Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

noisylion 2022-02-07

Completely agree, supporting domestic publications should not blindly suppress top foreign journals. The key issue is that there are strong connections and relationships involved in domestic journals. In some universities, one article in a top-tier journal is considered equivalent to five articles in a second-tier journal. Just imagine, after working hard on research for a year and finally achieving five articles in a prestigious journal like EPSL, you are easily overshadowed by a domestic journal in the field of ancient geography. Who would still foolishly pursue research in foreign second-tier journals? They would definitely focus on establishing connections and publishing in domestic top-tier journals. It feels like the "Great Leap Forward" all over again.

节节高 2022-02-06

Supporting domestic journals and publishing papers on the land of our motherland is not a problem, and everyone is very supportive. However, you cannot blindly suppress foreign top-tier journals. In the end, if others do not recognize this evaluation system of yours, how many people in the Chinese Academy of Sciences will still pay attention to it?

noisylion 2022-02-06

Actually, not only in the field of geology, but also in other fields, various fancy foreign top journals are being pushed into the second tier, while domestic journals are being forcefully promoted to the top tier. You can see on Zhihu that people in various fields are complaining about this year's classification.
For example, in the aviation field:
In the catalysis field:
It feels like if this continues, foreign journals will be pushed to the second tier in the future, and domestic scientific research will be limited to self-entertainment by publishing in domestic journals. A new round of isolationism is coming.

节节高 2022-02-05

Now basically everyone is looking at the basic version, but now it's not good anymore, we can't see the geological ones, only some comprehensive schools that don't understand geology are at a disadvantage...

noisylion 2022-02-04

The upgraded version of EPSL is still in Zone 1. However, what you said is not far off. With the characteristics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, EPSL will probably officially enter Zone 2 next year.
In the future, publishing in Zone 1 will truly require a solid foundation in hydrogeology.
I won't say anything more, I'm exhausted.

节节高 2022-02-04

Sorry, EPSL is also in the second district. If you want to publish in the first district, you can choose either NS or a subsidiary journal. Otherwise, you can consider Gondwana and Frontiers in Earth Science in English. Haha.

noisylion 2022-02-04

I used to write a new paper and had to find a way to control the length to submit to GRL. If it couldn't be shortened, then I would submit it to JGR-SE. But now, both JGR and GRL are in the second tier, so I don't have to worry about shortening my paper anymore.

Now, besides NS, the only top-tier journal left in my field is EPSL. From now on, I can blindly submit my new papers to EPSL. The Chinese Academy of Sciences really makes my life easier. I am grateful.

多年冻土 2022-01-25

May I ask how long it takes to proof after receiving?

节节高 2022-01-25

The new division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is simply an insult to earth science. Traditional top-tier journals like EPSL, GRL, and GCA have all been classified as second-tier now. Who would bother looking at such a classification for geologists in the future? It has completely lost its reference value.

CC2019 2022-01-14

Spent two years carefully producing two achievements, just got accepted by GRL, and thought I could use them to find a better job. Well, unexpectedly, the institute suddenly downgraded me to the second-tier area. :)

fsjkl 2022-01-14

In the field of meteorology and atmospheric oceanography, GRL is one level higher than the Journal of Climate. It is just slightly worse than the N S NG. The Journal of Climate publishes five to six hundred articles per year, while GRL, as a comprehensive journal, publishes only 1500 articles per year, which is not a lot. After all, Geology and EPSL have a narrower scope, for example, they don't have many articles on climate and oceanography. Pure geology is definitely not as good as Geology and is slightly weaker than EPSL.

核幔边界 2022-01-11

Evaluation of journals in the field of biology primarily focuses on impact factor, also known as the so-called "several points" journal. However, the evaluation of geoscience journals is much more complex, and I myself have not figured out how this is caused. Excluding comprehensive journals such as NSP, NC, and SA, there are several professional geoscience journals, including NG, Geology, EPSL, GRL, GCA, and JGR. Except for NG, it seems that the impact factors are not very high, around 3-5. On the other hand, several water journals dominated by easily inflated geochemical research have high impact factors, ranging from 7-9. This phenomenon also leads to people subconsciously no longer considering impact factors when evaluating journals, which is clearly different from the field of biology.

Low-level water journals mainly refer to the routinization, standardization, and industrialization of experiments, resulting in very short work cycles and the production of a large number of articles in a short period of time. There are countless branches within the field itself that can be expanded (such as various elements and research areas), which leads to increasing entropy within the field. Articles also reference each other, even if there is little or no progress, but it is indeed a prosperous scene. In this case, the field appears to be more active and articles in this field tend to have higher citations. However, can these factors alone boost the impact factor of a journal? I don't think so. The influence of the journal operator and some advanced operations are not easily replicable.

核幔边界 2022-01-11

Finally, the zoning of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is becoming increasingly difficult to understand. JGR has become a frequent visitor to Zone 2 Top, and it's really inappropriate for GRL to fall into Zone 2. It may be because the journal category belongs to comprehensive earth sciences, and its impact factor is lower than those well-known journals (just a guess). In the upgraded version, some less comprehensive journals have become Zone 1 again, which may be due to the limitation of their disciplinary categories.

In the field of Earth Sciences, top research institutions in China have their own methods of journal certification, which are not based on the zoning of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Therefore, Zone 1 or 2 does not affect the journal's credibility for them. On the contrary, it is difficult to explain the journal's recognition to the management personnel of these local universities, so it is simpler to refer to the zoning of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

核幔边界 2022-01-11

From the positioning of AGU's journals, GRL should be considered the flagship journal of AGU. I have published articles in both GRL and JGR, and I feel that GRL is generally positioned higher than JGR, similar to how Geology is positioned compared to GSA Bulletin. The difference is that GRL covers a wide range of disciplines and has a higher publication volume, so the evaluation of different disciplines may not be consistent. For some disciplines, GRL may be equivalent to the level of Geology or EPSL; for other disciplines, it may be weaker than these two and similar to JGR overall. Overall, I personally think GRL is slightly inferior to Geology and EPSL. If I had to choose between Geology and GRL, I believe most people would prefer to have an article published in Geology.

This is also a matter of AGU's journal strategy. With so many high-quality journals and such a large publication volume every year, it is not easy to maintain a high level of quality. Therefore, AGU's influence is indeed undeniable, surpassing GSA. However, because of the large publication volume, it is difficult to maintain top-notch articles in flagship journals. In general, I believe that Geology is overall better than GRL without question, but there is a significant difference in the quality of different series of JGR. In the field of geology and geophysics, Solid Earth is clearly better than GSA Bulletin.

GEO 2022-01-05

GRL has unexpectedly been classified as Zone 2. The categorization by the Chinese Academy of Sciences is truly outrageous.

天堂鸟5349 2022-01-03

The domestic suppression of American journals is severe. Several prestigious journals have been downgraded to Zone 2, while domestic magazines with "hehe" in their names are in Zone 3 or Zone 2. They are not at the same level as GRL, JGR, and other journals. Even the top seismic journal EESD is now in Zone 2, which is no longer surprising.

CC2019 2022-01-03

GRL is really efficient. The level of the editors and reviewers is significantly higher than other journals I have previously submitted to. However, why did GRL drop to Tier 2 as soon as I submitted to it?

执剑人 2021-12-30

Tell a joke, GRL is a second-tier journal in the 2021 Chinese Academy of Sciences classification.

jjwhere 2021-12-29

I have also encountered this situation. May I ask how many reviewers there are, 3 or 2?

yuan_328 2021-12-27

What should I do if the human-computer interaction verification interface does not appear when registering an account, senior?

yuan_328 2021-12-27

What should I do if the human-computer interaction verification interface did not appear when registering an account?

昵称973 2021-12-22

Is it water? The upstairs expert said it's water, take me with you.

oceanography 2021-12-21

Can awr and jgr compare to grl? There is at least one level of difference between them, right?

WHUers 2021-12-21

awr, jgr are also in the second district.

tecl 2021-12-21

Maybe because there are many water articles in the journal, it took a little over a month for my submission to be accepted. However, I know for sure that the content of the article is indeed very superficial.

昵称973 2021-12-21

Tell a joke: The "takeover hero" was assigned to Zone 2 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

匿名666 2021-12-20

The problem has been resolved; it was that the interactive page between man and machine was not displayed on my browser.

匿名666 2021-12-18

Have any of you encountered this when submitting contributions? Please check the box below to prove you are human.

匿名666 2021-12-18

Have you encountered this problem before, please? Please check the box below to prove you are human.

干科研不怕输 2021-12-04

My JGR.solid earth is also in the same situation, it seems they have found another reviewer. I submitted it on October 13th and now I'm feeling anxious.

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