Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

LeiChen000 2022-07-05

What is the situation when the editor has updated twice within a month?

星河 2022-07-04

It has been 20 days and there is no review. I am also very speechless.

为你墨尽天下 2022-07-02

It has been almost fifty days for me, if you can't wait any longer, you can remind them to submit the manuscript.

LiYF 2022-07-02

Why are you all so fast? My "under review" has been for two and a half months and there's still no progress.

为你墨尽天下 2022-07-01

4.18 submit
4.19 with editor
4.28 under review - There have been multiple changes during this period.
6.17 major revision - 3 reviewers, 15 questions, relatively simple, revised in 4 days.
6.21 revision submitted
6.22 with editor
6.22 under review
7.1 accepted

不发表如何毕业和评职称 2022-06-23

How long did it take for your with editor to review?

LiYF 2022-06-23

My ninth week has already passed, and I am also considering whether to remind or not.

kqw 2022-06-23

With editor 2.26
With editor 2.27
Under review 2.28
Under review 3.1
Under review 3.2
Under review 3.3
Under review 3.15
Under review 3.18
Under review 3.24
Under review 4.4
Requied Reviews Completed 4.21
Major Revision 4.22 (three reviewers, over 30 questions, Due Date: 6.6)
Revision Submitted to Journal 6.1
With editor 6.3
Under review 6.7
Accept 6.21

kqw 2022-06-23

Please wait a little longer, I will undergo major repairs after two months.

kingsir 2022-06-22

Has anyone reminded them to submit the manuscript? It has been 8 weeks since the external review, and the official website states an average of 7.4 weeks. What would happen if we remind them?

123chemis 2022-06-22

It has been two months for me too... I have been waiting for a long time since I checked the status and the reviewer's comments have already come back, but the editor has not taken any action.

LiYF 2022-06-22

"Under review" has been more than two months, very slow.

雨季 2022-06-21

sous revue

雨季 2022-06-21

After investing in EI, the part-time job is converted to EES.

阿陶 2022-06-19

It has been 23 days since submission, and it is still in the "Under Review" status. I hope it will be processed quickly.

just11 2022-06-17

Under review, I have changed three times so far, and there is still no result. I don't know why the changes are so frequent.

冰雨 2022-06-16

Excuse me, has it been submitted for review? How long with the editor?

冰雨 2022-06-16

Did you submit your article for review?

冰糖412 2022-06-12

I have not received any notice for payment of the page fee so far, and I don't know why.

kingsir 2022-06-10

How many times will the under review deadline change before the initial review is completed when submitting contributions?

黛芙妮的异想世界 2022-06-08

Hello classmate, I would like to ask, what does "提交申诉信" mean? Does it mean disagreeing with the reviewer's comments, or something else? It's my first time hearing about it, so I wanted to ask for some advice. Thank you.

Gloira-P 2022-06-02

Could it be that only choosing Gold OA requires payment? Have I been tricked?

Gloira-P 2022-06-02

Isn't the payment page directly after the proof? Payment methods can be credit card, WeChat, or Alipay. After payment is completed, will I immediately receive the electronic invoice (via email)? Could it be that I have submitted a fake EES?

静等花开 2022-06-02

Hello, have you received the invoice? Mine is online, but I haven't received the invoice yet.

冰糖412 2022-06-02

I also received the EES and directly submitted the proof without payment. The paper has already been published online. May I know approximately how long it will take to receive the payment email?

冰糖412 2022-06-02

I am also Proof and haven't paid the fee yet. The paper has already been uploaded online. How long will it take to receive the payment confirmation email?

Wu_Hao 2022-05-31

2022-4-14 Submission
2022-5-11 Major Revision
2022-5-24 Revision Submitted to Journal
2022-5-26 Under Review by Editor
2022-5-31 Accepted
2022-6-3 Proof

Gloira-P 2022-05-30

2021.Dec.18. Submitted
2022.Mar. 11.Interim Decision: Major revise.
2022.Apr. 28. Revise submitted
2022.My. 14. Interim Decision: Major revise.
2022.My. 28. Revise submitted
2022.My. 29. Accepted

The first half of the process was slow, and I didn't expect the final result to come so quickly. Overall, the external reviewing experts of EES were very professional, and every question they raised had significant importance in modifying our article. With the guidance of the external experts, the final version of the article has improved several levels compared to the initial version. A big thumbs up! The editor was also very caring. Due to the worsening domestic epidemic in March and April this year, especially the logistics disruption in Shanghai, we were unable to order antibodies and reagents promptly during the major revision. After writing a letter to the editor requesting an extension for submission, we immediately received a reply and were given an extended time frame. It was truly nice! Thank you very much!

dd1ddddd 2022-05-24

Is one week a normal timeframe for with editor? How long does it generally take with editor?

5lll 2022-05-22

2021-12.10 Submission
2022-3-12 Major revision (Two people agreed to publish, one person refused)
2022-4-10 Resubmission
2022-4-25 One person provided feedback, still refused
2022-4-27 Submitted appeal letter
2022-5-1 Suggested continuing submission and finding a new reviewer
2022-5-15 Reviewer's feedback received, minor revision
2022-5-19 Resubmission
2022-5-21 Accepted

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