Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

HYHH 2022-10-24

The initial state is.

nongyejixie 2022-10-20

I have marked the modified content with a yellow highlight.

筑梦haut 2022-10-15

2022.2.14 Submitted
2022.2.17 With Editor
2022.2.28 Under Review
2022.3.7 Under Review
2022.3.18 Under Review
2022.4.1 Under Review
2022.4.17 Under Review
2022.5.3 Under Review
2022.5.18 Under Review
2022.7.29 Major revision
2022.9.2 With Editor
2022.9.7 Under Review
2022.9.16 Under Review
2022.10.14 Accept

2022.2.14 Submitted
2022.2.17 With Editor
2022.2.28 Under Review
2022.3.7 Under Review
2022.3.18 Under Review
2022.4.1 Under Review
2022.4.17 Under Review
2022.5.3 Under Review
2022.5.18 Under Review
2022.7.29 Major revision
2022.9.2 With Editor
2022.9.7 Under Review
2022.9.16 Under Review
2022.10.14 Accept

zxm97 2022-10-13

Brother, may I ask if the revised parts that need proofreading and editing also need to be highlighted in red?

zxm97 2022-10-13

Currently under major revision, both reviewers have requested for proofreading. It is unclear whether the modifications made after proofreading also need to be highlighted in red.

xiaofanfan 2022-10-12

Hello, among the 9 questions answered by the expert reviewer (such as whether the topic is clear, innovative enough, etc.), are the answers mostly "yes" or "no"? My revision is exhausting as one is all "yes" and the other is all "no".

xiaofanfan 2022-10-12

My article was heavily edited. There were two reviewers, and among the nine questions they replied with, one expert answered "yes" to all, while the other expert answered "no" to all. Does anyone understand this? Feeling a bit confused.

我人生,我奋斗 2022-10-08

Such a state is dangerous, the editor probably rejected it directly.

xq1996 2022-10-06

submit to journal: September 22, 2022

with editor: September 28, 2022

decision process: October 5, 2022
October 6, 2022

MadaoBu 2022-10-04

Reply to zxm97: Make direct changes in the manuscript according to the comments of the reviewers, highlighting the modified parts in red. In the responses to the comments, address each suggestion made by the reviewers individually and indicate the corresponding modified location (please refer to line xxx in the revised paper).

zxm97 2022-10-04

Hello, may I ask if for this journal, can we directly make changes in the manuscript and then upload it? Do we need to enable the comment mode or mark the modified areas in a special way?

nongyejixie 2022-09-28

Submitted in December 2021, the article was rejected after about ten days with a request for revision. After revising the article, it was resubmitted in January 2022. After two months of review, the opinions of two reviewers were received. One reviewer provided line-by-line comments with over 20 suggestions for modification, while the other reviewer gave 4 suggestions. The editor provided some minor edits. In mid-April, the article was resubmitted again and subjected to another 2-month review. This time, a new reviewer was added, and the previous reviewer who had given 4 suggestions was no longer present. It is unknown whether they disappeared or were replaced by the editor. The new reviewer provided over ten suggestions for modification, while the previous reviewer who had given over 20 suggestions now provided 5. After making the necessary revisions, the article was accepted. In July, the revised manuscript was sent for external review, which took over 20 days to be accepted. The retrieval report will be available in September.

The reviewers were very diligent and their help was significant, but I do not have the courage to submit another article. It nearly drove me to the brink of collapse.

ERIC 2022-09-21

First revision
Second revision
Hiring after 10 years
The requirement for innovation is good, mainly based on reason and evidence, with sufficient experimentation, and must be self-explanatory. A very good journal, hoping to be listed in the top tier next year.

Wsp 2022-08-20

May I ask if this journal allows co-first authorship?

咸菜36 2022-08-14

Submit to journal
March 6, 2022

With Editor
March 7, 2022
March 8, 2022

Under Review
March 12, 2022
March 25, 2022
April 1, 2022
April 4, 2022

Required Reviews Completed
April 15, 2022

Major Revision (only one reviewer's comments returned)
April 20, 2022

Resubmit with Editor
May 2, 2022
May 4, 2022

Under Review
May 6, 2022
June 10, 2022

Major Revision (another expert's comments returned)
July 19, 2022

Resubmit with Editor
July 31, 2022

Under Review
August 5, 2022

August 12, 2022

副法多就是度 2022-07-19

2022.4.1 submitted
2022.4.4 under review
2022.6.21 major revision
2022.7.1 resubmitted
2022.7.4 under review
2022.7.16 minor revision
2022.7.18 resubmitted
2022.7.19 accepted

2022.4.1 - Submitted
2022.4.4 - Under review
2022.6.21 - Major revision
2022.7.1 - Resubmitted
2022.7.4 - Under review
2022.7.16 - Minor revision
2022.7.18 - Resubmitted
2022.7.19 - Accepted

SYYAXX 2022-07-05

Hello, I would like to ask if this journal requires a tremendous amount of innovation?

zsy-ujs 2022-06-26

2022.3.28 submitted
2022.4.18 under review
2022.5.22 major revision
2022.6.08 resubmitted
2022.6.11 under review
2022.6.11 moderate revision
2022.6.13 resubmitted
2022.6.20 under review
2022.6.26 accept

2022.3.28 submitted
2022.4.18 under review
2022.5.22 major revision
2022.6.08 resubmitted
2022.6.11 under review
2022.6.11 moderate revision
2022.6.13 resubmitted
2022.6.20 under review
2022.6.26 accept

BruceWong 2022-06-25

Hey, can you tell me the title of your article? I'm interested in learning more.

咸菜36 2022-06-24

Looking at others, there should be news after about a month when the repair is sent back. It has been almost two months, and I am waiting in despair.

hyq456 2022-06-13

Jun 09, 2022 Initial Date Submitted
Jun 10, 2022 With Editor

搬瓦工CC 2022-06-11

You can have dual communication, just indicate it in the submitted paper.

yasuo 2022-06-08

The text "good journal but shit editor Sun-Ok Chung" is already in English.

ddxt 2022-06-04

Can this journal be double-blind reviewed?

罗齐天大圣 2022-06-04

Mine is also almost the same, mainly because I can't find a reviewer. The one reviewer I have found is also procrastinating.

筑梦haut 2022-05-26

Hello, has the article produced any results? Mine has been under review for over three months, and the date has changed seven times.

下雨了收衣服 2022-05-26

The translation of "may 26 2022, Under review_1" into English is "May 26, 2022, Under review_1."

瑜画 2022-05-15

Posted on October 20, 2021, it seems that it entered external review after about ten days.
Major revision on February 4, 2022.
Revised on February 14, 2022. A few days after the revision, it entered external review.
Accepted on March 13, 2022.

下雨了收衣服 2022-05-07

May 04, 2022, Initial Date Submitted
May 06, 2022, With Editor

㐒罩 2022-05-05

September 2021 Submission
October 2021 Major Revision (2 experts)
December 2021 Return to editorial department (not externally reviewed)
Early January 2022 Editorial department for major revision
Mid-January 2022 Return to editorial department (not externally reviewed)
Mid-February 2022 Acceptance

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