Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Goodman- 2023-08-06

Brother, what is the expert's opinion?

广西郭富城 2023-07-20

Rejected. What a tragedy.

广西郭富城 2023-07-20

The journal has very high requirements, unfortunately.

广西郭富城 2023-07-18

17th July 2023
Required Reviews Complete
Wish me good luck

zoeyiiiiii 2023-07-17

The first review was too slow, taking over 7 months. Unfortunately, luck was not on our side. The reviewer initially accepted the task but then disappeared after two months, causing the editor to invite another reviewer and go through another round of waiting.

广西郭富城 2023-06-12

12th June 2023
Invited: 2+
Completed: 1
Wishing you good luck!!!

广西郭富城 2023-05-06

initial date submitted, April 18, 2023
with editor, April 18, 2023
under review, May 05, 2023
Wishing you good luck!

zoeyiiiiii 2022-12-28

Ah, ah, ah, although I knew it would be slow, I didn't expect it to be this slow. Accepted the invitation for review on December 25, and the second reviewer took over a month to accept. None of the three reviewers have provided the results. Alright then. There's no hope for my thesis before graduation.

zoeyiiiiii 2022-11-17

Oct 26 with editor
Nov 1 with editor (changed to another editor)
Nov 16 under review (Review invitations sent: 0)
Nov 17 under review (Review invitations sent: 2+)

Oct 26 with editor
Nov 1 with editor (changed to another editor)
Nov 16 under review (Review invitations sent: 0)
Nov 17 under review (Review invitations sent: 2+)

zoeyiiiiii 2022-10-24

After much hesitation, I decided to submit to this journal. I hope everything goes smoothly. I will wait and see if I receive any notification before graduation.

Concentration 2022-07-04

The difficulty of the journal is very high, worthy of its Impact Factor.
The opinions of the reviewers are very professional! Truly a top journal in the industry!
The achievements of my doctoral period have been published in three years.

不再摸鱼的喵神 2021-12-28

Initial Date Submitted Jul 07, 2021
Under Review Jul 09, 2021
Under Review Jul 17, 2021 (first change)
Under Review Oct 20, 2021 (second change, probably a change in reviewer)
Moderate Review Dec 14, 2021 (two reviewers, both provided professional opinions)
Revised MS submitted Dec 21, 2021
Under Review Dec 22, 2021
Accept Dec 26, 2021

Overall, the editorial process was fast, primarily depending on the speed of the reviewers. It seems that there is a two-month review period. After several years of struggling, the article finally found a place to be accepted~~

cryoer 2021-05-07

Initial Date Submitted: Apr 19, 2021
Under Review: May 06, 2021~
Little Wen has put in a lot of effort and is hoping for a good outcome.

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