Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

accept 2021-05-24

Has the status of your paper changed? Mine has also been in the "decision in process" state for almost a month.

纳凉 2021-05-21

A good journal. However, the speed is indeed a bit slow. Currently in the third round of review, hoping to have one article accepted.

心想事成 2021-05-18

Decision in process for over a month, what the hell, can any expert give some guidance?

iqiukp 2021-05-15

2019.12.20 Submit initial draft
2020.01.20 Submit initial draft for review
2020.07.25 Receive initial review results (one reminder sent during this period)
2020.08.23 Submit revised draft (R1)
2020.10.22 Receive R1 results
2020.11.29 Submit revised draft (R2)
2021.03.08 Receive R2 results (one reminder sent during this period)
2021.03.28 Submit revised draft (R3)
2021.05.14 Accepted

Overall, the reviewers' comments were quite fair, with additional theoretical analysis and enriched experiments. There was a noticeable improvement in the quality of the article, making it a good journal. It was upgraded to the top tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in late 2020.

AlfredWang 2021-05-09

2021.5.8 under review

jiandan94 2021-04-30

I am also waiting for the result of my first trial since I submitted it on 20-04-22. Till now, there is no news or response to my reminder. Speechless.

海纳百川,有容乃大! 2021-04-29

Posted on 2020-04-29, just over a year ago, with a few reminders in between, but still no results to this day!

进击的沙漠之鹰 2021-04-27

Dude, it's been about a year for both of us. However, I provided feedback in January, then returned in February, and still haven't received any updates. I've also sent reminders in between but haven't received any replies. It's really too slow.

ziwei713 2021-04-21

May I ask if your article has been submitted for review?

AlfredWang 2021-04-17

submitted: 2021.3.25
with editor: 2021.4.4

Translation: Submitted: 2021.3.25
With editor: 2021.4.4

MakerOne 2021-04-08

2020.10.2 Submission
2021.2.3 Reviewer's comments returned
2021.2.15 Revised
2021.4.1 Accepted


2020.2.24 Submitted
2020.3.5 with editor
2020.3.17 under review

jiandan94 2021-04-05

Posted on 2020-04-22, it has been almost 12 months now, and there is still no result from the first review. During this time, I have asked my supervisor a few times for reminders, but there has been no response. The sunk cost of this journal is too high, it truly leaves one speechless. ?

AlfredWang 2021-04-04

I have been exactly 10 days since today, and I have also submitted it to the journal. How long does this kind of state usually last?

letpubSCU123 2021-04-04

It has been more than 10 days since submission, but it is still "submitted to journal." What is the situation?

北航小库里 2021-03-27

Has it been normal for it to be in the "Under Review" status for 7 months already? Should I push for it to be reviewed?

JimmyAI 2021-03-17

Why is it that I have been submitting for over a week and still haven't heard back from the editor?

kaikaile 2021-02-27

Submitted at the end of October 2020, the review process for this article was completed by mid-December. The major revisions were sent back in January, and it was accepted for publication by the end of February. Both reviewers provided very constructive feedback, which greatly improved the quality of the paper after modifications. If there is a suitable paper in the future, we will submit it to this journal again.

kaikaile 2021-01-22

After the second review, it has been continuously with the editor.

bless暴雪 2021-01-19

When will this be edited and accepted? It is still being submitted to the journal.

kaikaile 2021-01-12

When I vote, I update the ORCID in my personal information first, and then I can link it by revising and resubmitting.

heyige 2021-01-12

When I submitted, I couldn't connect either. I tried changing browsers and using a VPN, but it didn't work. After that, I cleared the cookies in my browser and logged in again, and it worked.

Sa_Ki 2021-01-11

The speed of the first review is quite fast. It requires major revisions, but there was a problem when submitting the revised draft. There was no response after clicking on "Link to ORCID Record" to log in to the ORCID account in the first step. It has been unable to link to ORCID. Has anyone encountered this situation? How can it be resolved?

kikiyangzh 2021-01-09

Unless there is a reviewer who refuses to review, otherwise it will still be the original reviewer.

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