Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

xueli zhang 2023-05-19

Based on the latest issue and articles in press in the journal, it seems that from 5.11 until now, the editor-in-chief only worked on the two days of the weekend.

bigbigpang 2023-05-19

It's the 16th day of the dip.

fayipianyiqu 2023-05-19

I heard that if this journal has experts, it will be very efficient. I don't know if it's true or not.

TheoYan 2023-05-19

What is the other magazine that my family invested in? Can you recommend it?

xueli zhang 2023-05-18

2022.6.18: Submitted to journal
2022.12.10: Major revision (1 reviewer)
2023.1.23: Submitted to journal
2023.5.2: Major revision (2 reviewers)
2023.5.10: Submitted to journal
2023.5.11: With editor

dick555 2023-05-18

The paper on image restoration was submitted, but it was rejected by the editor, who said that the topic was not relevant. However, similar papers on the same subject have been published in the past few years. It might depend on the school and the authors, and if the platform is not good enough, it's better to be cautious and not submit without the support of influential experts. Nevertheless, the rejection speed was quite fast. It has been resubmitted to another journal in the Tier 1 of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中科院1区) and classified as a Class B journal by the China Computer Federation (CCF). It has already been accepted.

TheShine 2023-05-18

Who do you send the reminder email to? I sent one last time and they said it was still under review, but didn't mention anything else. Then there was no response, and now it has been seven months since the initial review and there is still no progress.

TheoYan 2023-05-18

Family, my opinions are so difficult and demanding, it's really making me want to cry.

TheoYan 2023-05-18

Family members, the first trial has come back after 18 days, and there is a major revision. One reviewer gave nearly 80 comments, and I have to go back in 20 days. I'm really crying.

昊昊haohao 2023-05-17

Okay, thank you very much for your detailed response. It's really frustrating not being able to find a reviewer... sigh.

xueli zhang 2023-05-17

That estimate will probably drag on. I submitted it in June of last year, and there has been no progress. In October, I sent an email to ask about the situation. AE replied saying they invited 12 reviewers, but only one was willing to review, so we had to wait. Finally, in December, it came back with major revisions based on that person's opinion. After completing the revisions in January, new reviewers were invited. In May, it finally came back again with major revisions, and two more reviewers were added. Now that the revisions are completed, it has been sent back again. I don't know what's going on. Maybe the EIC is on vacation. It's been a week since any progress with the editor...

fayipianyiqu 2023-05-17

Brother, how often do you come to edit?

昊昊haohao 2023-05-17

It has been over a month since submission, and it shows that three reviewers have been invited, but no one has agreed to review. Sigh, I hope it won't be delayed for a year or so.

Alin 2023-05-15

Submitted on November 4, 2022.
First trial on February 3, 2023, major revision.
Returned for revision on February 23, 2023.
Second trial on April 4, 2023, major revision.
Returned for revision on April 10, 2023.
Accepted after polishing on May 2, 2023.
My first article in Section 1!!! Overall, it feels great!

TheoYan 2023-05-15

4.26 submitted to journal - Submitted to the journal on April 26th.
4.14 required review completed - The required review was completed on April 14th.

18天就审稿完了,感觉我大概是G了 - The review was completed in 18 days, and I feel like I probably passed.

ljrprocc 2023-05-14

The second review has been going on for 27 days, I hope we can get the results as soon as possible.

bigbigpang 2023-05-13

Approximately 20 days for dip, visually estimated.

researcher_china 2023-05-13

It seems like EiC is quite busy this week.

ReggieZhang 2023-05-13

2022.8.10 Submit
2023.4.29 Required Reviews Completed
2023.5.18 Decision in Process
2023.5.19 Revise Major, only given less than three weeks, but the comments are very simple
2023.5.30 Resubmitted, With Editor
2023.6.4 Under Review
2023.7.8 Required Reviews Completed
2023.7.16 Decision in Process
2023.7.17 Revise
2023.7.18 Resubmitted
2023.8.7 Required Reviews Completed

bigbigpang 2023-05-12

It has been the 6th day of the dip.

dawn t 2023-05-09

23-5-5 Submission
23-5-8 with editor

leoxc1571 2023-05-04

2022-11-18: Received at Editorial Office,
2023-3-2: Major revision (5 comments),
2023-3-13: Article revised,
2023-3-30: Required reviews completed,
2023-4-1: Decision in process,
2023-4-27: Accepted for publication

The comments for revision were labeled as "Major revision," but they were all quite simple and not too challenging. The decision process took a long time while in progress.

Uomi 2023-04-28

Record the process:
2023.04.11 Submitting the paper
2023.04.24 Under Review

小克 2023-04-28

In this situation, multiple opinions from reviewers have been received, but there are conflicts among the opinions, making it impossible to make a decision. Therefore, we will continue to wait for the opinions of other reviewers until a decision can be made, and then proceed to the next step.

小克 2023-04-28

Yesterday I sent an email to the editor-in-chief, explaining the specific situation and asking for the reason. Today, the editor-in-chief received the paper. I don't know the reason for receiving a rejection email.

Shen Jason 2023-04-28

When our laboratory peers submitted their research previously, the editor-in-chief would reject them directly as out of scope the next day. It's really unfortunate for this guy, it's indeed not very reasonable.

researcher_china 2023-04-27

This kind of 5 accept, 1 minor, and rejection is unbelievable. Is it rejected by the associate editor or the editor-in-chief?

论文accepted 2023-04-27

Have you heard any news? It has been half a month for me too.

小克 2023-04-27

First review: 6 reviewers [4 major revisions, 2 minor revisions]
Second review: 5 acceptances, 1 minor revision
After the last reviewer returned their comments, the status remained "Decision in Process" until April 1st.
On April 27th, received an email from "Elsevier Transfer your manuscript service" stating that the paper was rejected and suggested transferring it to another journal. However, the system still showed "Decision in Process". After consulting customer service, it was confirmed that the editor had already made a decision (presumably rejection), and they were waiting for the executive editor to make the final decision.
It has been a very long wait. Firstly, the reviewer comments were all positive, so it doesn't seem reasonable to reject the paper. Secondly, if the paper is going to be rejected, why keep delaying it instead of allowing me to submit it to another journal in a timely manner.

Cun 2023-04-26

The speed depends on the reviewers. Some reviewers are slow. If the first batch of reviewers disagree with the review, we will have to invite others again.

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