Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

LetPub 2023-07-28

Did you receive the email I sent?

gistinatablity 2023-07-28

July 26, 2023 Manuscript Submitted

zlzlzlzzl 2023-07-28

Maybe our batch is under review. Let's continue to wait and hope for good luck.

脱发小卫星 2023-07-28

I am also undergoing a major revision. After returning, I couldn't find the original reviewer. I waited for a long time and had a new reviewer who rejected it and asked for a resubmission. It has been almost three months since then, and it is still under review.

ghbj 2023-07-27

How long did it take for you to get the result after the peer review?

wangxuan_ncepu 2023-07-27

2023.07.17 manuscript submitted
2023.07.25 with editor
2023.07.31 under review


2023.07.17 - Manuscript submitted
2023.07.25 - With editor
2023.07.31 - Under review

zlzlzlzzl 2023-07-27

First review for major revisions, second review rejected and resubmitted (email stated major revisions, but TIM policy only allows for rejection), it has been over three months since the second submission and it is still under review.

Youli2017 2023-07-26

Yes, because Xiao Xiu only has one reviewer who has opinions.

Youli2017 2023-07-26

The first and second reviewers are both two reviewers. Initially, three reviewers were invited, but there was no opinion from the second reviewer.

崔宗宇 2023-07-26

Overall, the experience is still good. I just have one question, I don't know if everyone is clear about it. It has been a month since I received the acceptance email and submitted the materials required for the defense. After that, I only received an email from a staff member confirming the receipt of the submitted materials and forwarding them to the publisher. I haven't received any other emails. I saw online that there should be a proof file confirmation, did that change? Also, I haven't received the payment link.

科研舔狗 2023-07-25

Classmate, how many reviewers are there for the first and second revisions respectively?

andyww 2023-07-25

Hello, did you get accepted after your minor repairs for a month? Or did you make a mistake and get accepted in about a week?

LetPub 2023-07-25

I sent it using a personal email and sent it to the Google email provided in the email. However, it has been several days since I sent it and the email has not been opened. I suppose there was no time to handle it.

Jhonezz 2023-07-25

May I ask if after accepting, should the final materials be sent separately through a personal email?

LetPub 2023-07-22

An article on industrial optical interference measurement, which took 8 months to complete, has finally been accepted. I also wish everyone good results!
Dec 16 2022 Submitted
Feb 14 2023 REJECT and RESUBMIT
July 21 2023 ACCEPT

JINFU LI 2023-07-21

Good luck!!!
Jul 10, 2023, 11:35 PM Manuscript Submitted
Jul 14, 2023, 9:50 PM With Editor
Jul 17, 2023, 7:14 AM With Editor
Jul 20, 2023, 10:40 PM Under Review

学术蜗牛 2023-07-17

The translation of "trans无弱刊" into English is "Trans-No-Weak Magazine."

ghbj 2023-07-16

Doesn't the review period of three weeks just fit you?

zhangshijun_ysu 2023-07-16

TIM needs to be stricter.

icedle 2023-07-16

There was a change once in my impression, under review appeared on 4.22, and it appeared again on 4.24.

科研汤 2023-07-16

Not sure, maybe there are too many submissions.

ghbj 2023-07-15

Does time change in peer review?

ghbj 2023-07-15

Why did mine get sent for review?

ghbj 2023-07-15

I also work on medical imaging, have you had any experience in peer review?

科研汤 2023-07-15

The medical images produced do not conform to the specified field, as emphasized by the chief editor. It is a conscientious journal that does not delay others.

icedle 2023-07-15

The review process was fast, with a total of three reviewers. The feedback provided was very professional, and the quality of the manuscript greatly improved after revisions.

2023.4.4 manuscript submitted
2023.4.21 with editor
2023.4.24 under review
2023.5.15 decision in process
2023.5.16 major revision
2023.6.14 revision submitted
2023.6.28 accept

科研舔狗 2023-07-15

Why is it so fast?

ghbj 2023-07-14

Why did you reject it so quickly?

zhengzkang 2023-07-14

Open your cow eyes wider and take a look, stop talking nonsense.

科研汤 2023-07-14

2023.7.14 reject

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