Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

胖嘟嘟 2021-03-31

Hello, I am an editor like you, but in my revision comments, there are suggestions given by the editor, one of which is about the error estimate. I am not sure if it is a system template. May I ask if you have any suggestions given by the editor in your revision? Urgently awaiting your reply, thank you very much.

lybf 2021-03-30

Rejected by the editor after 16 days, I had to submit to Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. It's really shameless. If they didn't want it, they should have just said so directly. After 20 days of submission, they now say it is not suitable for this journal. I really want to send an email and scold this stupid editor.

胖嘟嘟 2021-03-30

Hello, what is the editor's review comment to you? Is there any comment related to error analysis?

胖嘟嘟 2021-03-30

Hello, have you also received the editor's comments? Does yours include an error analysis?

qwert123 2021-03-30

It has been 8 days in the editor's hands and there is still no news.

lybf 2021-03-29

It has been 13 days in the hands of the editor and still hasn't been reviewed. There have been changes in the status and dates during this period.

qwert123 2021-03-29

Did you ultimately submit it for review or was it rejected?

qwert123 2021-03-29

Did you finally submit for review or were you rejected?

qwert123 2021-03-28

How long will it take with the editor? Has it been submitted for review or rejected?

qwert123 2021-03-28

How long does it take for the editor to review it, and whether it is approved or rejected.

janet66 2021-03-28

May I ask if it is necessary to reply to the editor's comments one by one?

CESHINE 2021-03-26

I recently submitted 2 articles, with 2 reviewers, who had specific requirements for the abstract and conclusion writing. What is more annoying is that both reviewers agreed to accept them, but the editor still demanded further polishing. I will not submit to this journal in the future.

打工人人 2021-03-23

Submission experience:
Submitted on December 4, 2020
Major revision on January 18, 2021
Major revision on February 8, 2021
Revised response on March 2, 2021
Status changed to under review on March 3, 2021
Accepted on March 22, 2021

Taitan 2021-03-05

December 1st: Submitted with editor.
December 4th: Under review.
December 17th: Major revision, one month.

爱吃醋 2021-03-05

I submitted it on February 26th, had an editor on the 27th, and it's still with the editor on the 4th. However, the dates have changed. Has anyone experienced this before? What's going on?

paper多多不要秃头 2021-03-05

I also invested at 2.25 and it is still in the hands of the editor.

janet66 2021-03-04

Excuse me, do I need to reply to the feedback provided by the editor separately? Or is there a template that everyone uses?

me. 2021-03-04

2-24 Submission
2-25 with editor until now
How long does this cycle usually take? I'm getting impatient waiting.

paper多多不要秃头 2021-03-02

Sorry, I've been slacking off. It's been six days with the editor and still no news.

paper多多不要秃头 2021-03-02

May I ask when will you guys submit the final review? I have already submitted it for six days, but still haven't received any news.

爱吃醋 2021-03-01

Did you submit your article for review?

爱吃醋 2021-03-01

Hello, may I please ask how long it takes for your article to be reviewed after editing? Thank you.

Taitan 2021-02-23

2020.12.1 Submission
2021.02.8 Acceptance
It took about two months in total, and the editing process was very fast. Three reviewers were assigned, and their questions were very professional. I was given major revisions, but I had plenty of time to complete them. The journal has now been upgraded to the top-tier zone. I hope the journal continues to improve! Best wishes for successful submissions to everyone!

QSD 2021-02-17

May I ask how many days have passed since the result was released? It has been 8 days since my submission has been with the editor, and I have not received any updates.

zhuifeng2012 2021-01-22

I have been with editor10 for 10 days, still no news!

nixiaK 2021-01-22

My editing has been in progress for 5 days, and I don't know what the outcome will be.

nixiaK 2021-01-22

It has been 5 days and I am still with the editor. I am quite anxious.

Wetting 2021-01-21

Oct 6, 2020, Submit
Oct 7, 2020, With Editor
Oct 8, 2020, Minor Revision
Oct 28, 2020, Revision Submitted to Journal
Oct 31, 2020, Under Review
Nov 20, 2020, Major Revision
Dec 31, 2020, Revision Submitted to Journal
Dec 31, 2020, With Editor
Jan 2, 2020, Under Review
Jan 19, 2020, Accept

The editor in the early stage requested revisions, mainly regarding the format of the abstract and conclusion. After making the revisions according to the editor's suggestions, the paper was resubmitted. There were three reviewers, one accepted the paper, one suggested minor revisions, and one rejected it (mainly due to dissatisfaction with the level of innovation). The editor provided a major revision period of 45 days. After resubmission, the paper was accepted 19 days later.

The editor handled the manuscript quite quickly! Thanks to editor Prof. Julian Eastoe and the three reviewers.

I hope this information will be helpful to everyone. Good luck with your submissions!

企鹅号 2021-01-11

There are calculation methods online.

ScienceD 2021-01-10

2020.10.24 Submitted
2020.11.22 Major Revise
2020.12.30 Submitted R1
2020.12.31 Accepted
2021.1.5 Online
2021.1.9 Proof.

The overall level of the journal is quite high, and the review and processing speed are particularly fast (the status of the article has been constantly updated throughout the Christmas and New Year holidays). The editorial department and publishing department are also very responsible, especially thanks to Editor Pro. Max. Lu.

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