Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

张䶮 2023-04-16

Hello, I would like to ask how long your article has been maintained with the editor?

MingLiSCI 2023-04-15

The review comments for 3.30 have been received. It requires major revisions as there are 13 questions from one reviewer and 4 questions from another. I am currently working on the modifications. The reviewers' feedback gives me the impression that they have somewhat read my paper but also haven't. The deadline for revisions is two months, and I plan to complete them next week and submit it back.

ddxt 2023-04-15

Mar 23, 2023 Submitted to journal
Mar 24, 2023 With Editor
Mar 28, 2023 With Editor
Mar 30, 2023 With Editor
Then it was rejected because a reviewer couldn't be found.

Sonder149 2023-04-14

2023.04.06 submitted to the journal
2023.04.10 with editor

wulixianming 2023-04-08

This journal is really disgusting. They suppress others' articles and don't provide any suggestions for revision. How can others make changes if they haven't even read the article and just blindly add some attention mechanism? After the first submission, it was already reviewed and rejected by a stupid reviewer. After making changes based on the revision suggestions and submitting again, it was instantly rejected by the editor. It's truly disgusting. ?

Fighting123 2023-04-03

What is the current status now?

MingLiSCI 2023-03-30

3.30 Required Reviews Completed - Extremely tense

MadaoBu 2023-03-22

Don't worry, it's normal within three months.

MingLiSCI 2023-03-22

3.20 under review still anxiously waiting

小僧鸠摩智 2023-03-22

Brother, what step are we currently at?

你的名字我的故事 2023-03-18

2022.11.15 submitted
2022.11.16 with editor
2022.11.20 with editor
2022.11.29 under review
2022.12.12 under review
2022.12.19 under review
2022.12.25 reviewer 1 completed
2023.01.06 reviewer 2 completed
2023.01.06 major revision
2023.01.17 resubmit
2023.01.18 under review
2023.01.19 under review(1 reviewer accept)
2023.02.13 send reminder to editor
2023.02.14 reinvite reviewers
2023.02.15 under review(1 reviewer accept)
2023.03.10 1 reviewer completed
2023.03.11 required reviews completed
2023.03.18 accept

Fighting123 2023-03-13

Translation: Submit for review with 2+ reviewers. One reviewer completed the review in 2 days. Does this mean they will be rejected? Has anyone had a similar experience?

stwen 2023-03-11

The review process will begin in 50 days, but there is still no reviewer assigned.

Fighting123 2023-03-07

How long does it take to hire? Are there any time constraints?

xiaofanfan 2023-03-07

Hired, as long as it is a major revision, make good modifications, and basically will be hired, no need to worry about the rest.

至尊宝宝 2023-03-06

Jan 25, Submitted
Feb 13, Under Review
Feb 20, Under Review
Feb 27, Under Review
Mar 03, Under Review
Results unknown

stwen 2023-03-01

The text translates to: "From January 16, 2022, until now, it is with the editor..."

MingLiSCI 2023-02-26

1.4 Submitted
1.4 With Editor
1.10 Under Review
1.24 Under Review
2.13 Under Review
Awaiting anxiously

Fighting123 2023-02-25

Why are you so fast? Did you remind me to submit the manuscript?

Fighting123 2023-02-25

Why are you so fast? Did anyone remind you to submit the manuscript?

开心 2023-02-16

Did you get hired? My situation is the same as yours, and I am in the agonizing waiting period.

开心 2023-02-16

Did you get hired? My situation is the same as yours.

我不是靖哥哥 2023-02-15

May 29th submission, July review, November first revision, December 20th second revision, February 3rd acceptance. It seems like there is no double spacing.

zxm97 2023-02-14

Brother, can you please tell me the specific time when your minor revisions were accepted? I submitted the revised draft on January 16th, and it's still "with editor" today. I'm a bit anxious... I want to remind them, but I'm also a bit hesitant.

zxm97 2023-02-14

Brother, can you please tell me the specific time of your experience from applying for a job to being hired? I submitted the revised draft of my application on January 16th, and it is still "With Editor" until today. It's a bit frustrating... I want to follow up, but I'm also hesitant to do so.

Fighting123 2023-02-14

Posted on February 3, 2023
With editor on February 6, 2023

SummerDream 2023-02-12

The text "2023.2.10 reject" is already in English.

inf 2023-02-11

I would like to submit to this journal and have a few questions to ask.

inf 2023-02-11

I would like to submit to this journal. I wanted to ask if this journal requires double spacing.

我不是靖哥哥 2023-02-04

June 2022 Submission
November 2022 Major revision
January 2023 Minor revision
February 2023 Acceptance

I have submitted to this journal three times and was accepted once. The speed of review depends on the editor! Overall, it is a very good journal that needs some innovation. I hope it continues to improve!

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