Verified Reviews - Aerospace Science and Technology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

造纸厂工人 2023-05-13

Classmate, is your paper currently under review?

人间无事人 2023-05-11

Posted on May 5th, it is still in the submitted status. What a rubbish journal.

Xiaoxuan 2023-05-09

Brother, are you currently with the editor? I have also been waiting for several days without any updates.

风枫之 2023-04-12

Buddha, this journal gives reviewers 30 days of time, and both reviewers who agreed to review have reached the deadline without giving their opinions. They wouldn't have quit, right?

a1425508580 2023-04-12

Just follow the general LaTeX typesetting of Elsevier. There is no requirement for double-blind review, and all submissions include author information. I submitted 3 papers and 2 of them were accepted. I have never been rejected due to formatting issues...

wavelet 2023-04-08

Structural dynamics direction
2.7 submit
3.4 minor revision
3.13 revised
4.5 accept
The speed is okay.

Www 2023-04-06

Which brother can give me some guidance on the issues that need to be paid attention to when submitting to the journal "Aerospace Science and Technology"? Thank you.

Www 2023-04-06

Hello, AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. What issues should I pay attention to when submitting to this journal? I see that the review process is double-blind. The main body of the paper should have double spacing. It seems that the title page requires a separate file for the article title, author information, acknowledgments, and conflict of interest statement. This journal has different requirements than others, and I would like to seek clarification. What issues should I be aware of when uploading the submission files?

Rukiki 2023-04-06

The editor is really amazing! The most peculiar one without a doubt. The first time I submitted: the editor refused, saying that the format was incorrect and asked me to submit according to the "Guide for Authors" template, and also told me that the PDF was too large. After compressing the PDF, I carefully compared it with the template on the website (which was not editable at all). After resubmitting the second time, the editor said, "You still haven't followed my instructions. If you really want to submit to AST, please follow my requirements." I was like, "What?" and he didn't even specify what the requirements were. Later, I carefully read the "Guide for Authors" for a long time and finally found in a corner that the title page and the main body of the article should be submitted separately (double-blind peer review). I suddenly realized this and made the necessary changes, and resubmitted. But they rejected me again, saying, "Don't submit the same manuscript every day, go submit to another journal" ... I want to ask, why did I bother to make the revisions if I wasn't going to submit it?

I'm really speechless. How can an editor of a journal not fairly evaluate academic manuscripts? What kind of editor is he? Instead of addressing the issue directly, he just plays games with people. The template PDF he provided didn't even have the title page and the main body separated, it's just a hypocritical act. When I submit to TAES, the EIC politely emails me telling me not to use terms like "Novel new" in the abstract, and after my revisions, it goes through the review process normally. This editor for AST is really inferior.

凛若弦 2023-04-02

Nine reviewers, only one reviewer rejected the submission, rejected on the third review, wasting nine months, invincible.

yang 2023-04-02

2023.01.15-Submit to journal
2023.01.16-With Editor
2023.01.18-Under Review
2023.03.08-Under Review
2023.03.12-Under Review
2023.03.20-Under Review
2023.03.26-Required Reviews Completed
Two reviewers evaluated the manuscript according to journal standards. Reviewer 1 recommended acceptance with minor revisions. Reviewer 2 opposed the publication without providing any comments. The editor decided to reject the manuscript without providing further explanation.

蝈蝈的小草坪 2023-03-31

December 20, 2022 Submission
January 20, 2023 First revision for minor changes
February 1, 2023 Submitted after making revisions
March 30, 2023 Accepted
After the minor changes, it took a month in the system before sending it out. Overall, it was an average speed!

大熊维尼 2023-03-18

OP, how is your current status? Have you submitted it for review?

123DDD 2023-03-11

Dude, how long did you wait before submitting it with the editor? What is the current status of the paper now?

风枫之 2023-03-09

Go downstairs and feel free to urge them a bit. This situation is indeed not quite normal. Anyway, when you send an email, the people from Elsevier will help you deal with it. They should have a good sense of judgment.

科研王同学 2023-03-08

It has been ten days since the submission was made, and it has always been "submitted to journal". It's too slow.

科研王同学 2023-03-08

It has been ten days since I submitted the manuscript, but it is still submitted to the journal. Is it not good for the author to urge the submission?

科研路同学 2023-03-08

It has been 10 days since submission to the journal. Should I remind them?

风枫之 2023-03-07

On that day, the corresponding author received a tracking email, which included a web version to track the status of the manuscript and also allowed the author to receive the latest paper status in a mini program by scanning a QR code with WeChat.

风枫之 2023-03-07

2023.3.6 Submitted to journal & With editor, manuscript number 500+
2023.3.7 Under review
First time submitting to AST, the editor handled it efficiently. Just recording it.

派一派 2023-02-27

2022.4.26 Submission
2022.4.28 Under Review
2022.11.5 Major Revision
2022.12.4 Resubmitted
2023.2.25 Accepted
This is my second AST (Academic Science and Technology) paper. The content is weaker this time, so the review process took longer. The reviewers provided very professional comments, and the revised version was almost a complete rewrite. It took a whole month to make the changes, but fortunately, the outcome turned out well.

GalaxyJF 2023-01-25

1 hour and 59 minutes rejected, very efficient, worthy of praise.

无名氏2021 2023-01-17

Currently in proof

凛若弦 2023-01-08

It has been over two months since the second trial, but there is still no news. It feels agonizing.

太空挖矿 2022-12-25

You have quite a few reviewers for the first review, and the second review may take a bit longer. These days, foreigners are on holiday, so it is very likely that you will have to wait until after New Year's Day.

凛若弦 2022-12-25

Brother, I feel like this year is not going well. The status has not changed at all for the past two months in the second review.

XiangLiu 2022-12-25

As someone who does aerospace algorithms, why does it say "not within the scope of inclusion" even after several attempts? There was even one time when it said they are not accepting articles on aerospace recently. I wonder why...

bigVger 2022-12-23

22.07.19 Submission
22.09.05 Minor revisions by three reviewers
22.10.17 Accepted
Faster than expected

凛若弦 2022-12-21

Brother, this is the person. How did your thesis turn out in the end?

yilin_scu 2022-12-21

Is the associate editor who handles the article Roberto Sabatini, brother of the 9 reviewers? I was once dragged by this editor to 7 reviewers and 100 comments.

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