Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

学术蜗牛 2023-04-22

I reviewed it for 5 months and gave it a major. I just submitted it and am looking forward to a smooth process.

wanz 2023-04-22

2022.11.11 Manuscript Submitted
2022.12.24 With Editor
2022.12.26 Under Review
2023.1.23 Under Review
2023.2.11 Under Review
2023.3.2 RRC (Reviewer's Comments Received)
2023.3.8 Major revision
2023.3.28 Revised manuscript Submitted
2023.4.9 Under Review
2023.4.19 RRC (Reviewer's Comments Received)
2023.4.22 Accept
First review took 4 months, revision took 1 month, totaling a little over 5 months, which is considered smooth.

小法师wjl 2023-04-21

4.21 Under Review, the time has changed a bit.

Samsara 2023-04-21

再次Apr 19 2023 4:59AM Under Review

Translation: Under Review again on Apr 19, 2023, at 4:59 AM.

风之小翼 2023-04-21

Contribute a strange and bizarre submission experience:

1.15 submitted
2.10 with editor
2.18 with editor (2nd occurrence)
2.20 under review (only occurred once, no time changes until the end)
3.13 required reviews completed
3.16 decision in process
3.22 required reviews completed (2nd occurrence)
4.9 decision in process (2nd occurrence)
4.20 major
Waited for 40 days from the review process to the outcome, with several twists and turns along the way. Fortunately, the result was good. Many thanks to the editor and reviewers for giving me the opportunity! Will continue to update if there is progress. Hoping for a positive outcome.

一只菜菜 2023-04-20

Will this major revision increase the number of reviewers? One of the reviewers requires an additional small experiment, while the rest are regarding modifications to the abstract and conclusion.

一只菜菜 2023-04-20

May I ask if it is for plagiarism check after providing feedback for revision?

wulamao 2023-04-18

Two months is the minimum time frame for this review to be selected. In my case, it took approximately 20 days for the editor to start processing it. During the "with editor" stage, it was heavily scrutinized for 4 days before being rejected.

Samsara 2023-04-18

Has it been two months and still no external review? Should the plagiarism check be done before the review or after the revision comments are given?

我要中一区 2023-04-18

I'm almost the same. RRC took 10 days and became "decision in process". It has been four days since DIP, and my mindset is about to collapse.

风之小翼 2023-04-18

It has been over a month since the manuscript was submitted for review, but there is still no result. My mindset has already collapsed. Has anyone experienced something similar?

wulamao 2023-04-17

The repetition rate of 18% was rejected.

wddy 2023-04-17

May I ask how many days your RRC lasted?

IseeArwin 2023-04-15

My status changed from "Required Reviews Completed" to "under review" again. Does anyone know what's going on?

IseeArwin 2023-04-15

After "Required Reviews Completed," it changed to "under review" again. Does anyone know what's going on?

IseeArwin 2023-04-15

Excuse me, have you received the results? After my "Required Reviews Completed" status, it changed back to "under review" again. I don't know what's going on.

ZZzzzz... 2023-04-14

After "under review", the status data changed after four days. Did they find a new reviewer?

wulamao 2023-04-14

3.26 submitted means that something was submitted on March 26th.
4.11-12 re-submitted means that something was re-submitted on April 11th and 12th.
4.12 with editor means that something was submitted to an editor on April 12th.

CR7Swallow 2023-04-13

This journal is really giving me a headache. They have rejected me twice already and invited me to resubmit, and now it's the same story again - rejection and invitation to resubmit. This process has lasted for a whole year. Has anyone else encountered this situation? Being rejected and invited to resubmit three times in a row, does it mean there is no hope? But because it has taken so long, the editor feels uncomfortable rejecting directly, so they are trying to make me give up through this way.

yuhaio 2023-04-13

What is your current situation now?

Samsara 2023-04-11

The time seems about right. I submitted on March 22nd, and on April 11th, at 3:51 am, it entered "Under Review."

wenqi LI 2023-04-11

2022.12.05投出 - Released on December 5, 2022
2023.02.21大修 - Major maintenance on February 21, 2023
2023.03.13修回 - Revised on March 13, 2023
2023.04.11接收 - Received on April 11, 2023
历时4个月零6天,挺顺利 - Took 4 months and 6 days, went quite smoothly.

Lucky 2023-04-11

Continuous updates
4.10 manuscript submitted
4.28 sent back with some image format modifications, re-submit
4.28 with editor
4.29 under review
5.9 under review (time updated)
5.18 under review (time updated)
6.11 required reviews completed
6.13 required reviews completed (time updated)
6.18 decision in process
6.18 reject and resubmit

小法师wjl 2023-04-10

I am just like the brother mentioned above on March 16th. On April 9th, it is "under review." I don't know if it is being reviewed by an editor or an external reviewer.

fmqkejfnjwn 2023-04-10

I submitted on March 16th, and it is not under review until April 9th.

fmqkejfnjwn 2023-04-10

How long has it been since it was launched?

Lethub140 2023-04-10

2023 4.9 Required review completed
2023 4.24 Decision in process
2023 4.25 Minor revision
2023 5.6 Revised manuscript submitted
2023 5.8 Under review

Samsara 2023-04-09

My number is 1491. But today, the 9th, is still not under review.

小法师wjl 2023-04-09

3.23 Manuscript submitted
4.08 Submission sent back to author for resubmission with revisions
4.08 With editor
4.09 Under review
4.21 Under review, there was a change in the timeline
4.28 Under review, there was another change in the timeline
5.09 Under review, there was another change in the timeline
...Forgot the time for major revisions
7.20 Minor revision
7.23 Revised manuscript submitted
7.27 With editor

It has been almost ten days since the minor revision with the editor, and recently it has been exceptionally slow.

小法师wjl 2023-04-09

The original text is written in a mix of Chinese and English, and it seems to describe a situation related to submitting a document. Here is the translation:

"The original poster (OP) submitted the document at the same time as me, on March 22nd. My document number is 1500+. On April 7th, it was returned, stating that the excessive page agreement should be in English. On April 8th, when I resubmitted it, it immediately changed to 'with editor'."

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