Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

yuanyuan85945 2021-08-04

How are you doing, dear? Any news?

yuanyuan85945 2021-08-04

6.10 Submitted
6.14 Returned for revision
6.16 Under review with editor
7.4 Under review
7.18 Required reviews completed
7.18 Major review
7.28 Revision submitted to journal
7.29 Under review with editor
8.3 Under review
Uncertain of outcome, anxious...

源来是洲董 2021-08-01

May 22nd major repair
Return on July 8th,
Minor repair on July 22nd
Return on July 31st
Now I don't know the result yet, praying for a good outcome.

haoyan1996 2021-07-31

Jul 30, 2021, 2:50 am in the middle of the night. Required reviews completed. Currently waiting for some modifications.

tillie2009 2021-07-30

You are very quick, but mine was yesterday. With the editor, I updated the time and that was the end of the conversation.

haoyan1996 2021-07-30

Under review since the 22nd, currently still being reviewed.

tillie2009 2021-07-28

Friend, have your manuscript been reviewed? I submitted mine on 7.23, and it is still "with editor".

haoyan1996 2021-07-21

Jul 19, 2021 Submission
Jul 20, 2021 With Editor

行文流水 2021-07-13

Charging. It is said that fees started after October last year, and the cost is $2600.

小白鼠的心路历程 2021-07-07

May I ask if there is a layout fee required now? Is it 2600 euros?

晨烁 2021-07-01

I wrote a review article and submitted it at the beginning of this year. I received the reviewer's comments in just over 20 days, which was very efficient and responsible! There were a total of 6 reviewers who provided numerous comments and suggestions, showing their professionalism. One of the reviewers pointed out many small errors and inconsistencies in a thoughtful manner. It felt like they were guiding me step by step, and I was deeply moved by their help! I am very grateful to that reviewer! I replied to each comment seriously and painstakingly, and the modified document I uploaded was over 200 pages long. The response itself was 90 pages. After one round of revisions, it was successfully accepted! The whole process took about 4 months, mainly because it took me two months to make the revisions, otherwise it would have been faster. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Yan Bing, the editor. The latest impact factor has reached 6 points, and it is now in the top category of the upgraded version of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I wish the journal continued success!

育东 2021-06-29

Last year in January, I submitted once and received the review comments two months later, resulting in rejection. After making revisions and conducting additional experiments, I resubmitted.
August 29, 2020: Submission
October 3, 2020: Received review comments requesting major revisions, with over 20 questions from three reviewers.
October 24, 2020: Revised the manuscript
October 27, 2020: Accepted
November 5, 2020: Published online at
Overall, it was a very efficient submission process, with acceptance in less than 80 days. I am grateful for the editor's understanding and encourage fellow researchers to pay attention to this study on pesticides and zebrafish.

不爱科研的小白 2021-06-21

Needed, 2600 USD.

文君 2021-06-18

Do we still need to pay the layout fee?

Eddy.Yang 2021-06-03

Submitted on 20210222
Under Review on 20210303
Major Revise on 20210318
Resubmit on 20210515
Minor Revise on 20210526
Accepted on 20210531

I had 5 previous submissions that were rejected, this one had the fastest review process. The publication fee is 2200 euros.

YZH. 2021-06-01

First review took three months, with two reviewers. The main suggestion was to provide additional descriptions and make the materials and methods more detailed. Two major revisions and one minor revision were made, taking a total of six months. Finally, it was accepted. This is my first SCI paper during my master's program, so I am quite excited.

不爱科研的小白 2021-05-29

First trial took three months, two major revisions were made, and it finally took six months to be hired.

Qingjie Li 2021-05-24

Do you have any specific opinions when you return? Mine is also edited and returned, asking for modifications based on the opinions. However, the column for editing opinions in the email is empty. Do you know what's going on?

佩琪 2021-05-24

Hello, I would like to ask you, when sending an email inquiry, do I send it directly through the system?

song 2021-05-08

2.26 Submission
2.27 Manuscript Number Assigned with editor
3.2 with editor
3.3 under review
3.18 under review (updated date)
4.3 under review (updated date)
4.18 Email inquiry, required reviews completed afterwards
4.19 Revise (major revision)
4.30 revision submitted to journal
5.3 with editor (Returned on Friday, delayed 2 days over the weekend)
5.7 accepted
Overall, the speed is very fast, the editor's efficiency is high, and the response is timely. The first review took a month and a half, and after inquiring within the system, the editor helped to expedite it, and it was returned the next day. The opinions given by the three reviewers were very rigorous, and after making major revisions based on their suggestions, the quality of the manuscript has greatly improved. I wish the journal continued success!

Threapeace 2021-04-20

2020.9.25 Submitted
2021.4.12 Accepted
Revised twice, with each round of review taking about a month, or even shorter. Starting from 2020.9.30, there will be a charge for submissions. This matter is mentioned in the Guide for Authors.

fulina 2021-04-20

Did you also pay the layout fee?

蜗牛 2021-04-17

2020.11.23 Submitted
2020.11.27 Under Review
2021.02.10 Major Revision (changed four times during this period)
2021.03.21 Revision submitted
2021.03.23 Under Review
2021.04.12 Accept
A total of two external reviewers provided revision comments, but it shows Reviewer 3 and 4, so it is unclear whether four external reviewers were actually involved. However, only two reviewers provided comments without any suggested changes. The first reviewer mainly pointed out five formatting issues, which were easily addressed. The second reviewer raised more macro-level concerns, such as the need to include toxicology data and a lack of in-depth discussion, as well as outdated references, which were more challenging to address. In summary, after 40 days of revisions, the manuscript was finally accepted. It is my first SCI publication, in a second quartile journal with an impact factor of 4.872. I hope to achieve a breakthrough and surpass a score of 5 in 2021! As long as the article has innovative aspects and revision comments are provided, diligently making the necessary changes, there should generally be no issues. Let's keep up the good work!

是晓暖啊 2021-04-07

Submission Experience:
May I ask if the graphical abstract for submission must be exactly 5cmx13cm? It seems that the reference looks more like 13cm in length and 5cm in width. Additionally, can other image formats be in the international version? Or is it also required to be 5cmx13cm? Has anyone encountered an editor requesting 6 main figures and 6 supplemental illustrations? It seems that authors should be aware that only a maximum of 8 figures and tables are required. Lastly, is it preferable to convert supplementary data to data in brief for uploading?

是晓暖啊 2021-04-07

Excuse me, is it necessary for the graphical abstract to be exactly 5cmX13cm? However, based on the references, it seems more like 13cm in length and 5cm in width. Additionally, can other image formats be in the international canvas size, or is it also required to be 5cmX13cm? Has anyone encountered editors requesting 6 main figures and 6 supplementary illustrations? As for the authors, please note that only a maximum of 8 figures and tables are allowed. Lastly, is it recommended to convert supplementary data to data in brief for uploading?

Mr Yan 2021-02-26

2020.08.27 submit - Submitted on August 27th, 2020.
2020.08.29 under review - Under review since August 29th, 2020.
2020.12.10 minor revision - Minor revision made on December 10th, 2020.
2020.12.25 accept - Accepted on December 25th, 2020.

鱼仔 2021-02-24

Is it an invitation to submit or a self-submission?

Drecc 2021-02-19

Received 20 August 2020, Revised 1 November 2020, Accepted 18 November 2020, Available online 7 December 2020

First submission review, the process was relatively fast. I hope EES will continue to improve.

liuxueer 2021-02-04

May I ask which editor did you submit your contribution to?

龙城飞将军 2021-01-25

I probably submitted my article in July and received acceptance by the end of October. At that time, it had already gone through the peer review process, but there was no publication fee. I was confused and contacted the editorial department, and they said that there would be no charges for articles submitted before October. If there are any fees incurred, I should be able to communicate with the editorial department, considering it is not cheap. Below is the reply from the editor.

Thank you for your message.
I would like to inform you that this Journal will only support open access publishing from September 30, 2020. However, APC charges will be waived for the manuscripts that are submitted before September 30, 2020.
We have now applied a waiver for your article, and APC charges have been waived.

Please refresh the author form and proceed with filling.

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