Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Zzjw 2022-12-02

May I ask if your article is stuck in the "Required Reviews Completed" status? Mine has been in this state for 20 days, and I'm very worried.

Zzjw 2022-12-02

May I ask what is the current status of your submission? My article has been stuck at "Required Reviews Completed" for 20 days, and I'm getting worried.

正未搁浅 2022-12-02

It has been four months since the second review, this is too slow. Is your direction too biased? It's hard to believe that you can't find reviewers. Did the editors not search for reviewers properly?

正未搁浅 2022-12-02

Mmm, thank you for your answer. I'll just wait a bit and hopefully, I'll have good luck.

XWZRBY 2022-12-02

It has been over four months since the second review, but only one manuscript has been accepted for review, and the review process is taking so long for the editor to handle!

minekirito 2022-12-02

The reviewer I added after my major revision did not provide any new comments, but only believed that my modifications based on the previous reviewer's suggestions were not good enough. I think it still depends on the reviewer. As long as you make good modifications and provide reasonable answers, there is a high probability of success. Good luck to you.

正未搁浅 2022-12-02

Classmate, I wanted to ask how you're doing now and if you have received any feedback for the second round?

正未搁浅 2022-12-02

Thank you very much for your detailed response. Since it is my teacher who received the email, I don't want to bother him for the link?. Judging by the current situation, it seems that they are adding new reviewers. What I'm concerned about is whether the probability of rejection is high if new reviewers are added, or if the majority still has a higher probability of acceptance.

minekirito 2022-12-01

Adding a reviewer after each round of revisions is the basic procedure of this journal.

minekirito 2022-12-01

I suggest you check the results on the website "Track your submission". If it says "Review invitations sent: 2+", it means there are 2-4 reviewers. You can determine if new reviewers have been invited by observing any changes in this number.

正未搁浅 2022-11-30

Hello classmate, I would like to ask about my current status, which is also in the second review. It has been 1 month and 20 days now. The first review had two reviewers, and now the second review's "under review" status has changed twice, but it is still "under review." Does this mean they have found new reviewers? Thank you in advance!

minekirito 2022-11-29

Sep 17, 2022 Submission
Oct 13, 2022 Major Revision
Nov 8, 2022 Minor Revision
Nov 28, 2022 Accept
The review process is fast, and reviewers are required to respond within three weeks. They are all experts in the same field, so their review comments may be more critical.

青青子衿 2022-11-28

November 22, 2022 Submitted
November 22, 2022 sent back to author
November 26, 2022 Under Review
On the 27th, there were 2+ reviewers assigned to review, and 1 reviewer has already completed the review. I'm not sure what the situation is, and I'm feeling a bit anxious.

XWZRBY 2022-11-09

The Track link will only be provided after the first round of review is completed and submitted.

Zzjw 2022-11-08

Hello, may I ask if the track link will be sent to the corresponding author for the first external review, or will it only be sent after the modification for the second review?

Zzjw 2022-11-08

1. Posted on October 18th, in the field of artificial intelligence.
2. The editor is very responsible and has high requirements, requesting format and content revisions twice.
3. Returned revised draft on October 25th.
4. Under review as of November 2nd.

tangtang2022 2022-11-07

The previous time was written incorrectly.
1. Submitted on October 12th, in the field of Natural Language Processing.
2. Received editorial comments on October 21st, approximately four to five points, requesting the addition of references in the field of Information Science.
3. Revised manuscript returned on October 26th.
4. Under review as of November 4th.

tangtang2022 2022-11-07

1. Submitted on October 21st, in the field of natural language processing.
2. Received editorial feedback on October 21st, consisting of approximately four or five points, requesting the addition of references from the field of information science.
3. Revised manuscript returned on October 26th.
4. Under review as of November 4th.

正未搁浅 2022-10-30

Hmm, I see. I understand, thank you. Because the corresponding author is my supervisor, he didn't send me an email, so I didn't ask and didn't see how many reviewers there were. But the transition from "with editor" to "under review" was very quick, and the date of the "under review" status changed once too. I think it's likely that one of the reviewers has finished reviewing. I guess it will probably be sent back to the original reviewer unless they don't want to review it anymore.

XWZRBY 2022-10-28

After the journal is modified, a track link will be sent to the corresponding author. By clicking on the link, the author can track and see how many reviewers were assigned, how many accepted the review, and how many reviewers have completed it.

正未搁浅 2022-10-28

From where can you see how many reviewers have been invited? Has the "with editor" date changed twice for you? I have also submitted major revisions over ten days ago, and then there were two reviewers for the first review. Now the "under review" date has changed once, which should mean that one reviewer has finished reviewing. Shouldn't this be returned to the original reviewer?

XWZRBY 2022-10-28

It seems that a new reviewer has been added. The major revision requires two reviewers, but only one has accepted the invitation and completed the review so far. The dates have been changed twice during this period, and it is unknown whether the editor is re-inviting the reviewers.

正未搁浅 2022-10-28

Classmate, hello, I would like to ask why do we need to find a new reviewer after major revisions? Shouldn't it be returned to the original reviewer?

XWZRBY 2022-10-27

It has been 3 months since the major renovation was completed, but we still haven't found enough reviewers. Why is it taking so long?!

METAVERSE 2022-10-11

Posted at 09:02 p.m. on October 9, 2022 [Information Processing and Management];
Rejected at 00:22 a.m. on October 10, 2022, reason given is "does not fit within the journal's scope."
(The content is about computer networks and human-computer interaction.)

正未搁浅 2022-10-06

Hello classmate, in your case, after completing the major revisions in the first review, did you submit it without returning it to the original reviewer, and then had to find a new reviewer again? How did this happen? It's like starting the review process all over again. I also finished the revisions immediately, but when I saw your comments, I felt really nervous.

tttstk 2022-10-05

2021.12 Submission
2022.3 First review and major revision
2022.5 Rejection and resubmission
2022.8 First review and major revision
2022.9 Acceptance
I submitted twice, and the second submission was accepted. Both times, there were three reviewers, and they were all quite careful and meticulous. The frustrating part was that the reviewers for the second submission were different from the first, so it was essentially starting over. This journal is relatively fast, with the first review taking about 3 months and the decision being made in about 1 month.

努力做科研的小杰 2022-08-26

Later, another email was sent, and the rejection letter was received the next day.

正未搁浅 2022-08-18

Brother, you are amazing! It seems that your writing skills are better, and your paper's content is more innovative. You have gained unanimous recognition from the reviewers. I hope I can also have a chance to revise my work.

XWZRBY 2022-08-17

One review, two reviewers. The comments are not difficult to modify, they are all about writing or explaining issues.

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