Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Zhan LL 2022-09-20

One major renovation, one minor repair, lasting for 7 months, published in January of the 23rd year.

筑梦haut 2022-01-07

2021.1.21 Submitted
2021.5.17 First decision
2021.6.30 Revision submitted
2021.10.15 O - Optional Revisions
2021.11.16 Revision submitted
2021.11.29 M - Mandatory Revisions (grammar)
2021.12.8 Revision submitted
2021.1.6 Accept

First SCI paper, though it took a bit long, the outcome is still good. The editor was very patient, with one major revision, one minor revision, and one grammar correction. During the process, I sent two reminders for the manuscript. Finally, it was accepted.

小神仙50 2021-05-18

Hello, may I ask if it's convenient for you to send me a submission template?

爱吃水果的越越 2021-02-04

Two reviewers, both very conscientious. However, the publication process is really slow, and it takes one year from acceptance to publication.

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