Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

一贱封神 2022-12-15

9.20 submitted
9.23 with editor
9.25 under review
9.26 under review
10.7 required reviews completed
10.10 required reviews completed
10.20 required reviews completed
The status changed multiple times, and after the first review, there were six reviewers, and the editor also provided four or five suggestions.
Returned after half a month of revisions
12.11 accepted
In the field of electromagnetic absorption, overall, the editor's handling efficiency is fast, but there are too many reviewers. Unfortunately, it will be dropped to the second tier next year.

small biao 2022-12-13

20221122 Submitted
20221123 with editor
20221126 with editor (date change)
20221212 under review (submitted for review 20 days later, during this time was in a rush to prepare for the next journal)
20221213 under review (date change)
Wishing for good luck...

CDnatureCD 2022-12-10

It has been a week already, and there are still no results. They should reject it earlier. Sigh...

ztt 2022-12-02

I am also a 6+1, and accepted over 60 suggestions after the second revision.

Sakura0531 2022-11-30

I have tried several journals in the first district, but finally considering submitting to the second district. I think this journal is pretty good. The editorial processing speed is very fast. The comments from the reviewers are also very fair and helpful in improving the quality of the article. This is my first article during my master's degree.

CDnatureCD 2022-11-27

Are you guys this fast? How did it turn out? I had a reviewer who finished reviewing in just one day. It made me panic and lose it.

CDnatureCD 2022-11-27

May I ask, regarding my submission, if the fact that a reviewer completed the review in just one day means it has been rejected? Otherwise, it would be too quick...

CDnatureCD 2022-11-27

Submitted in the morning on the 11th to the 25th, reviewed and submitted in the afternoon. Two reviewers reviewed and accepted the review. On the 27th, the system displayed that one reviewer had completed the review. It was done in just one day. Did something go wrong, or is this reviewer just too fast? Any brothers who have had the same experience?

皮蛋瘦肉周周 2022-11-26

Thank you to the chief editor for arranging six reviewers, plus seven more, for the major revision.

xiaotangT 2022-11-26

What happened to you in the end?

xiaotangT 2022-11-26

How are you? Mine is the same. It changed the date once when it was 11 days old, and today it has become "Decision in Process."

pc-co 2022-11-25

Will the district meeting be assigned to Zone 2 this year?

江江 2022-11-25

2022.9.29 Submission
10.1 Editing
10.3 External review
11.4 Major revision
11.21 Revised
11.25 Accepted
It took nearly 2 months, and the efficiency was very high. Thank you to the editor and the reviewers.

Dr.tan 2022-11-22

The processing speed is really fast, without wasting time.

Dr.tan 2022-11-22

Submitted after 10 PM on November 20th, received notification at 7 AM on the 21st, unsuitable...

xiaotangT 2022-11-20

My "with editor" has changed the date for more than ten days, and now I don't know what to do.

xiaotangT 2022-11-20

My also changed the date in 10 days. May I ask the original poster if yours has been submitted for final review?

xiaotangT 2022-11-20

Is it receiving or something like that? The manuscript review is so fast, right?

xiaotangT 2022-11-20

I want to ask, has it already been completed?

CNS锋 2022-11-14

2022-01-21 accepted
2022-01-16 minor revision
2022-12-27 resubmitted
2022-11-25 major revision
2022-11-14 required reviews completed
2022-11-07 submitted

2022-01-21 accepted
2022-01-16 minor revision
2022-12-27 resubmitted
2022-11-25 major revision
2022-11-14 required reviews completed
2022-11-07 submitted

事了拂衣去 2022-11-13

Mine is also like this, may I ask if the editor asked you to transfer?

NATHANIEL-C 2022-11-13

What's the situation? Are you going to switch to another publisher or reject the offer?

大空 2022-11-12

Original text: 楼主请问你的当时under review这么久过程中,under review的日期会变化吗?我的从最开始的under review快45天了一直都是最初的日期

Translation: OP, may I ask if the date of "under review" changes during the long process? Mine has been "under review" for almost 45 days from the very beginning, and the date has remained the same.

NATHANIEL-C 2022-11-10

How is everyone doing?

NATHANIEL-C 2022-11-10

How are you? Did he change the date with the editor? Is it going to be reviewed soon?

NATHANIEL-C 2022-11-10

Hello, may I ask why the date suddenly changed in the editor and there is no response?

sxliy 2022-11-09

Given 45 days for major repairs, is it possible and appropriate to plan for completing the repairs 20 days earlier (i.e., making modifications in about 20 days)?

sxliy 2022-11-09

I have been given a period of 45 days for major repairs, but I plan to finish them 20 days earlier (which means I will make modifications for around 20 days). Is it possible? Is it appropriate?

baobao-xiaowang 2022-11-08

The translation of the text into English is: "If the Instant IF=7.27, it's certain that we will surpass 10 this year. Hope things keep getting better."

Taqiangrentaqiang 2022-11-05

Surfactant direction. Submitted on August 3, 2022, with editor on the same day. Sent for review on August 21, 2022. Received review comments on September 4, 2022 (major revision, minor revision). Responded to review comments on September 19, 2022, with editor on the same day. Resubmitted on October 1, 2022. Accepted on October 21, 2022. The editor, Prof. Vijay T. John, took a relatively long time, and the handling speed of the manuscript was relatively slow. I have submitted to this journal multiple times, and the speed of editing by J. Eastoe is the fastest, with rejection or review usually within three days.

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