Verified Reviews - IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

102424lmy 2022-07-12

Will the editor find a new reviewer for resubmission after rejection?

科研坑里人 2022-07-08

2021.12.25 submitted
2022.2.17 revised
2022.4.8 rejected and resubmitted
2022.4.26 accepted
I'm feeling frustrated. When I submitted it, it was in the second district, but now it's moved to the third district after being accepted...

Jun_Pro 2022-07-05

Still no results to this day. Too slow, slow, slow.

不系舟 2022-06-26

I have been desk rejected three times within three weeks, and the reason given was that my English proficiency is not sufficient. I will have my work proofread and submit it to another journal for publication.

Diane0323 2022-06-21

May 22, 2022: Minor revisions were made, and for some reason, an additional reviewer was added. Meanwhile, the second reviewer kept pursuing a particular issue. The added reviewer requested additional experiments, but they were not conducted.

May 31, 2022: Fourth submission.

June 13, 2022: Accepted.

浅灰橙 2022-06-11

It has been half a month since submission, and it is still undergoing review. Indeed, it is a bit slow.

Joie 2022-06-10

How is the author doing? I see that others are very fast. Can we urge the submission?

Jun_Pro 2022-06-09

It has been four months and still no news. So slow.

xilam 2022-05-27

It seems that there was no option to choose whether it is an OA (Open Access) when submitting the post. However, when submitting the final version, there is an option to choose to pay for OA. But it should not be related to the review process.

完美PZ 2022-05-25

May I ask if your results are out now? I am also a minor repair, and I have been undergoing review since April 11th. I wonder how long I have to wait?

feng_lang 2022-05-24

Are you sure this can be selected for OA?

xxxxxxxxxk 2022-05-23

Newbie wants to ask a question, sir. I noticed that you have a relatively fast review speed. Could you please tell me if you submitted it as Open Access (OA)? I saw that there was an option to choose OA or non-OA when submitting, and I wonder if submitting as OA would be a little faster.

xilam 2022-05-22

2022.3.11 Submission
2022.4.17 Repair within 21 days
2022.5.3 Repair
2022.5.22 Acceptance
One of the authoritative and well-known journals in the field of remote sensing and radar. The reviewers are conscientious, responsible, and efficient. Both reviewers provided nearly 10 profound and meaningful suggestions, which greatly helped in improving the paper and were very rewarding.

Diane0323 2022-05-18

September 27, 2021 First submission
November 25, 2021 Rejected and resubmitted
December 21, 2021 Second submission
February 23, 2022 Minor revisions
February 28, 2022 Third submission
No response until now, I don't have any issues with the minor revisions, just wondering why it's taking so long.

Katherine_Di 2022-05-08

First trial rejected
Second trial accepted directly

寿山下的牧牛人 2022-05-06

It should be sent for external review, but it may be very slow. I have submitted four articles to this journal, and none of them have received a first review within two months.

chenriverrrrr 2022-05-02

I have been undergoing review for a month now. Does your submission system display the name of the adm?

寿山下的牧牛人 2022-04-27

Excuse me, why am I not receiving email notifications from the journal after submitting my manuscript? I have experienced this situation with all three articles I submitted to this journal. I haven't received any email notifications from the journal, but other authors have. I kindly request your assistance in providing an explanation.

feng_lang 2022-04-26

I would like to ask everyone, is the status after submission always "undergoing review"? It has been half a month since I submitted, and it is still in this status. Shouldn't it have entered the external review stage instead of the initial review by the editorial department? Because this status appeared right after I submitted the manuscript.

feng_lang 2022-04-26

May I ask, does the status always remain as "undergoing review" after submitting? It has been half a month since I submitted and it is still in this status. Shouldn't it have entered external review by now, instead of the initial review by the editorial department? Because this status appeared right after I submitted the manuscript.

chenriverrrrr 2022-04-14

Can I ask the original poster, is the status always "undergoing review" after submission? Will the system display the name of the ADM?

chenriverrrrr 2022-04-13

May I ask, after submitting the article, will the status always be "undergoing review"? Will it display the name of the editor-in-chief?

穿云de少侠 2022-04-12

My first article in this journal is about data-driven predictions.

October 7, 2021: Submitted for publication.
January 4, 2022: Received first-round review with comments from two reviewers. The first reviewer had 3 questions, and the second reviewer had 7 questions.
January 24, 2022: Wrote a 6-page response and submitted the revised manuscript.
February 20, 2022: Received second-round review with minor revisions. One reviewer requested adding limitations and shortcomings in the conclusion section.
February 21, 2022: Submitted the revised manuscript.
April 11, 2022: Accepted.

frost_CC 2022-03-16

2021.07.20 First submission
2021.08.29 Rejected and resubmitted
2021.11.15 Second submission
2021.12.17 Accepted
I was lucky as I received feedback within about a month for both submissions, which was quite fast.
There were three reviewers, and their feedback was fair and reasonable. The second reviewer appreciated the work but also pointed out some areas where the writing was unclear.
Overall, I lacked experience in writing the first paper and didn't have a clear line of thought. Additionally, the letter was only 5 pages, so I had to omit some details.
I was given 3 months to revise, and I redid some experiments and completely rewrote the paper. After the second submission, it was accepted.

穿云de少侠 2022-03-05

The translation of the text "我是三个月整 收到的回复" into English is "I received a reply exactly three months ago."

fdbx 2022-03-04

It has been 80 days since the submission, and there is still no news.

科研小白报道 2022-02-24

It has been 50 days since the submission, and there is still no feedback from the review. I'm getting anxious. Isn't the time a bit too long?

匿名666 2022-01-16

Hello, how did you handle it? Did you try again?

fanzhe 2021-12-28

Can you share the journal template? Thank you.

爱丽丝的姐姐 2021-12-20

There are two reviewers in total, very professional.
Submitted on 5.19; First review result came back on 6.24 - Revisions Required; Returned revised manuscript on 7.9; Second review result came back on 8.12 - Reject and Resubmit;
Resubmitted on 9.1; Third review comments came back on 9.21 - Revisions Required; Returned revised manuscript on 10.9; Accepted on 12.17

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