Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Eureka 2023-05-16

Hello, may I ask if your submission was accepted directly and only took two months from beginning to end? It took me two months to receive the initial review decision. Currently, I have invited five reviewers, and three have already agreed while two have not responded yet. I am very anxious now because this decision will directly determine the level of the school I will be recommended to.

米糖咖啡 2023-05-15

In two months, I have found 9 reviewers and received 5 opinions: 3 major revisions and 2 rejections. They have indeed pointed out many errors and omissions. I accept the rejections with a humble heart, as my level is not sufficient. I will come back next time!

s_u 2023-05-13

I have been messed around three times and received seven or eight more. It's simply speechless.

s_u 2023-05-13

This magazine is outrageous. It's already the third round and they have invited seven or eight more people. It's truly speechless.

InnerPeace_Ding 2023-05-12

Around 2 weeks, online.

万万没想到 2023-05-12

I want to ask how long it will take to publish and index the journal after it is accepted.

xucz 2023-05-11

I switched from UR to RRC on January 3, 2023. I received suggestions for major revisions on February 27, 2023.

小土水青 2023-05-09

Reply to [vandarkh]
So fast? I have accepted it for two days now, but I haven't received any follow-up emails or been asked for proofreading and copyright confirmation.

动物世界 2023-05-09

The text "axaxaxax" does not have a specific meaning in any language. It is often used as an onomatopoeic expression representing laughter or amusement, similar to "hahaha" or "lol" in English.

动物世界 2023-05-09

The word "ddddd" does not have a specific meaning or translation in English. It appears to be a random combination of letters.

vandarkh 2023-05-09

I am a week, from acceptance to being online, exactly one week.

LL1221 2023-05-09

Brother, be content that I have only reviewed it for a year.

小土水青 2023-05-09

24/2/2023 submitted
28/2/2023 under review
7/4/2023 major revise (Three reviewers, 1 raised some simple questions, 2 raised more than ten experimental issues, 3 raised issues with the structure of the paper)
11/4/2023 revision submitted
4/5/2023 major revise (Reviewer 3 still thinks there are issues with the structure of the paper and finds the overall logic weak)
6/5/2023 revision submitted
8/5/2023 accept
Overall, the processing speed was quite fast, and I was lucky.
I want to ask everyone when to contact for publication? It feels like this journal is much slower online compared to IEEE. The previous articles in IEEE were online in three to four days.

苏坡 2023-05-09

I am seven months pregnant, but even if I try to induce labor, it's useless. I'm truly speechless.

天涯的心跳 2023-05-09

This B journal is really frustrating. It has been more than three months and it's still in the first round of review! We always can't find the third reviewer, and urging for submission is useless. Can't they just have two reviewers for revisions? This journal is the slowest and most annoying. It's really wasting my time.

ydly123 2023-05-08

I have been in the first review for almost nine months and still haven't found a reviewer. It's so frustrating.

超级拉姆 2023-05-08

I have been in the first instance for half a year.

badabada666 2023-05-08

I have been in this state for nearly a month, sigh...

米糖咖啡 2023-05-08

Isn't it said that the longer the RRC time, the higher the probability of success? My RRC has been five days already, and every day I am filled with anxiety.

hyfwyy0604 2023-05-07

I want to ask if the probability of being rejected is high for reviews completed for a month.

xucz 2023-05-07

Revised on April 4, 2023.
Under review as of May 5, 2023.

人在皮天在看 2023-05-04

Although it was accepted, I still want to complain about this journal! The timeline is as follows:
April 29th, 2022: Submitted
July 6th, 2022: Received major revisions after the first review (3 reviewers)
July 14th, 2022: Resubmitted
February 14th, 2023: Minor revisions (accepted by two reviewers, one reviewer did not review, editor took a long time to find a reviewer, took half a year)
February 17th, 2023: Resubmitted
March 20th, 2023: Accepted
Overall, the difficulty of the journal is not very high, as I know at least five people who have been published in this journal. However, the handling time by the Associate Editor was a bit unpredictable. Finally, I would like to thank my mentor for their careful guidance throughout the process.

sadasfasd 2023-05-03

The second review system shows that it requires major revisions, but the comments from the reviewer suggest that minor revisions would be acceptable. After the system showed "under review," the reviewer provided feedback the next day. After a few more days, the editor probably saw the comments and accepted the article. I feel that my speed in this journal is considered relatively fast. I have previously submitted an article, and it took two months to be with the editor. Good luck to you all, and don't worry. Elsevier journals usually have a similar speed.

海Demon 2023-05-02

The second review has been submitted for more than ten days and is still "With Editor".

ad123 2023-05-02

Did you make major or minor revisions for the 8 opinions you gave in the second review? You only spent 10 days on the second review. I have been waiting for the editing of my 5 opinions for 24 days in the second review.

sadasfasd 2023-05-02

2022.12.14 submit
2023.2.21 First revision, 31 review comments (6 reviewers)
2023.3.10 Revised and resubmitted
2023.4.18 2 additional reviewers, 8 comments raised
2023.4.21 Revised and resubmitted
2023.4.26 Under review
2023.5.1 Accepted the same day
Overall, due to the large number of reviewers for this journal, not only does the submission require certain competence, but it also requires some luck.
It took me 5 and a half months from submission to acceptance, with 2 rounds of revisions in between. However, based on my observation of others' submissions on LetPub, I feel that I was relatively fast.

vandarkh 2023-04-28

Around three days, however, the editing speed of mine is relatively fast.

sadasfasd 2023-04-27

It will be added again. The first time I had 6 reviewers, and then 2 more were added for the second review, making a total of 8 reviewers.

sadasfasd 2023-04-27

There's no way to save it, our defense is in June, waiting for the second review (PS: My reviewer has already added 8 edits, hahaha)

lpanysu 2023-04-26

The second review comments were returned on April 10, with an additional reviewer added on the 6th. The editor provided some minor revisions.
Submitted on April 23, and then it was sent for external review again. Currently, it is under review...
So, the minor revisions still need to be sent for external review...

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