Verified Reviews - Environmental Earth Sciences
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

zsy!!! 2023-07-23

My editor has been appointed for two months, but I don't understand the situation.

zxning 2023-06-13

Be cautious in submitting it. The review process took two months with the editor, and another half month for the review. But it got rejected as soon as it came back. The reviewer's comments were very harsh, making me feel that the reviewer was irresponsible. I suspect that they may not be friendly towards Chinese papers, and considering the low level of the journal itself, it is not worth submitting to it.

Killox辉 2023-06-03

I want to ask, how many reviewers are there in total for this journal's three rounds of review?

打工都是人上人 2023-06-02

Yesterday I submitted my work, and today it shows that it is under peer review. They might be looking for external experts, hoping everything goes smoothly. I have been rejected several times!

dsfsfgdssfds 2023-06-01

30 May 2023 Submission accepted
05 Apr 2023 Submission under peer review
05 Apr 2023 Submission passed technical check
03 Apr 2023 Revision received
14 Dec 2022 Submission under peer review
14 Dec 2022 Submission passed technical check
13 Dec 2022 Revision received
23 Aug 2022 Submission under peer review
23 Aug 2022 Submission passed technical check
21 Aug 2022 Submission is under technical check
21 Aug 2022 Submission received

30 May 2023: Submission accepted
05 Apr 2023: Submission under peer review
05 Apr 2023: Submission passed technical check
03 Apr 2023: Revision received
14 Dec 2022: Submission under peer review
14 Dec 2022: Submission passed technical check
13 Dec 2022: Revision received
23 Aug 2022: Submission under peer review
23 Aug 2022: Submission passed technical check
21 Aug 2022: Submission is under technical check
21 Aug 2022: Submission received

tg派 2023-05-25

This journal is extremely slow, so graduating colleagues should be cautious about submitting manuscripts. Moreover, after receiving revision comments, two additional reviewers were added. It takes several months to know the results after resubmitting the revisions. In short, it is very slow.

Submission: October 26, 2021
Major Revision: July 3, 2022
Multiple rounds of revisions during the process
Finally rejected.

top飞仔 2023-04-12

So slow, I withdrew the submission and contacted the AE, but it's still so slow. Does anyone know the contact email of the editor-in-chief? I want to withdraw quickly.

瘦弱的小胖子 2023-04-11

This status is about finding reviewers for review. Sometimes, if multiple reviewers do not review, it will take a long time. You can email the journal and inquire about the progress.

瘦弱的小胖子 2023-04-11

22.1.24 Submission
Under consideration
23.1.9 Major revision
23.3.19 Major revision revisions
Under consideration
23.4.7 Accepted
Lasted for 13 months, accepted after major revision, always in the status of "Under consideration", several reminders sent after submission, the editors patiently replied, three reviewers for the major revision, their comments were very serious, not many comments, due to personal reasons, the revision was delayed by one week, otherwise it would have been faster in terms of time, accepted directly after the major revision, thank the editors and reviewers!

一点儿也不神奇 2023-04-05

It has been over a month, and an editor still has not been appointed. May I ask how long it usually takes to receive one?

一点儿也不神奇 2023-04-05

It has been over a month, and the editor is still appointed. How long does it usually take to deliver? 2023-04-01

Bro, what's your situation now? I'm in the same situation too. Can you let me know?

不会写sci的小哲 2023-03-18

Excuse me, is it the new system submission? Mine has also been appointed as an editor for a long time.

学术小菜鸟666 2023-02-20

I stayed in the editor's hands for two months before being sent.

xw 2023-02-11

Help: After modifying the first-instance opinion, the submission interface for the revised manuscript cannot be opened and shows "Not Found". An email has been sent to the editorial department for consultation but no response has been received yet. How should this situation be handled?

SOIL&WATER 2023-02-09

After the first trial, make modifications to the hiring.

阿a卜 2023-01-22

The first round of revisions has been over for more than a month now. The status shows that 22 reviewers have been invited, but no one has responded to the email inquiries from the editor. Has anyone encountered this situation before?

xupeng_swpu 2022-12-30

The reviewer is very meticulous, and the review comments are very fair. Although the speed is slightly slow, the result is good.

csdcds 2022-12-28

"1 Reviewer report received" means "1 reviewer report has been received" in English.

学术小菜鸟666 2022-12-22

It took almost 2 months for the submission to be reviewed, and now it has been almost 5 months without receiving any expert opinions. I feel that the speed is indeed very slow. Let's wait patiently.

毕业毕业! 2022-12-22

I submitted it through the old system, it seems like there is no such step.

他乡来客 2022-12-18

How often does the Editor appointed update? It has been one month for me.

毕业毕业! 2022-12-17

6.15 Submission
8.13 First review major revision, feedback received
9.17 First review revised
10.30 Second review minor revision, feedback received
11.7 Second review revised
12.9 Third review minor revision, feedback received
12.9 Third review revised
12.17 Acceptance
I feel very lucky to be accepted in just 6 months, while it usually takes more than a year for many people. There were a total of 5 reviewers, who were very diligent, to the point of being obsessive. However, their feedback was very accurate, and some even helped rewrite sentences. It was a very rigorous process and quite challenging to make the necessary edits, but thankfully it got accepted. Thank you to all the reviewers!

他乡来客 2022-12-01

May I ask how long it took for the Editor appointed status to be updated?

他乡来客 2022-12-01

It has been half a month and they are still appointing an editor, it's too slow.

土木搬砖工头 2022-10-28

This journal is no longer SCI (Science Citation Index) indexed, why are they still submitting articles to it?

清风asdfh 2022-10-10

May I ask how to send an email to the editor using the new submission system? Thank you.

清风asdfh 2022-10-09

I am too, I have been invited for reviews for almost two months now.

天池守望者 2022-10-07

Is the new system you mentioned the Spring Nature system? Mine has always been Editor appointed, I don't know how long it will take for the next step.

天池守望者 2022-10-07

The submission link provided for Spring Nature system does not allow submissions. The Editor appointed has made no progress in half a month, and the speed feels very slow.

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