Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

大鸡腿真好吃 2023-04-04

Hello, I would like to ask, after acceptance, how long will the journal contact me regarding publishing matters, such as permissions (open access or subscription), etc.

InnerPeace_Ding 2023-04-03

11.22 submitted to journal (0:38)
11.26 With Editor (0:35)
12.05 Under Review
12.25 Required Reviews Completed
01.04 Decision in Process, Major Revise (7 reviewers, 30+ comments)
02.10 With Editor
02.15 Under Review
03.10 Required Reviews Completed
04.03 Decision in Process, Accept (4 reviewers, all agreed to accept)

vandarkh 2023-04-02

It seems like there are four of them. Both my first and second review had four, and during the second review, one of the first review's comments was not responded to, so we found another one. The total is still four.

bigbigpang 2023-04-01

You are already doing well, but even after two months, I still have not found any reviewers.

天涯的心跳 2023-04-01

Ask all the Newtons, how many peer reviewers are there for the first review of this journal? Only 2 reviews have been completed now, it's been over two months, so slow...

困die要早起 2023-03-31

I don't even know what to say anymore. It's been a year since submission, but there has been no response to the reminder. I plan to withdraw the submission.

大鸡腿真好吃 2023-03-30

From July 20, 2022, to March 29, 2023, lasting for more than 8 months, finally Accept!

万万没想到 2023-03-29

Urge for manuscripts is of no use, urging for manuscripts only gets the official response from Isville, and it is slow.

bigbigpang 2023-03-29

Is there an email for urging the submission?

Mrmelon 2023-03-29

In addition, the corresponding author did not receive any emails with tracking information to follow up on the progress of the review. Is it helpful to remind the journal about the submission?

Mrmelon 2023-03-29

1.18 submit - Submitted on January 18th
2.1 under review - Under review since February 1st
2.2 under review(跟新日期) - Under review since February 2nd (updated date)
2.5 under review(跟新日期) - Under review since February 5th (updated date)
3.10 under review(跟新日期) - Under review since March 10th (updated date)
It has been over a month without any news. On March 10th, the date changed again. Does anyone know what this means? Did they only find a reviewer on March 10th?

InnerPeace_Ding 2023-03-29

I have been waiting for the second review of RRC for almost 20 days. How about you?

InnerPeace_Ding 2023-03-29

Have you made a decision on this RRC? It seems like decision-making has been a bit slow lately.

Xcasual 2023-03-29

Excuse me, is the editing section of the official website homepage currently missing the contact email of the editor-in-chief? I wanted to push the progress a bit, but I couldn't find a link to send an email.

cutelad 2023-03-28

May 2022 Submission
Received feedback for revision at the end of October 2022 (3 reviewers, 14 days to complete)
Submitted R1 on November 21, 2022, and the editor processed it on the 23rd
Since then, whereabouts are unknown, it has been 4 months already
According to the official explanation, the first round of reviews has been completed by the 3 reviewers, but the editor added an additional reviewer from the second round onwards, and this additional reviewer has not processed anything for the past 4 months. Finally, on March 27, 2023, after 4 months, the editor went online and sent out 4 more review invitations (without any processing during the 4 months).
The handling process is very strange and absurd, claiming that 4 reviewers are needed to make a decision. In the past, our research group had two instances where the process ended with only 3 reviewers, so this response is inexplicable.

InnerPeace_Ding 2023-03-28

How long did it take for the second review of RRC to DIP, as well as from DIP to Accept?

bigbigpang 2023-03-27

It has been February since the submission, but no review invitations have been accepted: 0.

lpanysu 2023-03-27

Looking at the tracking status of the manuscript, as of March 25th, the opinions of the four reviewers should have all been received. Currently, the status in the journal system is still "Under Review". I hope you can give us a chance, even if it requires major revisions, please don't reject it...

ChrisMa 2023-03-26

October 24, 2022, submission
October 25, 2022, editorial assignment
December 13, 2022, major revision (4 experts, deadline until January 3, 2023)
Infected with COVID-19, requested extension until January 16, 2023
January 13, 2023, revised major revision
March 9, 2023, accepted

According to the official website, the acceptance time for online submissions is 2.8 weeks. It is already the 26th today, but I haven't received any emails regarding the proof.

神奇奶源 2023-03-26

I am also...On the fifth day, one reviewer returned their comments, and until now, it has been over two months with no changes at all...

bigbigpang 2023-03-24

It should be accepted without any problems. If there are any issues, it is impossible for them to be resolved so quickly.

xucz 2023-03-24

Did the reviewer reply so quickly?
Has the editor given you feedback now?
I am also in the first round of review, and I didn't have enough time, so I applied for an extension.

lpanysu 2023-03-23

Submission in December 2022.
Major revision on February 10, 2023.
The major revision was given 3 weeks, but it felt like not enough time, so an extension was requested.
Revised on March 20, 2023.
Under review on March 21.
Two reviewers already provided their feedback on the same day.
On March 23, more than two reviewers provided their feedback.
Why is it so fast?
Feeling anxious...

aaazz 2023-03-22

3.22 under review, how long does the UR for EAAI usually take?

aaazz 2023-03-22

Thank you, Van.

aaazz 2023-03-22

Thank you, Mítáng Coffee.

米糖咖啡 2023-03-21

The date has changed, it might have gone through a formatting review. Mine changed and two days later, UR.

Vanxy999 2023-03-21

Normal, it's possible that the assignment was edited.

aaazz 2023-03-21

Why did the date change for "with editor"?

bigbigpang 2023-03-21

Our laboratory has reviewers, but I feel like they intentionally delay the review process. During this period, I need to quickly replicate the innovative points of the paper or even try to submit a paper first. Sigh!

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