Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

XIAOQI 2021-07-11

The submission was rejected after more than two months, citing a lack of innovation. It would have been better not to have submitted it for review, as it only wasted time.

井晚打老虎2500245760 2021-07-09

The day after submission, it was quickly rejected. The speed was quite fast. The submission has not yet met the quality standards of IJMS in terms of language, depth of analysis, and presentation. However, if you make significant improvements, I would welcome a resubmission.

Smile 2021-07-06

Did everyone vote again?

Smile 2021-07-06

Is it possible to vote again? Mine is also similar.

起个ID真难啊 2021-07-05

21:13 - Editing assignment
21:17 - Rejection

Maybe it's because my writing is not good enough, but I have to give full marks for the speed of this rejection. It's really fast to review and write an email in just four minutes.

科研小渣渣 2021-07-01

I was under review the second day after submission. I wanted to ask if it takes one month for you to go from submission to acceptance?

dddddd小白 2021-06-29

Really fast, the revised draft was submitted on the same day and accepted on the same day.

科研小渣渣 2021-06-24

Before, I was also rejected basically on the same day or the next day, without even having the opportunity to be reviewed.

南山之巅 2021-06-24

The reviewer made a basic judgment, anyway it was rejected because it lacked innovation. The articles thought to be acceptable were rejected. Ah, there's nothing we can do, we can only submit elsewhere. The first article didn't go well, everyone should complain less, it's time to go work hard.

白雪皑皑 2021-06-24

This journal is still acceptable and it is appropriate to place it in the second district. Every journal has some irrelevant content. IJMS is considered acceptable in the field of mechanics. Do not overestimate your own work, and do not think that a journal is not good just because it rejects your submission.

魔符孔刘 2021-06-24

The field of mechanics is still a good journal, although it has its flaws, but it's not as bad as people say.

农夫抓捕毒蛇 2021-06-23

A chubby man who is about to turn thirty but looks chou (ugly) and old, can't accomplish anything, yet cares about his reputation. He has a bit of poor ambition and should rather think about how to go home.

农夫抓捕毒蛇 2021-06-23

If you have the capability, post it on here. Post more articles if you can. If you don't have the capability, go back to your hometown and study at a university while growing sweet potatoes.

confi 2021-06-17

I also replied with the same response, and added, "Give me an Elsevier journal search website and choose a suitable journal..."
Did the original poster successfully change their submission?

zt133474 2021-06-12

I think some articles in this journal are better than the machining tool. The machining tool is too arrogant.

小小发几篇 2021-06-09

The reply was exactly the same. Since my boss had previously published many articles and had a good number of citations, he directly sent a long email to counter it. Then he submitted to another journal.

乌贼鱼00 2021-06-02

Which school are you from? Let me open my eyes. Dalian University of Technology, Institute of Mechanical Science and Engineering (IJMS), is one of the top colleges.

打扫垃圾 2021-06-01

Just go along with this kind of foolishness. With a bear's head and a pig's body, he has been working on his PhD for five or six years and still hasn't produced a decent paper. He's almost thirty years old, but when he looks in the mirror, he sees a bear's head and a pig's body. Once he graduates, he won't even have a place to eat or sleep.

木有名字 2021-04-28

Just finished a mechanics simulation problem, which was discovered by chance from previous work. It is difficult to publish pure simulation plus theory, so a more comprehensive literature review needs to be done.
10.31 First submission
11.21 Minor revision, rejection. The reviewer did not understand the research purpose.
12.16 Revised according to the comments of the first reviewer and resubmitted with an appeal.
2.13 Minor revision, major revision.
4.9 Continued minor revision according to the comments of the second reviewer.
4.27 Accepted

农夫切碎那些蛇 2021-04-16

After entering a certain place, you thought you had taken advantage of it, without slapping yourself and thinking about your own stupidity. Do you think a great professor like Niu would want you? Can someone who publishes several high-level SCI papers per year want you? After messing around for five or six years in your Master's and PhD studies, you forgot what your last name is? Do you think others value you just because they laugh and joke with you all day? Do you sit in your office without feeling guilty?

Yukkei 2021-04-16

If the manufacturing industry blacklists this, I don't think I will ever be able to publish in a better journal in my lifetime. I have no hope for machine tools anymore.

刘小吵 2021-04-13

I want to say that this journal is good. Those who criticize this journal should think about their motives. The only thing better than this in the mechanical field is machine tool. If you have the ability, submit more articles on machine tool. There were two articles published in this journal before, but none have been published since then. It emphasizes theoretical analysis and experimental verification. Some say that the school has blacklisted this journal, haha, it's possible that the next step is to blacklist machine tool as well.

圈里 2021-04-12

Master's degree graduation without a single SCI publication, and unable to find an outstanding advisor. Only able to find those obscure and disappointing advisors who do not live up to their reputation. Limited research direction, no funding. What are you hoping to achieve? Deceiving yourself?

XIAOQI 2021-04-06

Two months of rejections, so slow. Would it be convenient for a classmate to tell me the reasons for the rejection?

樱桃九熟 2021-04-06

Rejected after applying, feeling sad.

XIAOQI 2021-03-29

Can you distinguish between the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES and the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES? Both abbreviations are IJMS. With you, haha.

樱桃九熟 2021-02-17

Just submitted, hoping for a better outcome. 2.17 submitted to journal.

wszll 2021-02-14

I am too, rejected the next day.

TX_NUAA 2021-01-27

Damn it, I also got rejected by the editor the next day. The rejection reason is exactly the same, not a single word changed. Hahaha.

我是一个新的科研渣渣,祝我成功。 2021-01-27

Share with everyone~ Thank you.
The submission was rejected after two days. The editor mentioned that it lacks depth and it's possible that my writing was not up to par...
The submission has not yet met the quality standards of IJMS in terms of the depth of analysis and presentation. However, if you make significant improvements, I would welcome a resubmission.

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