Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

钰宸 2023-01-11

2022.08.01 Submitted to Journal
2022.08.02 With Editor
2022.08.11 Under Review
2022.09.06 Under Review
2022.10.15 Under Review
2022.11.07 Under Review
2022.11.27 Under Review
No movement since 11.27, still under review.

guodada 2023-01-06

20221208 Submission
20230104 Minor revision
20230105 Returned for revision, accepted directly

随他吧!。。 2022-12-27

Submitted on November 11th
First reviewer completed the review on November 19th; second reviewer on November 22nd; third reviewer on December 4th
Received review comments on December 5th, major revisions, all three reviewers' comments were positive
Returned manuscript on December 26th, accepted the same day
I thought there would be minor revisions after major revisions, but I didn't expect it to be accepted the same day
It took a month and a half, very fast speed.

undefined 2022-12-16

Submitted on October 14th;
Received minor revisions on November 17th, all three reviewers had positive feedback;
Finished revisions and uploaded on November 30th, accepted one week later on December 7th;
Currently going through the publishing process.

烦躁123 2022-11-29

Can I ask if the minor was accepted on the same day it was uploaded, as I see that many others took a month to be accepted.

lok_18 2022-11-28

Share my unfortunate timeline:
2022.1.22 Submit
2022.5.9 Major Review - Lasted for over three months, welcomed major revisions, and received positive feedback from reviewers.
2022.5.19 Resubmit - Carefully revised and resubmitted.
2022.8.2 Major Review - Unfortunate events began, the first group of reviewers did not accept, and the editor changed twice for review.
2022.8.6 Resubmit - Carefully revised and resubmitted.
2022.9.20 Major Review - Lost hope as one reviewer did not accept the review, and another reviewer was changed. It was the first time I experienced three major revisions for an article.
2022.10.26 Resubmit - Almost forgot about the deadline for major revisions, but managed to submit the carefully revised version.
2022.11.26 Accept - Finally accepted... tears of relief.

Maybe I'm an exception, as I've seen some comments from others who had a faster process. Thankfully, the journal's quality is good.
Hope this can help everyone.

启铎 2022-11-24

Submitted in mid-March 2022.

么禾 2022-10-29

Hello, can I ask a question about submission-related matters? I am 1269404061.

么禾 2022-10-29

Hello, can I add you? Hello, can I ask you a question about submission-related matters? I am 1269404061.

一条充满了梦想的咸鱼 2022-10-13

09.23 Submission
09.24 With editor
09.27 Under review
10.10 RRC
10.10 Minor revisions
10.13 Return for revised draft
Never been so smooth, and it's too fast. There are two reviewers in total. The first reviewer's comments came back on September 29th, and the second reviewer's comments came back on October 10th. Hoping for acceptance before the 20th.

华容道 2022-10-12

October 8th, hired.

华容道 2022-09-25

After submitting on August 23rd, it continued to show as "submitted" until October 9th when it finally reached the editor. I thought it wouldn't be sent for review anymore, but it ended up being under review on September 21st. This is frustrating.

不爱生气的猪猪霞 2022-09-22

12 Jan 2022 submit
13 Feb 2022 major revision
3 Aug 2022 minor revision
12 Aug 2022 minor revision
18 Sep 2022 accepted

12 Jan 2022 submit
13 Feb 2022 major revision
3 Aug 2022 minor revision
12 Aug 2022 minor revision
18 Sep 2022 accepted

ssd 2022-09-22

I have also submitted the revised manuscript for a month now, and it is highly likely that the second review of this journal will change the reviewer and require major revisions. It's too difficult, I will never submit to this journal again.

NLmath 2022-09-16

I submitted the revised manuscript for the first review and it has been in the hands of the editor for a month and a half, possibly the same editor. I sent an email but received no response.

ssd 2022-09-14

I reviewed it for 9 months, and it has been two weeks since I submitted the revised draft, but it is still in the hands of the editor. This journal is too slow...

钰宸 2022-09-07

2022.08.01 Submitted to Journal
2022.08.02 With Editor
2022.08.11 Under Review
2022.09.06 Under Review


2022.08.01 Submitted to Journal
2022.08.02 With Editor
2022.08.11 Under Review
2022.09.06 Under Review

科研打工人 2022-09-03

Hello, may I ask how long is the review process taking? I haven't received any updates for over 5 months, and the editor is also not responding to me.

NLmath 2022-09-01

The second round of minor revisions has also been waiting for more than half a month. I don't know if it can be published by the end of the year. It's really slow.

科研打工人 2022-08-28

Hello, may I ask if you are the editor-in-chief directly contacted in the journal? Previously, I tried contacting him but he never responded to me. I'm not sure if it's convenient, but I wanted to ask if you could kindly provide me with his email. My QQ number is 1757916845. Thank you very much.

华容道 2022-08-23

The review requested by the journal on July 3rd has been completed, but there has been no result after waiting for a month. I asked the editor once, and they replied that they were still waiting for another reviewer's response. On August 23rd, the editor did not wait for the other reviewer and provided minor revisions. I returned the revised version on the same day.

科研打工人 2022-08-23

I probably submitted it at the same time as you, but I haven't received any updates. May I ask if you have any updates?

科研打工人 2022-08-23

Hello, may I ask if there are any results now? I submitted it in March and wrote a reminder letter, but there has been no response.

NLmath 2022-08-05

Submitted after revision on June 15, 2022, still with editor.

钰宸 2022-08-02

2022.08.01 Submitted to Journal
2022.08.02 With Editor
2022.08.11 Under Review

Translated into English:

2022.08.01 Submitted to Journal
2022.08.02 With Editor
2022.08.11 Under Review

科研打工人 2022-07-29

I submitted my paper around the same time as you. I haven't received any updates yet. Have you received any news about your paper?

科研打工人 2022-07-29

Hello, may I ask if the editor-in-chief has replied to you later? I also sent an email to the editor, but nobody has replied to me for many days.

科研打工人 2022-07-29

Hello, may I ask if there is any news about your thesis now?

华容道 2022-07-14

The second review was completed on May 10th. A new reviewer was added and they provided many comments. The editor made minor revisions. The revised version will be submitted for review on June 10th.

么禾 2022-06-27

Hello, I also want to invest in this. Can we discuss how to invest?

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