Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

豪情万丈的H 2021-06-21

I'm in a hurry to graduate, it's too difficult to submit to the top-tier journal. I submitted to the second-tier journal instead. There weren't many twists and turns, the review process was very fast. In the first round of review, there were three reviewers and they all suggested minor revisions. In the second round, there was only one small issue and it was immediately accepted. I think as long as the work is good, the speed is quite fast. I wish the journal continued to improve.

一个苦瓜 2021-06-15

Five reviewers were selected, and two of them were rejected by the editor, possibly due to unreasonable opinions. Among the remaining three reviewers, one of them was clearly not familiar with the research field and raised unprofessional and confusing questions. After receiving two replies, the editor may have become frustrated and deleted this reviewer's feedback when notifying the acceptance. Acceptance is not easy, and manuscript submissions should be carefully considered, as the process can be slow. However, gratitude should be expressed towards this editor.

马家沟学者 2021-06-13

Already rejected, let's vent. I'm in a hurry to graduate, thinking it would be quick, so I submitted to this journal. The result was two months of waiting with the editor, and I missed the meeting. A few days ago, I received feedback, which should have come from four reviewers because there was "reviewer 4" mentioned, but I only received feedback from three. Two minor revisions and one rejection. Do you have a grudge against me for rejecting it? You raised 10 questions, questioning the authenticity of my data. I'm in a hurry to graduate, and I worked hard on it. It's true that some parts are not perfect, or else I wouldn't have submitted to a high-impact journal. If I could explain the deep reaction mechanisms you asked about, would I not submit to JACS? The feedback you provided is completely filled with resentment and bias. I have already signed a job contract and will no longer be involved in the research community.

哈哈王 2021-06-07

Submitted on 4.9, on 4.26 they said the plagiarism check did not pass 30%. But when I checked it myself, it was 17%. Then I made further revisions and resubmitted on 4.26. On 5.31, they again said the plagiarism check did not pass, this time at 38%, but they still did not provide any results. I'm going crazy, it's been two months and the plagiarism check in this journal hasn't passed. Later, I submitted to another journal, and within two days it was under review. This journal must be toxic. I will never submit to it again.

Iloveranran 2021-06-05

I submitted on May 28, 2021, and the editor reviewed it on May 30. It has been a week now, and it has not been sent for approval yet.

runstone 2021-06-02

Post submitted on December 16, 2020, and first review comments returned on March 21, 2021. Revised draft submitted on April 9, and accepted on June 1. For reference only.

咸水花生 2021-05-24

I have voted for the second time. I submitted in 2019 and expected to receive a response in February 2021. However, it is already the end of January and the review process has reached the third round. The speed seems to have slowed down significantly. If you could provide an acceptance after completing minor revisions in April, I would greatly appreciate it. I am eagerly waiting to graduate...

疯狂的原始人 2021-05-18

I and your time are almost the same, it has been over two months since the review started, and it is still ongoing. Feeling uncomfortable.

马家沟学者 2021-05-18

The article has been submitted for review. I hope the feedback won't be too difficult, so that I can expedite my graduation.

汪格森 2021-05-17

How long does it take to go online with DOI after receiving it?

minmin 2021-05-17

May 6, 2021 Manuscript review completed.
May 14, 2021 Notification for revisions, only given 20 days.

qq572020211 2021-05-17

When will the self-quotation rate be able to come down (<20%)? I dare not invest anymore in the future.

qq572020211 2021-05-17

Accepted, but I am truly amazed by this self-citation rate.

疯狂的原始人 2021-05-16

2021-3-10 submitted
2021-3-11 with editor
2021-3-13-present under review
2021-5-10 No response to reminder, it feels like the review process for hydrogen energy is slow this year. Last year, I received reviewer comments for a submission in less than a month.

minmin 2021-05-05

2021.3.8 Submitted
2021.3.12 With editor
2021.4.12-Present Under review

good1 2021-04-30

The text translates to: "I submitted it on the 10th, and it is still in the hands of the editor. It's a bit slow."

pjh3222 2021-04-30

The translation of the text "速度挺快2个月左右接受" into English is "Accepted in about 2 months, quite fast."

YZZYH 2021-04-29

Posted on January 18, 2021
Under review as of January 22, 2021
Received reviewer's comments on March 20, 2021
Revised and resubmitted on April 8, 2021
Accepted on April 29, 2021
Thank you, Sonil Nanda for editing.

一只小蝈蝈 2021-04-20

The cycle was written incorrectly, it took a total of about three months.

一只小蝈蝈 2021-04-20

The speed is very fast, one week for review, 21 days for feedback, 6 reviewers, results are issued in less than a month after revision, and after language polishing, it was directly accepted in the end.

huven 2021-04-19

May I ask what is the status of the article now? Mine is also the same. It has been a month and I have been working with the editor ?️.

good1 2021-04-19

May I ask what is your current status? My with editor has also changed once, but I have been waiting for a long time to submit my manuscript.

马家沟学者 2021-04-13

I have been with the editor for half a month. What's the situation? The status changed once in between, but still with the editor.

123hh 2021-04-08

May I ask what is your current situation now?

123hh 2021-04-08

May I ask how long it took for you to receive a rejection? Mine has been "with editor" for half a month now, and I feel really upset.

chongchong 2021-04-08

The text translates to: "The liquid sensation is not a water publication as some people say, it will still reject submissions."

123hh 2021-04-06

3.27 submit
3.29 with editor
4.6 results unknown still waiting

神仙水 2021-03-24

December 3, 2020, under review, it has been almost 4 months now, no progress, what should I do?

longan 2021-03-23

Burning, around 2021, I completed two articles.
The first article took three to four months to complete, mainly because I was unfamiliar with the journal's formatting requirements.
After gaining experience, I submitted the second article, which was completed within two months from submission to acceptance.
Both articles only had 20 days for revisions after receiving reviewer comments.
Here is the specific timeline for reference:
02-03-2021: Submitted to journal
02-05-2021: With editor
02-10-2021: Under review
02-28-2021: Revision
03-11-2021: Revision submitted to journal
03-12-2021: With editor
03-20-2021: Accepted

chongchong 2021-03-16

Later it went quite smoothly, from submission to acceptance it took less than two months.

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