Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Maggiemmzz 2023-07-22

It took 5 months, with one reviewer from Korea, one from India, and one from an unknown location. The Korean and Indian reviewers were mainly concerned with the organization of their articles. The Indian reviewer was the most exaggerated, providing 9 suggestions that were not particularly deep or difficult, mainly adding some basic information and improving the introduction. After all, the initial submission was a letter, and many things should not have been included. The other reviewer had strict requirements and insisted on clearly labeling a certain XPS peak. I think he must have known what the peak was, as he had a lot of experience in this field. At that time, I speculated that he might be involved in adsorption-related research. In the end, I forced myself to read a lot of material and finally understood it. However, because there were no other corresponding characterization methods and no similar analysis experience, I felt uncertain. The initial submission was a letter, but due to the many comments from the reviewers, it turned into an article. Due to various reasons, I had to personally write and change the order of the authors. The journal has a low impact factor and the reviewers' opinions were mixed, but the editorial handling speed was acceptable. It took 5 months to complete this paper, and looking back, I realized that I made things more difficult for myself. The important thing is that the journal did not reject it and accepted the paper. This paper is truly a masterpiece, and I have to praise myself for being talented. Of course, the most important thing is to be grateful for the journal's acceptance.

Maggiemmzz 2023-07-22

17-Jul-23 Editor Decision - Accept as Is
26-Jun-23 Editor Decision - Minor Revision
20-Jun-23 Editor Decision - Minor Revision
30-May-23 Editor Decision - Minor Revision
16-Mar-23 Editor Decision - Major Revision
22-Feb-23 AU - Submission Confirmation

17-Jul-23 Editor Decision - Accept as Is
26-Jun-23 Editor Decision - Minor Revision
20-Jun-23 Editor Decision - Minor Revision
30-May-23 Editor Decision - Minor Revision
16-Mar-23 Editor Decision - Major Revision
22-Feb-23 AU - Submission Confirmation

嗨嗨 2023-06-20

May I ask what is the situation?

小耳朵图图1357 2023-02-14

Hello, I would like to ask how the final result is. My status changed from "under review" to "review completed" on the second day, and I don't know what happened. I feel very anxious.

DUTLX 2022-12-07

It has been two weeks since submission, and it is still in the submitted status. Is this normal?

DUTLX 2022-11-30

It has been one week since submission, but it is still in the submitted status. Is this normal?

qianxiy 2022-11-22

I also received an email saying to proofread, but there was no proofreading link. How did you solve this?

xkx2020 2022-11-22

Posted on August 21st, under review on September 16th, the dates remained unchanged during this period. On November 17th, I wrote a letter to the editor to inquire about the status of the review. On November 18th, it showed that the review was completed, and on November 19th, in the early morning, it was rejected. After the rejection, they mentioned that if the article is significantly revised according to the reviewers' comments, it can be resubmitted. However, there were only four comments from the reviewers, and none of them were major issues or provided any guidance. I am truly speechless about this journal and its editor. If they wanted to reject it, they should have just done it instead of dragging it for a whole three months!!

I hope my submission experience can provide reference for colleagues in the same field. Be cautious when submitting to this journal!!!

不知起什么名字 2022-11-21

I am too, what was the result for you later?

KEYAN 2022-11-19

Please pay attention to the email message from the communication author and wait patiently.

qianxiy 2022-11-16

It has been two weeks since the article submission and I still haven't received any feedback. Should I send a reminder letter? How long did it take for everyone else to receive theirs?

qianxiy 2022-11-05

I am a review that was completed only half a month later. When I was rejected by other magazines before, I had a situation similar to yours.

lylyly123 2022-11-04

Hello, after I submitted my contribution, the status changed to "review completed." Did you have this status at that time? Thank you.

lylyly123 2022-11-04

Hello, my submission showed "review completed" two days after I submitted it. Did you see this message after you reviewed it? Thank you.

助教 2022-11-02

Original text: 楼主,想问您多久后收到校稿消息的
Translation: OP, I would like to ask how long it took for you to receive the revised manuscript notification.

qianxiy 2022-10-29

22.7.19 Submission
22.9.1 Rejected with the possibility to resubmit after major revisions
22.9.27 Resubmitted after carefully addressing each point raised in the review
22.10.13 Minor revisions
22.10.28 Revised and resubmitted
Special thanks to the electronic materials journal and the reviewing editor for their valuable suggestions for submission.

qianxiy 2022-10-12

After being rejected for a month and a half, I resubmitted my submission. There were two reviewers, one of them had fewer comments and the modifications were easy to make. However, the other reviewer pointed out crucial issues that needed to be addressed. I made modifications accordingly and resubmitted my work. It has been 20 days since then, and I am anxiously waiting for the results, unsure of what they will be.

lichuan123 2022-10-11

Quite fast, I was hired three months later.

wayne667 2022-09-08

It has been almost a month since Editor Assigned after submission. Is this normal?

hhxx11 2022-09-03

There should be two reviewers, it should be adding a reviewer.

likelihood2025 2022-08-31

Hello, how many reviewers are you? Have you encountered a situation where the review is completed and then it is under review again?

likelihood2025 2022-08-31

I want to ask how many reviewers are needed for this journal. Why does it say "review completed" and then "under review" again?

hhxx11 2022-08-10

6.21 Submission
6.27 With editor
6.30 Under review
7.22 Minor revisions
8.2 Revised
8.9 Accepted


How are articles that are not selected for open access charged?

小熊饼干Pro 2022-04-27

2022.4.24 Submission
2022.4.27 Editor Assignment Pending

xf1 2022-04-08

2022.1.18 Submission
Around 2022.2.22, there was a major revision, with few comments from reviewers and simple modifications. There were more suggestions from the editor, but they were mostly related to formatting and relatively simple.
2022.3.1 Revision
2022.3.18 Acceptance
The entire process from submission to acceptance took two months, including a major revision, and both the editor and reviewers were not overly critical. It is a good journal.

GSS好耶 2022-02-23

There are several reviewers, and their feedback is constructive. The review process is also very fast, but I am slow at making revisions myself.

xf1 2022-02-17

Friends, my paper showed "review completed" on the 12th, then on the 14th it changed again to "review completed," and on the 16th it changed to "editor assignment pending." Have you ever encountered this situation?

xf1 2022-02-17

Hello, I also submitted a paper to JEM and would like to consult about a question: On the 12th, my paper showed "review completed," then on the 14th, it changed again to "review completed," and on the 16th, it changed to "editor assignment pending." Have you encountered this situation before?

huzhengfei 2022-02-09

It has been 20 days since receiving, but still haven't received any follow-up messages. Is this normal?

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