Verified Reviews - Advances in Geo-Energy Research
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

upc_lcf 2022-02-04

Journal review - revision - acceptance - publication is very fast, and the editors are very conscientious and responsible. Currently, it has been included in EI! I wish the journal continued success and improvement.

hugtm 2022-01-06

Fast review speed, serious and responsible editors. Currently included in EI. Has the potential to become a top-tier academic journal.

Kongdb 2021-12-29

The article has been accepted and the submission-review-typesetting process was handled quickly. It is expected that the external review feedback will be returned in about 2-3 weeks, and after making necessary modifications, the article will be accepted. This journal has great potential and is already indexed in EI. It is expected to be indexed in SCI next year.

CZM 2021-12-27

Submitted and accepted, the review process after submission is fast, with feedback received within approximately 2-3 weeks. Accepted after making the necessary revisions. A journal with great potential for growth, expected to be indexed in SCI next year.

qzhang94 2021-12-23

Hello! The articles of this journal have not been indexed by Web of Science, thank you!

艾欧洛斯 2021-12-23

May I ask how long it took for your article to be retrieved from online to WOS? I just submitted one online and I need it urgently by March next year. I wonder if I can catch up in time.

qzhang94 2021-12-23

The journal has a fast review speed and has been included in authoritative databases such as Scoups and Ei Compendex! I wish the journal continued to improve and became an SCI journal soon.

Lucky999 2021-12-23

The journal has a fast review speed, responsible editors, and has already been included in EI. No page fees are required and support is provided.

xiaobin 2021-12-22

This year, I have been included in EI. I heard that the review process is very fast, so I decided to submit my work and hope for a good outcome.

YuanJW 2021-12-22

The text translates to: "Submitted and accepted, the review process after submission is fast, with feedback received within about 2-3 weeks. This journal is currently indexed by Ei, and the quality of its articles is high, with many well-known SCI citations. No page charges are required. Looking forward to this journal entering SCI soon, keep up the good work!"

xinmeng 2021-12-22

AGER received a notice on October 26, 2021, stating that it has been officially included in the Ei Compendex database. Currently, all the papers published in AGER since its establishment in 2017, totaling 170 articles, have been included in the Ei Compendex database. The journal has also been gradually included in other databases such as Scopus, Geobase, DOAJ, CA, J-Gate, etc. In December 2021, the real-time CiteScore reached 9.0.

Advances in Geo-Energy Research (AGER), abbreviated as AGER, was founded in March 2017, and the first issue was officially published in June of the same year. It was founded by Professor Cai Jianchao and co-edited by Professor David A. Wood, the former editor-in-chief of JNGSE. AGER is currently published by Yandy Scientific Press (formerly the Australian Science Press before June 2020) with the international ISSN: 2207-9963; eISSN: 2208-598X. It was initially published quarterly and will change to bimonthly starting from 2022.

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