Verified Reviews - ACS Nano
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

薛蛮蛮 2023-03-01

May I ask what is the status of your submission? I submitted on 2.27, and I didn't pay attention to the status for the past two days. Today, it changed to "Under Review". Does this mean it is under review for approval?

PatrickHF 2023-02-28

Suck the good luck of the host.

小奕在努力 2023-02-22

After the second trial, there are, of course, still opinions... Generally, it involves changing the format.

海子言 2023-02-21

What happened to the boss later?

海子言 2023-02-21

Posted on February 8th, and on February 10th, it was assigned to the associate editor (Lifeng Chi). Now, ten days have passed and it is still in the "Associate Editor Assigned" status. I don't know if it has been sent for review or rejected. I see that some of you have sent it for peer review. Can this be seen in the system? Thank you, experts!

EricX 2023-02-20

May I ask if the manuscript entered the "in peer review" status after the revised version was submitted, but before it was accepted? Was there a second round of peer review with reviewer comments afterwards?

masssss 2023-02-11

After the second review response, I finally accepted it.

Messen 2023-02-01

After the major revision, it was rejected. Sigh, it feels like encountering mortal enemies with the two reviewers.

masssss 2023-01-28

Received the second-round comments on 1-26. All four reviewers from the first review passed. The newly submitted fifth reviewer rejected it, so the editor gave another 60 days for revision.

Q+Q 2023-01-26

After making revisions according to the suggestions of the reviewer, the revised manuscript was resubmitted more than 20 days ago. Today, I received a notification requesting further formatting revisions (Accept Pending Formatting Revision for ACS Nano), with an attachment containing numerous modification suggestions from the reviewer (another reviewer made a lot of suggestions as well). However, the editor's letter only mentioned the need for formatting revisions. So, should I make additional revisions based on this reviewer's suggestions and reply within 7 days?

zxlecho 2023-01-15

May I ask if the status of the original poster's submission is "under review" or "in peer review"? After I submitted my manuscript, it has been under the status of "under review" since the second day when it was assigned to the associate editor. It has been three days already, and I'm not sure if it has been sent for review or not.

明天早上吃啥啊 2023-01-14

22.7 Submission, review in one week
Feedback in three weeks, two minor revisions, acceptance after ten days of resubmission
Overall, the speed is very fast

I have submitted to this journal a few times before, and I feel that the editing process is difficult. I wish everyone a smooth submission process.

搬砖民工 2023-01-10

2022.8.27 Submission
2022.10.6 Received review comments, 3 reviewers, 2 minor revisions, 1 major revision, editor requested major revision, 2 months given for revision.
2022.11.27 Returned after revision
2023.1.6 Pre-acceptance, formatting modifications required
2023.1.9 Revised
2023.1.9 Accepted
Overall, the reviewers' comments are very professional.

PatrickHF 2023-01-09

Suck in the luck of the original poster

夏天再见92 2023-01-09

Posted on October 12th, received revision suggestions on November 18th, made minor edits based on the suggestions. Returned with revised suggestions on December 21st, received an acceptance reply on January 8th. Everyone's comments and messages have been very helpful to me, and I hope they can also provide some reference for others~

Unspoken Love 2023-01-07

May I ask if the status "Associate Editor Assigned" has remained at 37? Does this mean it has not been sent for review yet? There was a change of editor during the two-week period, but it has not shown as "in peer review" so far.

今隐其名 2023-01-01

The editor gave half a year's time. If CEJ does not work, then we will try to supplement with experiments.

今隐其名 2023-01-01

Other reviewers requested me to conduct additional experiments. However, due to the ongoing pandemic, I have been staying at home. It will take a long time to return to school and conduct the experiments. Therefore, I decided not to wait (mainly because I feel that even if I conduct the additional experiments, it may not convince the reviewer who rejected the submission).

oneoneone 2022-12-30

The chance of resubmission after rejection is quite high, you can give it another try.

今隐其名 2022-12-29

Less than a week for review, half a month for feedback, two minor revisions, one major revision, one rejection. The editor requested a resubmission after modification, but the rejected party stated that the material lacked innovation and rejected it outright. I feel that even with further revisions, it would be impossible to convince the rejecting party, so I decided to submit it to CEJ instead.

Railgun 2022-12-24

I was also rejected directly by this editor without being reviewed.

卢笛 2022-12-21

Submitted on September 6th, 2022, reviewed within two weeks. Feedback on October 6th, with one major revision and one minor revision, allowing for two months. Returned on November 21st, accepted on December 16th, and proofreading on December 20th. It took three months for acceptance, which is relatively fast. The assigned editor is Professor Kotov.

showhand 2022-12-20

May I ask how long it will take to formally accept after modifying the format?

EricX 2022-12-16

It's almost the same time as you mentioned earlier. Ali was also assigned on the 8th, but there is still no news until now. I feel very panicked.

xiaozi 2022-12-16

2022.12.06, submission.
2022.12.09, assigned to associate editor Ali Javey.
2022.12.16, rejected without review.
It is recommended to avoid this guy Ali, as he is very unfriendly towards Chinese people.

阿系好 2022-12-07

2022.11.05 submit
2022.11.06 assigned to editor_Editor: Kazunori Kataoka
2022.11.15 editor reject, suggesting submission to ACS Applied Bio Materials
ACS Nano's review process depends heavily on the editor, and the quality of the article may not be the key factor (it's like sour grapes if we can't taste the grapes), just like Wolfgang being friendly to Chinese people.

xiuxing 2022-11-29

11.15 submitted
11.17 assigned to Editor
11.29 editor reject
Keep practicing!

阿斯顿飞规就 2022-11-16

First review for minor modifications, it has been a month and a half for the second review and still no news, too slow.

masssss 2022-11-13

Posted on October 10th.
Received reviewer comments on November 13th. There were four reviewers, and two of them rejected the submission. The editor requested major revisions.
The article is deemed difficult to publish, as it is not good enough.

糖水水水水 2022-11-09

2022.10.30 submit
2022.11.01 Assigned to editor
2022.11.08 editor reject, recommend submitting to ACS Applied Nano Materials, a rapidly growing journal in the past two years with an impact factor of 6, listed as Q2 in Web of Science, and classified as a second-tier journal in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Currently discussing with the advisor whether to transfer the submission.

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