Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

开心 2023-01-26

Hello, may I ask a question? Regarding the 1-6 points raised by the journal to reviewers, some of the reviewers have provided written responses. Should we explain them in the revision statement or directly reply to the reviewers' comments? Thank you.

qapmoc2009 2023-01-05

2022.10.06 Evening submit
2022.10.10 Morning Status: submit to journal
2022.10.10 Afternoon Status: with editor
2022.10.11 Afternoon Status: revise (chief editor)
2022.10.16 Evening resubmit (with editor)
2022.10.21 Updated status date but still with editor
2022.11.07 Early morning Under Review
2022.11.28 Afternoon Under Review date updated
2022.12.27 Early morning Under Review date updated
2023.1.2 Decision In Process
2023.1.5 Reject

Ah, the agony.

小太阳很忙吧 2023-01-04

2022.7.28 Submission
2022.9.9 Minor revision
2022.10.7 Accepted

咸菜36 2023-01-02

Oh, let's continue to submit to a different journal.

qapmoc2009 2023-01-01

Ah, after such a long review, it was ultimately rejected?

咸菜36 2023-01-01

October 28, 2022 Submitted
November 2, 2022 With Editor
November 4, 2022 Under Review
November 11, 2022 Under Review
December 12, 2022 Under Review
December 16, 2022 Under Review
December 22, 2022 Under Review
December 30, 2022 Required Reviews Completed/Decision in Process
December 31, 2022 Reject

koyomi 2022-12-28

It seems that the external audit is over, is there any result now?

华強萨日朗 2022-12-27

How is your current result now?

华強萨日朗 2022-12-22

(1) First submission on October 7th.
(2) On October 11th, the editor-in-chief said my paper was written like a project report and needs to be revised.
(3) On October 23rd, two weeks after the first submission, I made the modifications as suggested by the editor and submitted it again.
(4) From October 23rd to December 20th - under review.
(5) From December 20th until now - changed to "decision in process."

It is said that this status is very dangerous, indicating that the paper may be rejected before being reviewed. Does anyone knowledgeable know about this?

华強萨日朗 2022-12-22

(1) First submission on October 7th
(2) Received notification of revisions from the editor on October 11th
(3) Submitted again on October 23rd, and it has been under review since then
(4) On December 20th, the status changed to "decision in process." It is said that this status is risky. Does it mean the paper will be rejected?

ly759059219 2022-12-21

Posted on November 19th, Required Reviews Completed on December 16th, it has been 5 days already, and there are still no results. I don't know what's going on.

我人生,我奋斗 2022-12-10

You are about to make a decision soon, that's great! I envy you. Let's add 1158317328 on QQ and have a discussion.

我人生,我奋斗 2022-12-10

This journal is really slow, it's uncomfortable.

HYHH 2022-12-01

After two months, it changed to "decision in process". Does anyone know what the situation is?

wszsz 2022-11-30

Submitted on September 20th, during the process, the content was streamlined. Revised comments were received on November 3rd, with two reviewers suggesting minor revisions. The revised version was resubmitted three days later on November 19th and accepted. The reviewers' comments were very constructive, and the process was quite fast. This is my first paper in the second-tier journal. I would like to express my gratitude to the editorial department and the reviewers.

ZhiyuanKUST 2022-11-09

May I ask if it is necessary to indicate where the modifications should be made when submitting a manuscript to this journal?

HYHH 2022-11-08

Will an email be sent to the corresponding author's email address during the under review stage? Inside the email, there will be a link, and you can click on that to view it.

SummerDream 2022-11-08

The speed doesn't feel very fast, and it could be because of the reviewers. I submitted it on July 5th of this year, and it is still under review. I have two reviewers, one of whom is relatively quick and provided feedback after about a month. The other reviewer hasn't given any response yet. Last week, I sent a reminder to the editor, but the reply was very official and didn't seem to have much effect. I hope it can be faster.

tc 2022-11-08

Hello, OP, how did you check how many reviewers are reviewing it?

我人生,我奋斗 2022-11-07

Is there anyone in the same situation as me? Add me on QQ 1158317328.

HYHH 2022-11-02

Hello, why does your "under review" status change so many times? How many reviewers are there in total?

HYHH 2022-11-02

My paper has been reviewed by two experts for over ten days and is still under review. Now a third expert has accepted to review it, I'm a bit scared and don't know the reason.

zxm97 2022-11-02

I am too, it has been twelve days since the major renovation. It is still "With Editor". I feel like I have gone on vacation.

我人生,我奋斗 2022-11-01

If you know the reason, add me at 1158317328.

我人生,我奋斗 2022-11-01

Why has it been more than 20 days since I submitted the manuscript and it's still with the editor? Is everyone experiencing the same thing? It feels like this journal is not working lately, as if they're not in the office.

HYHH 2022-10-27

Oh, I don't know. How about sending an email to question it?

真理光明 2022-10-26

At first, there were two reviewers, one accepted and one requested minor revisions. After the modifications, both reviewers accepted the paper. Suddenly, another reviewer, who raised some irrelevant questions, rejected the paper after we responded to the review comments. What happened?

Zoey 2022-10-26

How long does it take to receive the proof after being hired?

HYHH 2022-10-24

My initial state was that I invited 2+ reviewers (Review invitations sent: 2+), and then 2 of them accepted (Review invitations accepted: 2). After a month, 2 reviewers completed their reviews (Reviews completed: 2). Then, a few days later, suddenly there were a total of 2+ reviewers accepting the review invitations (Review invitations accepted: 2+). What happened? I noticed that many people only have 2 reviewers.

HYHH 2022-10-24

The initial state was that I invited 2+ reviewers, and then 2 of them accepted. After a month, the 2 reviewers completed their review. After a few days, suddenly there were a total of 2+ reviewers who accepted the invitation. What's going on? I see many people only have 2 reviewers.

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