Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

TeaseEmo 2023-08-09

December 7, 2022 Submission
June 2, 2023 Major Repair
August 5, 2023 Second Submission

好难过xcx 2023-08-07

Excuse me, everyone, may I ask whether this journal submission must be 12 pages or can it be less than 12 pages? I noticed in the guidelines that there are additional charges for exceeding 12 pages.

好难过xcx 2023-08-07

May I ask if this journal submission must be 12 pages or can it be less than 12 pages?

bigcircle 2023-08-03

Surprisingly, two small repairs were made.

leemoomoo 2023-07-30

2023.6.1 Minor repairs
2023.7.29 Employment

doujiang 2023-07-26

01/14/2021, submission
01/25/2022, first review comments returned
04/01/2023, accepted

云计算的小伙 2023-07-12

I also received a rejection email this morning, which stated that the subject matter did not match and did not provide any suggestions for revision.

DongZhang 2023-07-08

Does the article have a fellow's name? So fast.

bigcircle 2023-06-23

The first trial took 7 months. At the 6-month mark, I sent an email to urge the editor, who replied that a decision was being made. However, it took a whole month to make the decision. Currently, it has been 2 months since the second trial, and I hope to get the results before the end of July, so there is still time.

bling 2023-05-17

Posted in February 2023, it has been under review. Should I send a reminder? Will it be effective?

科研小菜鸟23 2023-04-27

It took me 14 months for the first review before I could start the major repairs. Now, it has been 5 months for the second review.

leogarcia 2023-04-23

2022.9.28 Submission
2023.2.24 Major Revision (3 minor revisions from reviewers, major revision from editor), required to be revised before 5.24
2023.3.6 Submit revised version
2023.4.20 Accepted

leemoomoo 2023-04-21

2022.7.30 Submission
2022.11.20 Major renovation
2023.2.11 Revision
2023.4.20 Minor repair
To be continued

落絮 2023-04-12

Posted on September 19, 2022, and went under review on the same day.
Rejected on January 27, 2023.
Four reviewers were approached, but none of them provided any comments, except for one who mentioned that the content of the article did not match the journal's requirements.
It was a waste of time, waiting for four months in vain.

gp1 2023-04-11

2022.9 Submission,
2023.1 First Trial Response,
2023.3 Submission,
2023.4 Admission Granted.

Skyeee 2023-03-04

06/14/2022: Under Review
11/14/2022: Major Revisions Required
01/05/2023: Under Review
02/23/2023: Accept


06/14/2022: Under Review
11/14/2022: Major Revisions Required
01/05/2023: Under Review
02/23/2023: Accept

bigcircle 2023-02-13

So slow, I haven't encountered a journal this slow in a long time. It has been 5 and a half months for the first review, and still no news at all. You should know that TPAMI only takes 3-4 months for the first review.

angelos1 2023-02-03

It is indeed slow. It took me about a year and a half, and the search time was very long. The article was published in 2021, but it has not been indexed yet by 2023. The recognition is also very high.

随风 2022-12-21

Yes, only under review, don't worry.

heany 2022-12-18

Excuse me, is this journal only in the "Under review" status? I haven't seen any other status.

随风 2022-12-16

Thank you for the information provided by the previous sharers, it has been helpful. Let me share my experience to pave the way for future generations.

There is too little sharing in this journal, probably because it is a top journal in data mining, and only about 200 papers are accepted each year. In the end, only a few people can get in.

First, the acceptance difficulty: difficult. I estimate the acceptance rate to be around 12.5% (250/2000). Not only is the review time long, but there are also high requirements for innovation and experimentation.

My experience:
The first review took 7.5 months to get the result (I followed up after 7 months, and the result came out after another month).
The second review took 2.5 months to get the result.
The third review took 1 month to get the result.

随风 2022-12-16

Thank you for the information provided by previous sharers, it has been reciprocated. Let me share my experience to pave the way for future generations.

angelos1 2022-09-15

Indeed, at that time, it took quite a lot of effort to invest in this, but it has always been a second-tier district. There has not been an upgraded version or a capital city, and I don't understand why.

要努力的小胖子 2022-09-13

The text translates to: "Submitted for 7 months without being assigned a reviewer and was rejected directly, a friend also experienced the same, it's inexplicable."

Xu 2022-08-03

Hello, may I ask if there has been any change in the status after submitting the revision? I noticed that my status has been "a revision has been submitted" all along.

PHD_lanyu 2022-06-23

The waiting time is indeed very long, but the review comments are very professional and standardized. The Associate Editor (AE) and Editor-in-Chief (EiC) are very nice, and the communication is smooth. It aligns with the positioning of a top-tier journal in the field of data mining, CCF-A class!

2021-5-05: submitted
2021-11-06: sent a reminder email, received a reply on the same day stating that it is in the decision-making stage
2021-11-21: major revision (one rejection, two major revisions, one of which was evaluated as Good)
2021-12-27: revision submitted
2022-04-09: minor revision (both were minor revisions)
2022-04-17: revision submitted
2022-06-19: accepted (no further modifications required)

angelos1 2022-06-13

The credibility of Trans journal is beyond doubt, but why isn't it in Zone 1? The upgraded version is also not in Zone 1.

Test_C 2022-04-28

The only top journal in the field of data mining, with a high level of difficulty in acceptance, low publication volume, and high recognition.

EleaM Josen Haplacg 2022-04-07

Very slow, it has been over 8 months now without any first-instance result. I have sent an email to urge for the manuscript. It's too slow.

3606 2022-04-06

The only top journal in the field of data mining, along with KDD, forms the three A-level submission targets in the DM field. TKDE has high recognition domestically and may be more valued by international conferences.

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