Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

一只不懂学术的咸鱼 2023-06-15

It has been two months since the required reviews were completed. I wrote a letter to the editor-in-chief half a month ago asking about it, but I still haven't received a response until now.

小小新新仔 2023-06-15

I feel like the chief editor doesn't have time to read emails, or they are all going into the spam folder.

奋斗的研狗啊 2023-06-15

I have reviewed many manuscripts for this journal. The first review is given two weeks, and the second review is given one week. But I don't know where the problem lies. According to the system, some papers have received feedback in January, but they are still in the "dip" status. The second review of my own submission has also been "dip" for almost two months. I have sent two reminders, but received no response. 0-0

特邀审稿人 2023-06-15

Don't mess up the rhythm. Overall, this journal is still good. Recently, I reviewed three articles in a month. The review process usually takes about two weeks. The delay is because there are many backlogged manuscripts during this period. Your article is ranked behind, and each manuscript needs to be carefully reviewed by the editor-in-chief before a final decision can be made. Not all emails can be replied to in time. There is only one editor-in-chief, and there can be many associate editors, but they don't have that much power. Also, Elsevier is not a small workshop. If there is a need for a personnel change, it is not possible to do it hastily as you mentioned, just throwing everything away and not caring. I guess your manuscript was rejected, so you're venting using this as an excuse, hahaha.

zhuen 2023-06-15

Thank you all, when I saw the time on that webpage, I really thought it was true.

kkfc 2023-06-15

That fake-looking old webpage always has a new timestamp whenever I enter it, so it should have some degree of recognition. It's normal for other magazines to not be reviewed for a month.

向日葵班插班生 2023-06-15

I have been with the editor for a long time after submitting my manuscript, about three months (crying). Then, after sending an email through the submission system, it was quickly sent for review. I think I saw that post online before, but I'm not sure when it was posted, and the timing is confusing, so its credibility is probably not high. You can ask the customer service in the submission system for more information and follow their advice to push it a bit. Don't worry too much, good luck!

zhuen 2023-06-15

Posted on May 14th, assigned to an editor on May 15th, but as of June 15th, the status is still "with editor". I just searched and it seems that currently, no submissions are being reviewed. The editor has resigned, but I'm not sure if it's true or not. I also emailed the editor a few days ago and haven't received any response. The email still shows as unread. I'm not sure about the authenticity of this news. You can search on Baidu for "Expert Systems With Applications still not reviewed", the first webpage is about this news. I'm really scared.

oraclec 2023-06-14

This journal has a slow official publication and indexing process. The official publication usually takes 3 months after acceptance, and indexing may occur some time after publication.

fish8888 2023-06-14

I would like to ask all the experts here, I noticed that EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS publishes a lot of articles every year, but why is it that only a few hundred articles are indexed on Web of Science? I'm asking because I also submitted an article to this journal and it is currently under review. My school requires indexing in order to graduate, and I'm really afraid that I won't be able to graduate if it doesn't get indexed.

清晨早起 2023-06-13

Test test test test test test test test test test test test

电子信息 2023-06-13

It has been three months since I also got DIP.

lingerxin 2023-06-12

Can you reply after receiving it, please?

oraclec 2023-06-12

It's been almost two months.

小小新新仔 2023-06-12

How long does the second instance of dip take?

oraclec 2023-06-12

The first time was fast, only two days.

科研汤 2023-06-12

The official template of Elsevier is sufficient.

scikk 2023-06-12

May I ask where to find the template for ESWA?

开心一天 2023-06-12

Bro, how long is the probation period for the dip that you are in charge of?

oraclec 2023-06-11

I have been with for 10 days.

zht411 2023-06-11

Hello, how long has it been since you submitted the revised version to the editor?
Is it normal for it to have been with the editor for 25 days after I revised it?

oraclec 2023-06-11

2023.01.01 submit
2023.03.28 revise
2023.06.10 accept
"Dip is quite torturous."

科研汤 2023-06-11

2023.6.10 Update - Under Review

LIU 2023-06-09

Can you please let me know which direction you are in? I have been waiting for a long time and still haven't received any updates.

lskNicolas 2023-06-08

12.10 submit
1.31 revise
2.10 with editor
2.22 accept
The overall speed is very fast, and the two reviewers found were very gentle.
The submission experience was excellent!

食物链链链 2023-06-08

The email from the journal contains a manuscript review tracking link, where you can see how many reviewers have completed the review. However, you cannot see which specific reviewer it is.

三刀刘索隆 2023-06-08

If you use the simple template of eswa, you can directly generate the corresponding reference format. If you use the complex eswa template, first find the model5-names.bst in the simple template and copy it into the project file. Then, change the preamble to \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib}. Finally, use \bibliographystyle{model5-names} and it will be fine.

You can find both simple and complex templates on GitHub or CSDN.

kangjia 2023-06-08

May I ask how to check which reviewer has completed the review?

stefan 2023-06-07

May I ask where did you find the template for LaTeX? Thank you.

顺顺&朵朵 2023-06-07

I went, just like you, one reviewer returned their comments on the same day.

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