Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Neron 2021-02-23

2020.10.16 submit
2020.12.9 reject and resubmit - The process was complicated with a total of three reviewers. One suggested direct acceptance while another strongly opposed, resulting in a longer review period.
2021.1.04 resubmit
2021.1.25 minor review - Two reviewers agreed to accept, but one still had some comments.
2021.2.4 resubmit
2021.2.18 accept

躺起吃西瓜 2021-02-20

SOA: state-of-the-art?

reedM 2021-02-17

25-Jan-2021, Submitted
26-Jan-2021, Under review
10-Feb-2021, Awaiting Decision
16-Feb-2021, Rejected - Resubmission allowed

Asking for reference, the editor mentioned a sentence in the response. May I ask what does SOA analysis refer to?
"However, a better analysis of the SOA should be performed to better highlight the novelty of the proposed technique with respect to recent advances."

SneakerDZ 2021-02-10

08-Dec-2020 submitted
04-Jan-2021 decision: rejected & resubmitted
18-Jan-2021 resubmitted
09-Feb-2021 decision: accepted

Three reviewers + a knowledgeable Associate Editor provided detailed feedback, overall with positive opinions. Targeted revisions were made as required, and a second reviewer was added. The paper was accepted.

Grateful, this is my second paper in CL. This journal is reputable and well-regarded, with responsible reviewers and editors. The review process is fast, usually within four weeks for the first round and three weeks for the second round. The quality of the paper matters more than the quantity. Firstly, it should have a clear innovation point, and secondly, the writing should help reviewers understand the author's ideas and thoughts clearly. Having an innovative point and well-written content is more stable.

论文推土机 2021-02-06

Sorry, there was a calculation error earlier. The inclusion rate should be around 25%, which is 570/(3000-570).

论文推土机 2021-02-06

I was fortunate enough to have one of my articles accepted. The first round of review took one month, with two reviewers who both suggested the need for additional experiments. It took me a month to prepare and conduct the experiments, and another month to organize the results and revise the article. After resubmission, I received an acceptance email after three weeks.

Overall, the difficulty level was moderate. I noticed that there were around 3000 submissions last year, and considering that resubmissions are counted as new articles, about 570 were included in the final publication. Assuming every included article went through resubmission, the acceptance rate would be approximately 570*2/3000, which is less than 40%. Of course, this calculation may not be accurate as it does not consider directly accepted articles or those rejected after revision. It's just an estimation.

吴迪小哥 2021-02-05

OP, may I ask why the minor revision is taking so long? I also had a minor revision and it has been a week, but it is still awaiting reviewer assignment. Shouldn't minor revisions be faster?

吴迪小哥 2021-01-14

The Associate Editor of this journal is still very responsible. It's obvious that you didn't get your submission accepted, which is why you're saying this.

果小冻 2021-01-13

Also, both CL and WCL can exceed the limit of one page now, up to a maximum of 5 pages.

果小冻 2021-01-11

10-Aug-2020 submitted
14-Sep-2020 reject (resubmission allowed)
Three reviewers, took about a month to receive their comments, the comments were all fine and easy to address. Unfortunately, just a few days after receiving the comments, I fell ill and had to undergo a minor surgery, which caused a significant delay. I could only start making revisions by the end of October, and finally resubmitted on November 9th.
09-Nov-2020 resubmitted
21-Nov-2020 Minor Revision
23-Nov-2020 resubmitted
02-Jan-2021 accepted
The process was actually quite fast, but it was mainly delayed because of my illness. The reviewers' comments were very professional, as they were experts in their respective fields and could easily identify the issues in the article. Although it was just a letter, it held great significance for me. It also gave me a small understanding in my own field and boosted my confidence. I will continue to strive for better. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the reviewers and editor for their evaluation. This is the best gift for me in 2021. Thank you.

wq8250 2021-01-08

Does the number of pages have to be within 4 pages?

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