04-25

Instant Impact Factor 3.1

Y天涯 2021-01-28

Posted on August 23, 2020;
Received repair suggestions on September 24, 2020;
Returned on November 15, 2020;
Accepted on December 7, 2020.
The review cycle was 14 days, which is relatively good for a journal. I hope to exceed 3.

玄武盾 2021-01-09

Edit 3 times, hoping to break through 3 times this year.

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