Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

打工森 2021-07-30

The submission-to-acceptance process took 75 days, and the speed and attitude of the journal were really impressive. Wishing you even greater success in the future.

Min_1 2021-07-27

Did the editor finally receive any news?

yquer 2021-07-25

The speed of reviewing the manuscript is absolutely top-notch. I received minor revisions within half a month of submission, with only two small issues. After making the revisions, the editor accepted them directly. They are really efficient. I wish the journal continued to improve and prosper.

蓝色极光 2021-07-20

It has been 8 days in the editor's hands, and still no news. It's estimated to be a lost cause.

yjfyjf 2021-07-20

5.28 submitted, reviewed the next day, major revisions on 6.20, revised on 7.19, accepted on 7.20, quickly, giving a thumbs up to the editor.

原原原原原原 2021-07-19

5.11 Submitted
5.12 With editor
5.13 Under review
6.12 Major revision
7.5 Resubmitted
7.6 Minor revision
7.16 Resubmitted & with editor
7.18 Accept

Editor: Max Lu, Academician Lu has a high requirement for the language of the article.
This journal has two reviewers, the questions are not too difficult, and the speed is good. With the steady increase in Impact Factor (IF) and the upgrade of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) to Division One, the journal's influence is also constantly improving.

Hall202120 2021-07-09

Hello, how many days will it take for you to review it?

魂淡 2021-07-09

Submitted before May 1st, reviewed during the May 1st period, the manuscript took more than 20 days to return. After significant revisions for a week, it was directly accepted by the editor. Overall, it took about a month.

baobao-xiaowang 2021-06-28

Submission sharing, want to win early, directly submit this; the quality of the article is okay, the final work of the master's degree;
5.5. Manuscript uploaded; directly with editor afterwards;
5.6. Manuscript assigned with a reference number;
5.9. Under review;
5.23. Under review;
6.8. Required reviews completed;
6.12. Minor revision, two reviewers, over ten questions, very helpful for improving details;
6.15. Revision submitted to the journal, then with editor;
6.20. Minor revision, grammar modified;
6.22. Revision submitted to the journal, then with editor;
6.27. Accepted;
Thanks to my master's supervisor, Prof. Max Lu, PhD, the editor, and Dr. Xiao, who helped with grammar corrections.

心慌慌的天才可可豆 2021-06-23

4.10 submit - Submitted on April 10th.
4.18 under review - Currently being reviewed since April 18th.
5.19 major revision - Requires significant revisions as of May 19th.
6.12 revision submitted - Revised version was submitted on June 12th.
6.22 accept - Accepted on June 22nd.

qwert123 2021-06-21

"Start with editor for 11 days of review, everyone please do not worry."

五楼预言家 2021-06-11

4.25 submit
4.26 under review
5.15 major revision with three reviewers and an editor (editor mainly for language and conclusion formatting)
6.8 revision submitted
6.9 required reviews completed
6.10 accept
Prof. Martin Malmsten
This speed can be considered quite fast, considering the volume of journal submissions. Therefore, there are ample opportunities for submission. Additionally, the quality of recently published articles in press is not low, making it worth investment.

jiao13 2021-06-08

Translated into English: Transferred from Carbon, the result was in the hands of the editor for over ten days, without being submitted for review, and was directly rejected. I really want to comment on that Chinese editor.

leobye 2021-06-07

"Under review" means under inspection.

zzy666 2021-05-25

May I ask if your paper status does not show "Required Reviews Completed"? How did it go from under review directly to the revision stage?

zzy666 2021-05-25

What does "送审" mean in text? After I submitted my contribution, it went through over a week of "under review" and then it showed "Required Reviews Completed". I'm not sure about the specific processes involved.

陈sir 2021-05-23

The direction of photocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen production has been switched from Carbon to the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Three days later, it will be with the editor. Two days later, it will be sent for review. After one month, the reviewer's comments will be received. The revised manuscript will be accepted on the third day. Overall, the process is very fast.

leobye 2021-05-22

Submitted on March 4th, reviewed on March 7th.
Required reviews completed on April 8th, and major revisions were given 45 days.
Revised on April 25th, reviewed on April 26th.
Required reviews completed on May 3rd, and accepted on the same day.
Overall, the speed and efficiency are quite high.

baobao-xiaowang 2021-05-20

How long is your paper "Under Review"?

yangye 2021-05-17

How long did it take for your required reviewers to complete?

搬砖人zls 2021-05-10

I have been for three days. I have already been rejected twice before, and I am very nervous.


Journals have very high requirements for the integrity and logical coherence of articles, and the review process is also very fast! Received on November 25, 2020. Revised on March 5, 2021. Accepted on March 8, 2021.

创新者 2021-04-24

2.3 submit, 2.4 with editor, 2.5 Under review, 2.19 Major revised 45 days, 3.31 submit 4.2 Under, 4.12 accept, the speed of the first review is very fast, and the efficiency is very high. Thank you, editor Shaobin Wang.

科研民工小张 2021-04-23

3 bottom submissions, under review quickly. In mid-April, editorial comments will be provided, with two minor revisions. 7 days later, resubmission for further revision, and acceptance 3 days after that.

qq572020211 2021-04-23

This journal is still quite easy, compared to CEJ. Let's get the results out as soon as possible.

小小白杨 2021-04-15

The journal is very friendly, and the editor is Professor Zheng Gengfeng from Fudan University. He is very nice. I would like to thank Professor Zheng and the two reviewers.

Submitted on February 22nd, it was reviewed the next day.
Received the reviewer's comments on March 29th, minor revisions required.
Received the reviewer's comments on April 10th.
Accepted on April 15th.

QUNM 2021-04-07

2021. 02. 02 Submission, under review.
2021. 02. 17 Required reviews completed.
2021. 02. 18 Major revision, three reviewers + editor.
2021. 03. 18 With editor.
2021. 03. 24 Required reviews completed.
2021. 03. 30 Required reviews completed.
2021. 03. 30 Accepted.

leobye 2021-04-06

How many reviewers do you have?

就爱吃小梅子 2021-04-01

2021.03.15 On the day of submission, under review
2021.03.23 Major revision
2021.03.29 With editor
2021.03.30 Accept
A very fast journal, after two revisions and one rejection from the Journal of Membrane Science, it was transferred to JCIS and accepted within half a month.

胖嘟嘟 2021-03-31

Hello, I am the same editor as you. May I ask if there are any suggestions from the editor in your revision comments? My editor gave me nine, one of which is about error estimates. I am not sure if it is a template or written by the editor themselves. Our team has not encountered this issue before, so I don't know how to respond. If you see this, please reply. Thank you very much.

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