Verified Reviews - Energy Policy
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

lchou 2023-07-21

May I ask if this journal requires data to be provided?

Lyyyyyyyyyy 2023-07-11

Submitted a special issue, it took one month for review, and another month to complete the review. Then it was delayed for over two months in the hands of the editor before being rejected!!!! Only a few months in a year, and with such a delay, it's basically a lost opportunity.

科比爱巴萨 2023-03-08

The process from submission to acceptance took a total of 7 months, with 2 rounds of major revisions and 1 round of minor revisions.
The submission to review process took about 2 months, and this stage had a relatively long waiting time.
Each round of major revisions took approximately 1.5 months, and the review process was relatively fast.

随心所欲M 2023-02-22

2022.8.20 Submission
2022.12.9 Revision
2022.12.25 Revised manuscript submission
2023.2.22 Still no result
This journal is really slow.

hhhhhaa 2023-02-14

The editing process was very fast, the review process was quite fast, but it was still rejected. Feeling down.

sci大户 2022-12-14

Record the time:
2022.11.16 submit
With the editor, it will take about two weeks.
2022.12.5 under review
2022.12.12 required review completed
I don't know why it's so fast. According to the information online, the possibility of tragedy is high, but still hoping for good news~~~~

一名青椒 2022-11-22

This magazine is simply terrible. Let me share my submission experience:

I submitted in April 2020.
I can't remember the exact time for the first and second reviews, but for the second review, an additional reviewer was added (if I remember correctly). Every time there were review comments, I replied promptly within 1-2 months.
The submission for the third review was made in November 2021, which means it took more than 1 and a half years by then.
The third review lasted for a whole year, during which I sent two reminder emails, but they were of no use.
In November 2022, the entire submission process took a total of two years and seven months, only to receive a rejection letter.
I want to say, can't the rejection process be faster? Each review takes so long, don't the editors know to remind the reviewers?
This reminds me of when my senior sister submitted to EP and also encountered a one-year delay in the second review. When she asked the editor, the editor said the previous editor had passed away, and the others did not have the authority to handle it. So they kept dragging it, and eventually, it was rejected.

I assume it has something to do with the journal's goal of improving the review speed. If they accept articles with long review periods like ours, it would significantly reduce their submission-review time cycle indicator. The journal's indicators wouldn't look good, so the editors are more inclined to reject.

Overall, I feel that the internal management of EP is a bit chaotic, and I don't know why. It's really disheartening.

TENCAT 2022-10-26

99.9 percent rejection can try something else.

mlmdxbldm 2022-10-19

May I ask everyone, if it says "decision in process" after "with editor," does it mean that it will be rejected?

YYDS.. 2022-05-18

Personally, I think it's going too far to bring up the issue of political stance and ideological struggle. The information of reviewers should be kept confidential, but the information of editors, chief editors, and deputy editors is publicly available on the journal's official website, without any confidentiality involved. If the chief editor or editor is a prominent figure, the journal even promotes it specifically.

treasueala 2022-05-16

Energy Use Direction
2022.01.26 submit
2022.02.02 with editor
2022.02.09 under review
2022.03.02 major revision
2022.04.24 minor revision

一若枉然 2022-03-09

The information of editors is all public, but reviewers are anonymous, so we cannot know who they are.

第九玄斌 2022-03-08

It is not good to disclose the information of the reviewer without the consent of others.

一若枉然 2022-03-04

Supervisor, Carbon Neutrality, and a Subtopic in Environmental Economics.

2021.02.02 - Submitted
2021.02.07 - With Editor
2021.06.18 - Under Review
2021.08.22 - Major Revision
2021.09.30 - Resubmit
2021.11.02 - Major Revision
2022.01.18 - Resubmit
2022.02.13 - Required Reviews Completed
2022.02.17 - Accepted

The initial review process was very slow, involving seven reviewers and two rounds of revisions. The editor is Professor Zhou Peng from East China University of Petroleum.

luolong 2022-02-21

So slow. It's really exhausting.

TENCAT 2022-02-19

Overall, it has been relatively smooth.
As long as the review process goes smoothly, but the stage from submission to review is a bit torturous, taking about fifty days.
All those who wish to submit their work need to wait patiently...

x 2022-02-12

How are you doing now, OP? Did you find an editor?

x 2022-02-12

When can I "with editor" and submit for review after submission, OP?

luolong 2022-02-11

May I ask if this is a journal for materials?

WDNMD√8 2022-02-09

Received at Editorial Office: 27 May 2021
Article revised: 1 Feb 2022
Article accepted for publication: 8 Feb 2022

Shunlin Jin 2022-01-10

May I ask how to contact the editor of this journal? I have been waiting for a long time and it is still "Submitted to Journal".

TENCAT 2022-01-06

Hurry up and go back to the first district...

William 2022-01-01

New year, new atmosphere, new year, new hope.

TENCAT 2021-12-22

Hey, the journal with such a good reputation has actually been classified into the second tier of the economics category. I really don't understand it.

yuanchen 2021-11-30

"Excuse me, has anyone been hired recently? I'm seeking to share experiences of submitting contributions."

tjcy 2021-09-08

Excuse me, has it been submitted for review now?

TENCAT 2021-08-11

Submitted on July 10th, waited for about 20 days with the editor. Hoping for good news.

无限小元 2021-08-04

May I ask, can I directly upload a Word file for manuscript submission? I noticed in the author's guide that LaTex is mentioned. Do I need to use this software for formatting?

分秒必争 2021-08-03

2021.7.2 Submission
2021.7.16 Modified and resubmitted according to the basic review results
2021.8.3 Prompted with editor
Hope it works

扬帆远航 2021-06-08

After the submission is shown as "Submitted to Journal," is it necessary for each collaborating author to register and log in to the EP submission system in order to communicate with the editor?

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