Verified Reviews - Journal of Cleaner Production
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

城主· 2023-07-15

Also, it has been a month with the editor. Previously, I received a response in three days. Why is it so slow this time? Is it because the impact factor has just been released, so they can take their time?

棒棒糖大仙 2023-07-15

July 9th issue submitted
July 10th, jingmeng
Until now, with editor
Isn't it tragic? It wasn't this slow before.

大杀特杀sci 2023-07-15

Hey bro, how are you doing? Did you receive it?

醒来 2023-07-15

He usually doesn't go to work, he really appreciates it.

醒来 2023-07-15

Me too, it's been a month and a half and it hasn't been reviewed yet. Is he not working? Wah wah wah.

醒来 2023-07-15

I am the same as you!! It has been a month and a half and it hasn't been reviewed yet.

城主· 2023-07-15

2023.7.12 - Submit to journal
2023.7.14 - With editor, handled by Executive Editor Panos Seferlis, PhD.

大杀特杀sci 2023-07-15

I am also this editor...

大杀特杀sci 2023-07-15

I and you are both editors. We only submitted on the 7th of May, and it was already assigned to him on the 6th of July. Up until now.

科研小菜鸡 2023-07-15

Jun 24, 2023 Submission
Jun 26, 2023 With Editor
Jul 12, 2023 Under Review

yyyaccept 2023-07-15

2023-7-14, three reviewers, dip is estimated to be in a tragic condition soon.

康帅 2023-07-14

Dr. Zuo Jian is truly professional and responsible. He helped me with my thesis in the past. Zuo Jian is a very fluent teacher.

城主· 2023-07-14

How are you all doing? I am also the Executive Editor, Panos Seferlis, PhD. and I cried.

DokiDoki 2023-07-14

My editor is also Jing Meng. How is the speed? It has been 10 days with no news. Did you send emails to urge or did the editor change automatically at the scheduled time? Sigh.

AAlice 2023-07-14

I am also this editor. I don't know if I'm fast or not. Executive Editor Panos Seferlis, PhD.

hoilc 2023-07-14

How about Kathleen Aviso as an editor?

小跑车 2023-07-14

The review speed is not very clear.

醒来 2023-07-14

Posted on June 6, 2023, with editor on June 7. It's still with the editor today, July 14. It's too slow. The editor is Panos Seferlis.

城主· 2023-07-13

Did you transfer your submission? I wonder if the journal recommended for transfer will have a better chance of acceptance.

城主· 2023-07-13

Last time, I was her, and then I was directly rejected because of the scope. Now, I made some changes and submitted it again...

城主· 2023-07-13

Excuse me, was it rejected after review based on the reviewer's comments? I am in the field of landscape architecture, and I feel that our research directions may be quite similar. I'm not sure if this direction can be accepted. I previously received a desk reject without any feedback, but I saw someone in our field had their work published.

唐老鸭 2023-07-12

Very good, very good, very good.

hjg89 2023-07-12

My editor is Jin Mingzhou, assigned on 6.21. It hasn't been reviewed yet, and other authors haven't confirmed either.

唐老鸭呀1付款的肌肤的数量的思考大 2023-07-11

Very good, very nice.

樱桃小王子 2023-07-11

Excuse me, is it normal for dip20 to take 20 days? The previous steps were relatively fast, should I remind them?

bizhong888 2023-07-10

My things have never changed the date, this is too long.

env1688 2023-07-10

It's quite quick. It's considered relatively friendly. The editors and reviewers provided a lot of suggestions, and of course, they also decided to reject it. They also recommended some suitable journals to take a look at.

dragonlord 2023-07-10

Jun 30 RRC, no changes so far, is it normal?

陈dqdq 2023-07-10

2023.07.06 Submitted to journal
2023.07.07 With editor

Translation: The text indicates that on July 6th, 2023, a submission was made to a journal. On July 7th, it is mentioned that the submission is with the editor.

攀西阳光 2023-07-10

I have been with the editor for 20 days.

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