Verified Reviews - Energies
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

dzcx 2022-08-15

Some people don't need to come and criticize this journal for no reason at all. It's just to show off their other good papers. If you encounter a difficult topic or direction, you may not be able to publish this journal. Everyone doesn't need to belittle or worry too much. If your institution approves or if your field thinks it's not bad to publish a paper like this, then go ahead. If your institution doesn't recognize it for promotion or graduation of students, or if the field indeed doesn't recognize it, then don't publish it.

Keanurora 2022-08-13

It took only a little over two weeks from submission to acceptance. The suggestions raised by the reviewers did not enhance the quality of the paper.

asjiodjosijofs 2022-08-12

8.8 pending minor revision - This means that the item or task is currently awaiting some small modifications or changes.
8.12 resubmit - This indicates that the item or task needs to be submitted again.

甜涩的苦咖啡 2022-08-08

Agreed, can't bear to revise the paper.

asjiodjosijofs 2022-08-06

Posted on July 26th, no results as of August 6th.

沉迷学术 2022-07-25

Trash open-source journal. They often flood me with papers for review. It's obvious that they are of low quality. These articles are not even qualified for the initial screening, and it makes me really angry to see them.

Ashamed712 2022-07-20

6.17 submission
6.24 editor contacted for processing
7.8 major repair, required to be fixed within 7 days
7.13 major repair submission
7.15 minor repair, required to be returned within 3 days
7.15 minor repair submission
7.19 accepted

Ys 2022-07-16

5.27 submit
6.1 under review
7.16 two received, one major repair, repaired and returned within seven days.

世界和平 2022-07-14

Hello, may I ask if you have subscribed to the regular issue or the special issue?

yyds 2022-07-13

Published on the evening of July 12, online.

yyds 2022-07-12

Submitted on June 2nd, received the second reviewer's message on June 15th. The first reviewer completed the review on July 3rd. Sent an email to the Associate Editor (AE) to inquire about the situation on July 4th. The system updated to major revision on July 5th. Resubmitted on July 9th. On July 10th, the system displayed the revised manuscript for re-review. On July 11th, the system showed acceptance. Submitted the Grant Agreement (GA) and paid the fee on July 12th.

一休 2022-06-28

How long does it usually take for energies to go from online release to being searchable in WOS?

张天宝PepS 2022-06-28

The first paper is really fast. Although it is not well received in the industry, it is suitable for people who are in a hurry for time...
Submitted on May 28, 2022; received first-round review comments on June 3, 2022; revised on June 9, 2022; accepted on June 16, 2022; published on June 17, 2022.

yyds 2022-06-28

June 2 submitted
June 15 reviewer 1's comment collected

Translation: The submission was made on June 2. The comment from reviewer 1 was collected on June 15.

颜廷松 2022-06-27

Received Date
22 May 2022
Revised Date
20 June 2022
Accepted Date
27 June 2022

andylesin 2022-06-01

Do I need to write down the author's information when submitting this manuscript, or is it unnecessary to do so?

Oooliviaaa 2022-05-25

I submitted this article as my first publication when I was in graduate school. At that time, this journal was not on the watch list and was considered a level 3 journal.
The revisions took a total of 3 months, and it was eventually accepted.
However, in just two short years, it has now been downgraded to a level 4 journal on the watch list.
It's unbelievable that people around me now feel ashamed to publish in this journal...
Even a junior student who doesn't have the level of Chinese proficiency required for core articles looks down on this journal. I wonder what has happened to this journal in the past few years.

Rainy-autumn 2022-05-25

The data in the thesis is mostly selectively submitted;
The publication fee on the official website is 2000 CHF, which is approximately 14,000 Chinese Yuan. Some universities may offer discounts, so it can be calculated as 1800 CHF, approximately 12,500 Chinese Yuan;
If you have any other questions, you can add me as a friend for information exchange and mutual progress!

energies值得投吗 2022-05-19

I have been serving as an academic editor for this journal. Compared to other similar journals that I have edited, such as Geofluids and Frontiers in Earth Science, its reputation is slightly inferior. The publication fee is not as cheap as Geofluids, and its ranking is not as high as Earth Science. However, the usual speed of review and handling is still acceptable. As long as appropriate reviewers can be found, the initial review can be completed within two weeks. Compared to other similar journals, our rejection rate for initial review is relatively low, and we try to give contributors the opportunity to revise their submissions. For those interested in our journal, please feel free to contact us on WeChat at "scipersistence" for further discussion.

bisheng 2022-05-17

May I ask how to contact for discounts?

Conniehan 2022-05-11

3.21 Submission
3.22 Under review
Then, I inquired about whether APC is supported.
There is still no news about the initial review until now. How long does it usually take to receive it?

科研小青年 2022-05-03

4.30 Journal's official website publishes online.

Ethan_Loh 2022-05-02

Did you submit it on March 17, 2022
Is it going to be published on April 30, 2022?

科研小青年 2022-04-30

2022.3.17 submit
3.22 under review
4.10 major revision within 7 days (3 reviewers: 1 requested extensive revisions (posed challenging questions, politely explained the lack of changes with relevant literature), 2 accepted minor revisions)
4.17 resubmission
4.19 pending editor decision
4.27 paper accepted
4.30 published date
CHF 2200, approximately 15,000 RMB
Overall, it's still good. The speed is really fast, but I have some concerns about the future quality trend.... I hope it gets better and better.

Lsyi 2022-04-27

2022.3.31 submission pending review
4.03 under review
4.24 minor revision Within 3 Days (3 reviewers)
4.26 resubmission
4.27 accepted for Publication
CHF 2200 Approximately 15,000 Chinese Yuan

tylzc 2022-04-26

March 30th - submission
April 1st - under review
April 18th - minor revision (2 reviewers)
April 21st - re-submission
April 22nd - accept

aaaaaad 2022-04-23

Hello, why has my pending review status been for several days?

追梦人1996 2022-04-22

Just asking, were there many comments given in the first review?

冰糖雪梨不加冰 2022-04-22

March 3rd: uploading the manuscript
March 5th: has been assigned
March 17th: has been reviewed
March 31st: providing the revised version
April 10th: has been reviewed
April 11th: resubmitting the modified version
April 17th: acceptance
April 20th: has been published

追梦人1996 2022-04-15

The submission did not mention the requirement to provide.

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