Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

pengpengliu 2021-11-20

The paper focuses on the thermal and moisture properties as well as energy consumption of nano aerogel foam concrete. The overall speed was quite fast, with the second reviewer providing 17 modification suggestions, which greatly improved the quality of the paper.

8.25 - Submitted to the journal
8.27 - Under review
9.12 - Required reviews completed
9.26 - Under review
9.27 - Required reviews completed again in the evening
10.7 - Three reviewers, one major revision, one minor revision, and one acceptance
10.22 - Submitted to the journal
10.25 - Under review
11.02 - Required reviews completed
11.07 - Minor revision
11.13 - Submitted to the journal
11.15 - With editor
11.19 - Accepted

多夕拉说 2021-10-25

9.05 submitted
9.26 minor revision
10.09 re-submitted
10.18 under review
10.22 required review completed
10.24 decision in process
10.25 accept


After major revisions, it was submitted on 5.31.
On 7.19, there was a major revision.
On 8.12, it was re-submitted.
On 8.13, it is under review.
On 8.27, the required review was completed.
On 8.31, the decision is in process.
On 9.6, it was accepted.

xusita1 2021-07-19

With an editor telling me after one month that it doesn't match the theme of the journal, TIM should have rejected it earlier. They've been dragging their feet for so long.

xusita1 2021-07-07

It has been two weeks with the editor, neither rejecting nor sending for review. Do you know what's going on, friends?

取什么名好呢 2021-06-03

May I ask who are your reviewers? One of my reviewers has not accepted the review invitation for a week already.

Cora的栗子 2021-05-24

I would like to ask, what does "no more than 10 double line spaced manuscript pages including tables and figures" mean? Currently, my Word document has over 30 pages.

Hebeying 2021-05-22

Already submitted, accepted after major revision.
2.5 submitted
3.23 major revision
4.23 re-submitted
4.26 with editor
4.28 under review, required review completed
4.29 under review
2.20 required review completed
5.21 decision in process
5.21 accept

damonlxv1201 2021-04-12

The submission made in October 2020 has not received the first-round review results as of April 12, 2021. During this period, there were three months when the editors did not process the article.

努力存首付的张张 2021-04-02

I also had four rejections and four application failures. It's overwhelming, graduation is difficult.

额就似咸鱼 2021-03-31

Notification of paper inclusion, I'm here to share some good news.
As a master's student majoring in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) engineering with a focus on comprehensive energy optimization (optimizing multi-source complementary heating systems), it took a lot of effort to conceive, write, revise, polish, select a journal, submit, and make revisions. However, luckily, the revisions requested were minor, although the second review process took a bit longer. But the result is good, and I am happy!
2020.06.13 - Submitted the Manuscript
2020.06.13 - Underwent Editor Review
2020.06.19 - Reviewer Invited
2020.07.06 - Under Review
2020.09.07 - Ready for Decision
2020.09.12 - Revision Requested (minor revision and modification)
2020.11.07 - Underwent Editor Review
2020.11.07 - Reviewer Invited
2020.11.21 - Under Review
2021.03.27 - Decision in Process
2021.03.30 - Accepted

晓晓14 2021-03-15

Just asking, why do they ask you to choose between open source or a sub-journal when submitting an article?

科研小白00 2021-03-07

May I ask what is the current status of your thesis?

樱桃九熟 2021-02-25

Just submitted, checking out the information from senior researchers, I think it will probably take about a month for the first review to have results.
I hope for a good outcome, it's my first SCI publication.
Previously, I had five submissions and all were rejected, so this time I'm trying something different~

四季独爱春 2021-01-27

It should be a big deal, right? It seems like the thesis I reviewed.

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