Verified Reviews - IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Roy鹿 2023-08-09

How long did it take from the associate editor to provide the results?

Love丶FFC 2023-08-01

In the field of information journals that I have submitted to and have knowledge of, this journal is considered one of the slowest. I suggest being cautious when submitting to it. I didn't believe it before and wanted to give it a try, but the result was incredibly slow.

Submitted on May 29, 2023. Currently under review.
I emailed the editorial office one month and two months later to inquire about the progress, and was told that the editor-in-chief is still assigning associate editors (AE). Okay, if it takes this long to assign AE, no wonder it takes about a year for this journal to release the first review result. I have a classmate who submitted in April 2022 and is still under review for the first round. I recently asked the editorial office and they said that AE will be assigned to reviewers as soon as possible. It's incredibly slow, so I'll just wait patiently without hope.

毛毛虫 2023-08-01

Why hasn't it been released yet? What happened to this journal?

xiaojun0101 2023-06-23

Has the original poster received the result now? With an associate editor, how long does it usually take to get the result? I've been waiting for more than a year, I'm so anxious!

xiaojun0101 2023-06-23

Has the original poster received the result now? How long does it usually take for the associate editor to give the result? Waiting anxiously!

xiaojun0101 2023-06-23

How long does it usually take to get results with an associate editor?

xiaojun0101 2023-06-23

Has the original poster received the results now?

Accept!!! 2023-05-28

Posted on April 19, 2022, still under review until now, May 28, 2023...

cowan 2023-05-20

Yes, the submission was made on March 25, 2022. As of May 20, 2023, the current status is still "With Associate Editor," and no review comments have been received so far.

zb_kevin 2023-05-18

Has there been any result so far?

cowan 2023-05-10

2023.05.10 After more than a year, the status has finally changed from "under review" to "with associate editor".

cowan 2023-05-10

May 10, 2023. After more than a year, the status has finally changed from "Under review" to "With Associate Editor".

sunsunk 2023-03-28

Hahahaha, I have been following your posts for almost a year, so unlucky hahaha

cowan 2023-03-24

2023.03.24 Celebrating one year of submission, and still haven't received any comments from the first review! Luckily, I wasn't expecting this article to graduate...

时宜 2023-03-14

2022.12.18 After major revisions and modifications, it was resubmitted.
2023.02.25 with the associated editor, it has been almost three weeks and still no news.
I'm so anxious.

毛毛虫 2023-02-21

The first round of review lasted for more than a year, and minor revisions were given. The revised draft was returned on May 9, 2022.

毛毛虫 2023-02-21

Until now, I am still in the position of Associate Editor. Have any of you experienced a similar situation? I have already followed up three times, but each time the Administrative Editor (ADM) forwards the email to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC), and then there is no further response.

cowan 2023-02-21

Posted on March 25, 2022, and until today, February 21, 2023, it is still under review.
A reminder was sent on February 11, 2023, and they mentioned that the reviewer is still reviewing...
Only 31 days left until it has been a year.

王小贱贱 2023-02-20

Submitting to this journal requires endurance and the ability to wait patiently!
Just sharing the submission timeline: I submitted on April 26, 2022, and as of today, February 20, 2023, it is still under review.
I have sent a reminder once, and they said the reviewer is still reviewing it!
Let's keep going and stay determined!

cowan 2023-01-28

Submitted in March 2022, but by the end of January 2023, there is still no result from the first review. Feeling exhausted.

cowan 2023-01-25

Envy, it has been 10 months since I submitted my manuscript, and I have not received any feedback from the first review.

cowan 2023-01-25

Ah ah ah, it has been 10 months since I submitted, and I still haven't received any feedback from the first review. Feeling exhausted.

ZhangHW 2022-12-27

2022.11.15, submitted the revised draft.
2022.12.23, accepted.
It took a total of 10 months, and I am pleased to have achieved a top-tier journal article in the field of network security, classified as CCF A.

毛毛虫 2022-11-28

2021-1-17 Submission
2022-4-20 Minor revision
2022-5-9 Revised
2022-5-10 With Associate Editor
Until now, there is still no outcome.
Contacted ADM twice during the process, and each time they only replied by forwarding to the editor.
It feels like there are many in line, the speed is really not commendable.

ZhangHW 2022-11-14

2022.11.11, minor revision.
Two acceptances, one minor revision.
The experts' opinions are relatively focused on questioning the details of the theoretical methods and providing suggestions for improvement.
I feel hopeful!

ZhangHW 2022-11-14

TDSC is the No.1 journal recommended by CCF in the field of network and information security, and the difficulty is quite high.
June 22, 2022, major revision.
Three experts, one minor revision, two major revisions.
19 comments and suggestions. It is required to supplement theoretical model explanations and experimental comparative explanations.
Most of them are experts in this field, and their opinions are quite in-depth, making it very challenging to respond!
The reply letter has been written for 14 pages, which is the same length as the paper!

ZhangHW 2022-11-14

In the field of network security, the direction of network security game.
Just making a record.
February 10, 2022, submission.
June 22, 2022, Major Revision Decision, major revision.
September 10, 2022, submission of revised manuscript.
November 11, 2022, Minor Revision Decision, minor revision.
November 15, 2022, submission of revised manuscript.
December 23, 2022, accepted.
It took a total of 10 months and I am quite pleased to have obtained a top-tier journal paper in the field of network security, classified as CCF A.

cowan 2022-11-02

2022.03.25 Submission
2022.11.02 It has been over seven months and I still haven't received any feedback on the first review. Graduation seems distant and uncertain...

xuleduo97 2022-11-02

21.09.21 Submission, rejection, resubmission (two minor revisions, one major revision, one resubmission)
22.03.14 Submission again
22.07.16 Major revision (one rejection, one acceptance, two minor revisions)
22.10.13 Minor revisions (one rejection, two acceptances)
22.11.02 Acceptance

Thank you to the editor for turning things around. In the end, there should be no further review.

TheShine 2022-10-27

May I ask where to find the page requirements for TDSC?

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