Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Kevin 2022-06-12

It is normal for the major repairs to take two months to return, but according to the timeline, the results should be available soon. Just be patient and wait a little longer. Best wishes.

Kevin 2022-06-09

Senior, I would like to ask you a question. It has been two months since the major repairs were completed, but there is still no news. Can I send an email to inquire about the adm?

maoyu摸鱼佬 2022-06-07

It's so amazing!!! Congratulations! I hope to receive such a beginning with every submission. ^ ^

Kevin 2022-06-07

It's so amazing! Xiao Xiu and I were hired on the same day! Congratulations!

Kevin 2022-06-07

2022.06.06 Accept Finally accepted for submission after 208 days~ Submitted the final document yesterday and received the email for copyright transfer agreement today. Now waiting patiently for it to be published online! Keep up the good work, everyone! Although the journal is slow, it is definitely worth it!

XiangLiu 2022-06-07

Submit 2021/12/23
Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2022/01/15
Major Revision 2022/03/14
Revision Submit 2022/03/28
Awaiting AE Recommendation 2022/05/12
Accept 2022/06/06

Submit 2021/12/23
Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2022/01/15
Major Revision 2022/03/14
Revision Submit 2022/03/28
Awaiting AE Recommendation 2022/05/12
Accept 2022/06/06

maoyu摸鱼佬 2022-06-07

Timeline of Submissions
2021.12.10 submitted
2021.12.15 AE Assignment
2021.12.20 Awaiting Reviewer Scores
2022.04.04 Awaiting AE recommendation
2022.04.06 minor revisions
2022.04.10 Awaiting Reviewer Scores
2022.06.05 Awaiting AE recommendation
2022.06.06 accepted

Kevin 2022-06-06

Blessings to the seniors, keep it up!

Kevin 2022-06-05

2022.06.05 Awaiting EIC Decision. Surprisingly, AE is working on the weekend! The decision is about to be given! Good luck! ?

Kevin 2022-06-03

This situation is basically the same as when I first reviewed it. I always thought it was still in the process of being selected by the reviewers, but in fact, the review has already started. ADM might not have updated the status.

Kevin 2022-06-03

Hello, I would like to ask a question. I submitted my paper on 1.6, and received major revisions after the first review on 3.10. I submitted the revised version on 4.10, and since then, the status has been "awaiting reviewer assignment." On 5.10, I sent an email to the editor asking about the situation, and the editor replied that the paper has been sent to the original reviewer and is currently under review. I would like to ask why it has remained in this status for so long?

Kevin 2022-06-03

Is it because countries abroad are on summer vacation, so the processing is slower?

Kevin 2022-06-03

2022.06.03 awaiting AE recommendation Decision time has come! Very nervous.

Kevin 2022-06-03

2022.06.03 Awaiting AE Recommendation Decision time has come! Nervous.

XiangLiu 2022-06-02

It has been 3 weeks since the "awaiting ae recommendation" status after repair, should I follow up on it?

Kevin 2022-04-21

2022.04.21 Awaiting Reviewer Scores. It will probably take more than a month. Waiting patiently for good news~

Kevin 2022-04-19

2022.04.19 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment is like the first round, seems to be jumping back and forth between selection and assignment again~

Kevin 2022-04-15

Especially, one of the reviewers provided 39 comments during the major revision, which greatly helped improve the manuscript. Overall, compared to the speed of review in the past few days, it has significantly increased. Hopefully, we will have a good outcome!

Kevin 2022-04-15

The entire review process is quite long! But the journal is very good, with an Associate Editor and two reviewers who provide very fair comments.

Kevin 2022-04-15

Top journals in the aerospace field, the submission timeline is as follows:
2021.11.10 Submitted
2021.11.25 AE assignment
2021.11.30 awaiting reviewer selection
2021.12.14 awaiting reviewer assignment
......experiencing multiple selections and assignments in between, repeatedly jumping back and forth
2022.01.22 major revision
2022.02.10 Revision Submitted
2022.02.17 Awaiting Reviewer scores
2022.04.05 Awaiting AE recommendation
2022.04.05 Awaiting EIC decision
2022.04.06 minor revision
2022.04.10 Revision Submitted
2022.04.10 Awaiting ADM processing
2022.04.15 Awaiting Reviewer Invitation

Blandine 2022-03-31

Hello! May I ask if there is a status called "Awaiting AE Recommendation" during the first round of manuscript review? Thank you very much. I am grateful.

释怀 2022-03-27

21.8 Submission
21.10.8 Major revision after first review, 21.11.7 Re-submission
22.1.4 Minor revision after second review, 22.2.4 awaiting reviewer score
22.3.16 awaiting Editor-in-Chief decision, 22.3.17 Accepted

asdfg12123 2022-02-04

This is my first time submitting an article, and I have not experienced any minor revisions yet. There is currently no estimated duration for minor revisions.

asdfg12123 2022-02-04

There is an option in the official LaTeX template to set single-column double spacing.

xiaomingxiaole 2022-02-04

Hello! I am also preparing to submit to this journal recently. The editor told me to submit a PDF document with single-column and double-spacing. I wanted to ask if you have a LaTeX version with single-column and double-spacing? I have been looking for it for several days but haven't found it, and I am very anxious. If you have it, could you please send it to me? Thank you very much!

qfzcsky 2022-01-31

Hello, I returned the feedback for the minor revision on December 18, 2021. Currently, I am still awaiting reviewer scores. How long do you expect the minor revision to take for the results?

sanshi 2022-01-30

Top journals in the aerospace field, all states during the submission process:
5 days - Awaiting Reviewer Selection
14 days - Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
5 days - Awaiting Reviewer Selection
1 day - Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
2 months - Awaiting Reviewer Scores
1 month and 5 days - Major Revision
1 day - Awaiting Admin Processing
6 days - Awaiting Reviewer Invitation
1 day - Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
1 month and 13 days - Awaiting Reviewer Scores
6 days - Awaiting AE Recommendation
1 day - Awaiting EIC Decision

qfzcsky 2022-01-17

How long after the minor repair did you get the borrowing result?

qfzcsky 2022-01-05

How much time does the minor repair still need?

SHTJ 2022-01-05

The speed of Taes has increased, the journal has a good reputation, the reviewers are stricter, and every issue will be discussed multiple times.
The first review takes 3 months with major revisions;
The second review takes 3 months with major revisions;
The third review takes 2 months and the paper is accepted.
The total time is 10 months, which is still relatively long, indicating that the journal is quite strict.

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