Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Tock 2023-07-12

The speed of IEEE TVT is really slow, currently undergoing another external review.

2022-07-12: Submitted and Under review.
2023-01-10: Reconsider, Major Revisions (The opinions are mostly positive, with 3 reviewers and close to 30 opinions).
2023-03-25: Submitted and Under review (There was a delay due to yq's influence and the Chinese New Year).
2023-06-26: Accepted with Minor Revisions (Only one minor comment, and another reviewer was added).
2023-06-30: Submitted and Under review (Estimated to take another month...).

Ann029 2023-07-11

Too slow. It's been almost 7 months.

kera 2023-07-11

May I ask how long it usually takes to remind the editor? It has been under review for over 70 days.

星***辰 2023-07-05

Submit system in December 2022
Allocate editing in February 2023
Still in the process of review in July 2023...
It has been eight months since submission and I still haven't received any review comments. Waiting...

RERzeng 2023-06-29

I have been waiting for around 50 days for the first trial, and now it has been 70 days for the second trial without any result.

qqaa 2023-06-28

How long does it generally take for the first trial in the wireless field?

cwang22 2023-06-26

Recorded process:
03-Feb-2023 SUBMITTED
Reconsider, Major Revisions (07-Apr-2023)
A revision has been submitted (05-May-2023)
Accepted with Minor Revisions as a Paper (22-Jun-2023)

起个网名想破脑袋 2023-06-21

2023.6.21 reconsider, major revisions. Waited for half a year, finally received the suggestions for major revisions. There are many suggestions and it doesn't feel easy to make the changes, but regardless, the result is better than what I expected.

Zzl-hit 2023-06-21

It is not necessary to hang the "fellow" title. I don't have anything, but I have given a major renovation.

起个网名想破脑袋 2023-06-19

I want to ask, in order to be published in this journal, do I need to be a senior member or fellow? Is it certain that I have no chance if I don't have anything? Sigh.

起个网名想破脑袋 2023-06-19

2022.10.13 Submission
2022.12.23 Submitted
2022.12.25 Under review
2023.2.21 Assigned AE (This is notified by email, no change in system status)
2023.6.18 With AE (Sent a reminder email the previous day, unsure if it affects the status)
This journal is really slow. It took two months just to assign an AE. Currently, being "with AE" is supposed to be a neutral status, but I heard someone say it means chances are slim. I'm feeling anxious... Hopefully, luck will be on my side.

M_A 2023-06-18

Around mid-May, the editor said there would be results within a week. It has been almost a month now, and it is still under review.

RERzeng 2023-06-18

May I ask how long it usually takes to remind someone to submit their manuscript?

M_A 2023-06-17

Because graduation requirements require publication, but there has been no news for a long time. I have reminded once during this period, but it was ineffective. I plan to remind again. If there is still no news, perhaps I can only withdraw the submission and submit to another journal.

起个网名想破脑袋 2023-06-17

My submission was also made at the end of December, and until now, there is still no result from the first review. What is the situation with your classmate?

浩纸的 2023-06-15

March 30 - Submitted
April 16 - Under review
June 7 - With AE
This journal is too slow. If you are in a hurry, please do not submit.

M_A 2023-06-14

2023-06-10 Major Renovation

Joie 2023-06-11

As of now, June 11, 2023, it remains in the aforementioned status.

RERzeng 2023-06-10

May I ask if you have ever rushed a manuscript?

羊羊爱吃草 2023-06-10

Although it is considered at a lower level in the Trans series, it is relatively fast from submission to acceptance, taking nearly half a year, which is considered high cost-effective in IEEE Trans series journals.
2022.10.13 Submitted
2023.2.15 Major Revision (3 reviewers, one major revision, two minor revisions)
2023.4.15 Submitted for revision
2023.6.2 Accepted with Minor Revision (2 reviewers, with at least one new reviewer, one acceptance, one minor revision)
2023.6.3 Submitted for revision
2023.6.9 Accepted

M_A 2023-06-09

Classmate submitted on 2022.12.27, and the first round of results has not been released yet; let me share mine:
Submitted on 2023-03-16
With AE on 2023-05-18
Currently still waiting for the results... Maybe the editor is still reviewing.

咔咔7878 2023-06-09

2023.01.07 Submission
2023.03.29 Major revision (relatively positive)
2023.04.03 Revised
2023.06.07 Accepted

DJJD 2023-06-05

Very good, very well.

shidace 2023-06-05

Update the latest timeline
Reject and Resubmit (04-Jun-2023)

躺平的科研菜鸡 2023-06-01

Share your submission history:
2023/01/26: Submitted
2023/02/08: Awaiting AE Assignment
2023/02/21: Under Review
2023/05/02: With Associate Editor
2023/05/22: Reject and Resubmit

shidace 2023-05-30

There are still no results, it has already been one month with AE.

Zzl-hit 2023-05-29

The first trial took three to four months, and just recently underwent a major renovation.

RERzeng 2023-05-27

Cannot exceed 16 pages.

活泼快乐小学渣 2023-05-26

I want to ask, how many pages should the revised version be after the initial review? I didn't see anywhere that mentioned it...

彭于晏001 2023-05-22

If the reviewer returns it to the AE, it will become "with AE".

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