Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

文博 2023-05-15

Basically, it was rejected.

兽兽 2023-05-15

Has anyone encountered this situation before? Does it mean that I will be rejected?

兽兽 2023-05-15

5.11 submitted
5.11 with editor
5.14 Decision in Process


5.11 submitted
5.11 with editor
5.14 Decision in Process

Dl113 2023-05-09

I previously submitted to Zonghuan and it was rejected after two months of review. The rejection comments seemed to be randomly written, with little specific and constructive feedback.
Then I turned to JCLP, but it didn't fit the journal's direction, so the editor rejected it without sending it for review.
On 5.6, I submitted to EP and the editor chose Professor Uta Bor.
On 5.7, I am waiting with the editor.

TOBE3 2023-05-03

May I ask where to check the "Review Progress" through the website? Is it under "Submissions Being Processed for Author"? I can only see "Under Review" there. Thank you!

拿国奖的男人 2023-04-23

2022.12.26 Submission
2023.1.2 Format revision, resubmission
2023.1.6 With editor
2023.1.8 Under reviewer
2023.2.3 Under reviewer
2023.2.22 Under reviewer
2023.3.1 Under reviewer
2023.3.10 Under reviewer
The progress of the review was checked through the website (5 reviewers were assigned, and all 5 reviewers provided feedback. At that time, I felt discouraged as it became increasingly difficult to submit to this journal.)
2023.3.15 Major revision (given 1 month to revise, 3 minor revisions, 1 rejection (it felt like this rejection was hostile towards me, with overly critical comments), 1 major revision)
2023.4.10 Submission
2023.4.12 Under reviewer
2023.4.25 Minor revision (given 10 days to revise, the same reviewer who rejected it raised some formatting issues, while the other 4 reviewers approved my article)
2023.4.26 Submission (With editor)
2023.4.28 Accept

TOBE3 2023-04-22

It has been more than 10 days already with the editor, still no news. Is it because the invitation to the reviewers for the overview is not good? I really, really hope for a positive outcome!

Cavatina 2023-04-19

2.5 Submitted
3.22 Major revision
4.11 Revision submitted
4.19 Accept

Overall, it was a satisfactory submission experience. The editor and reviewers were efficient, and the questions raised by the reviewers were professional. I hope EP (presumably referring to the journal or publication) continues to improve!

wayv 2023-04-19

0418 Once again, I have to find a reviewer...

向往有你一方 2023-04-10

Hello, I also want to ask which editor did the research partner choose?

ytyy.. 2023-04-07

Hello, I would like to ask if it is necessary to submit code and data when submitting a contribution?

ytyy.. 2023-04-07

Hello, I would like to ask if it is necessary to submit data and code when submitting to this journal?

wayv 2023-04-07

0406 under review, we have found new reviewers.

记忆的长线 2023-03-23

I'm sorry, but I am unable to directly access external links. Could you please provide the text you would like translated?

Jiang Yiyi 2023-03-22

May I ask where can I see the progress of the review? For example, if I have found several reviewers, how many of them have already uploaded their comments.

Jiang Yiyi 2023-03-18

3.3 under review - Currently under review
3.6 under review - Still under review, anxiously awaiting feedback, expecting acceptance.

记忆的长线 2023-03-17

The first paper of the research novice has finally been accepted. The experience is shared as follows, for reference only:

Nov 15, 2022 - Submitted
Nov 16, 2022 - Resubmitted due to formatting issues
Nov 17, 2022 - With Editor
Nov 23, 2022 - Under Review
Nov 26, 2022 - Under Review
Dec 05, 2022 - Under Review
Jan 08, 2023 - Under Review
Jan 17, 2023 - Required Reviews Completed
Jan 22, 2023 - Major Revision, one month
Feb 18, 2023 - Submitted
Feb 20, 2023 - Under Review
Mar 14, 2023 - Minor Revision, 10 days
Mar 15, 2023 - Submitted (With Editor)
Mar 17, 2023 - Accepted

Two reviewers: The first reviewer acknowledged the writing level of the paper but raised a general issue, requiring major revisions. I made several changes throughout the entire paper. The second reviewer was satisfied with the quality of the paper and suggested accepting it after minor revisions.

wayv 2023-03-16

0316 is under review.

Jiang Yiyi 2023-03-12

Is it still under review now? (I also thought it was fast at first, but there has been no change in the status for two months.)

Jiang Yiyi 2023-03-12

Have you received any updates on your application under review? How long has it been?

ddddd266 2023-03-09

2023.1.5 Submission
1.9 Changed to under review (I thought it was fast, good journals are always quick)
2.1 Under review
2.12 Under review, no news since then...

fxn 2023-03-07

0228投稿 with editor translates to "Submitted with editor on 0228"
0305状态变化 with editor translates to "Status changed with editor on 0305"

fxn 2023-03-07

Has your with editor time changed?

勇敢牛牛一号 2023-03-04

On February 16th, with the editor, still with the editor. I want to ask if this is normal? It's so slow.

噗噗的飞雪 2023-03-01

11.30 submitted to journal
12.01 with editor
12.03 under review
12.16 required revision completed
12.26 major revision
1.10 with editor
1.13 under review
1.26 required revision completed
1.30 accept

The process is fast. Wishing the journal continues to improve.

小wang 2023-02-23

Received on February 23, 2023, thank you for the opportunity provided by the journal.

廖小馒头 2023-02-23

Receive on February 22nd.

Jiang Yiyi 2023-02-22

Excuse me, on January 19th, I submitted my manuscript, and it is still "under review" as of February 22nd. During this period, the status date changed twice, on February 7th and February 20th, but it has remained "under review." What does this mean? Are they still looking for reviewers? I am anxious to graduate, and it is taking so long... The submission process seemed to be smooth initially.

小wang 2023-02-21

2023.02.21, the status with the editor has changed a little bit again. I suppose the editor has received and reviewed my major revision, but I'm not sure if it will be sent for approval. I worked hard on the revisions, hoping it will be accepted. I have been feeling very anxious lately.

小wang 2023-02-18

2023.02.08 Overhaul, opinions from two reviewers.
2023.02.18 Revised, must be accepted.

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