Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

margot 2023-02-10

The first two times are written in reverse.

margot 2023-02-10

2022.11.17 submitted
2022.11.15 under review
Major revision
2023.1.9 accepted
The review process was very fast! Thanks to the editor and reviewers.

hello2015 2023-02-07

Jan 29 submitted
Feb 7 with editor
It would have been better to reject it earlier.
Is this journal always this slow?

复制粘贴 2023-02-02

It has been four days and there is still no news about the decision in process.
2.6 transfer
Rejected transfer, already invested elsewhere.

Leon_1995 2023-01-30

What is the final result? My application has been "with editor" for 17 days, and on the 18th day, it directly changed to "decision in progress". I only did the superficial materials, and I feel uneasy inside.

哒哒鸭 2023-01-30

After two reviewers completed their reviews, the third reviewer completed theirs half a month later. On January 22nd, they provided major revisions. Surprisingly, all three reviewers suggested minor revisions, while the editor suggested major revisions. The editor mentioned eight to nine formatting issues, such as abbreviations in the title. However, there were no abbreviations in my title.

Does this mean that the editor is not satisfied with the article? Has anyone encountered a similar situation?

放牛娃 2023-01-26

What happened afterwards?

放牛娃 2023-01-26

1.24 Submitted with editor
1.26 Checked and found Decision in Process for 1.25
It's like this before external review, any friends who have experienced this situation, please let me know if I am screwed.

皮蛋瘦肉周周 2023-01-25

Submission Experience
2022-11-04 Submitted
2022-11-04 With Editor/Under Review (Submitted on the same day, sent for external review within 2 hours)
2022-11-25 Major Revision (7 reviewers, one of them requested DFT+U/D3)
2023-01-04 Under Review (Received reviewer comments)
2023-01-23 Minor Revision
2023-01-24 With Editor
2023-01-24 Accept

The biggest achievement at the end of 2022: JCIS from Zone 2 to Zone 1.

big白 2023-01-25

20221222 Submitted to journal
20221222 With Editor
20221225 Under Review
20230103 Revision
20230120 With Editor
20230124 Under Review
20230124 Accept

The journal is very efficient. It only took a month, although the revision took almost half a month, which caused a slight delay. There were two reviewers, one minor revision and one direct acceptance.

sky9 2023-01-20

2022.12.30 Submission
2023.1.1 with editor
2023.1.11 Time changed to 1.8, but still with editor
2023.1.17 Decision in process
1.20 Received email suggesting transfer

zhw5984 2023-01-19

This journal has been submitted and accepted several times. Each time, there were at least 4 reviewers, and sometimes even 6. However, the editor usually sets 2 reviewers as the main reviewers to show that the review process is complete. I think that unless the first two reviewers give particularly positive or negative evaluations, the editor will wait for the remaining reviewers to complete their reviews.

大空 2023-01-17

12.28 Major Revision translated into English is "12.28 Gran Revisión."

哒哒鸭 2023-01-16

My submission was on December 30th, and on January 7th, it showed "review completed" with two reviewers finishing their reviews. It has been ten days, but the editor still hasn't provided any feedback. I feel like it's a similar situation to yours. It's possible that one reviewer's feedback was not good, while the other one was good, or maybe both were not good. The editor might be waiting for feedback from other reviewers. Currently, there are no other reviewers accepting review invitations, which makes me a bit anxious.

sky9 2023-01-16

It has been 17 days with editor, is it normal?

牛通的鹏博士 2023-01-05

Recently, it has indeed been fast.

牛通的鹏博士 2023-01-05

1.3 submitted, 1.5 under review, it's really fast. Hopefully, the outcome will be good.

ZHU BAONIAN 2023-01-01

Brothers, is it normal for editor 13 to take 13 days?

电池打工人 2022-12-28

I want to submit an article, but I can't open his "Guide for Authors". Can anyone please send me the formatting requirements?

Xinglong_Li 2022-12-28

Take it easy. My three reviewers provided their feedback within less than half a month. I can't believe how fast they were.

发篇AFM 2022-12-28

12.27 Receive

大空 2022-12-27

12.25 required reviews completed.

发篇AFM 2022-12-25

10.22 First review, two minors and two majors, the editor gave a major revision, took 40 days.
11.25 First review revision, four reviewers had over 40 questions, although most of them were repetitive.
12.20 Second review. Three acceptances and one reviewer asked three minor questions.
12.21 Second review revision. Submitted to the editor on the same day.

Huiming Yin 2022-12-22

Posted on 9.21, major revision on 10.11; revised on 11.4, returned on 11.19, continued major revision; revised on 11.23; minor revision on 11.28; revised on 12.07, faced many obstacles along the way, finally accepted on 12.25.

Huiming Yin 2022-12-22

How long did it take for the final revised submission to be accepted? I have been waiting for 2 weeks since I submitted my third revision, and it still shows "with editor". I'm not sure what's going on.

baobao-xiaowang 2022-12-21

Congratulations, the latest District 1, with an IF of 8.2 in 2023, passing 10 next year is not a problem.

雪域上行 2022-12-19

10.9 Submission (sent for review after one hour); 10.23 Major revision (4 reviewers + editor issues, one reviewer refused); 11.28 Return; 12.12 Major revision (the reviewer who refused raised a few questions for me to answer); 12.15 Return; 12.19 Acceptance (received the news of the World Cup final in the early morning, the editor should not be watching the game, still dealing with the manuscript at that time). Chief editor Martin Malmsten is very responsible, the speed is really super fast, no further review was sent to the reviewers for the second review. Overall, responding to the reviewer's comments was quite challenging, but I dealt with it positively and maintained a good attitude.

一贱封神 2022-12-17

Next year, there will only be an upgraded version, so you will know which district it is by looking at the upgraded version.

大空 2022-12-17

It has been under review for 80 days, it's so difficult. I have urged once, but the under review date has changed, and it's been too long. I heard that this magazine might even lower its standards. I'm getting frustrated waiting. TAT

small biao 2022-12-16

If you don't understand, just ask. How did we drop to the second zone next year? Can it be seen from somewhere? Please advise.

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