Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

ssss 2022-03-19

Is there any specific requirement for typesetting? Like margins? The manuscript is 24 and a half pages long, and the editor keeps saying it exceeds the length...

科研农民工1 2022-03-17

Brother, have you written the reminder letter? I have also been waiting for half a month after submitting.

mengone 2022-03-16

What is your current status? Mine has also been for more than half a month...

mengone 2022-03-16

What is the current status? It feels like this journal is so slow.

mengone 2022-03-14

2022 03 04 avec éditeur translates to "2022 03 04 with editor" in English.

mengone 2022-03-14

What happened next?

mengone 2022-03-14

What happened afterwards?

张老师想发CST 2022-03-07

Submitted on July 26th.
Received reviewer comments on September 5th, both reviewers suggested minor revisions.
Revised and resubmitted on September 29th and officially accepted the same day.

yaoyuanyuan7233 2022-03-06

2022 01 21 submitted
2022 03 01 minor revision
2022 03 02 re-submitted
2022 03 04 with editor

cjx0220 2022-03-05

2022.03.01 submitted

2022.03.04 with editor

材料打工人 2022-02-28

Hello, just wanted to ask, how is the issue with the number of pages resolved? Can the line spacing be reduced a bit?

寻梦啦啦 2022-02-17

First revision: In the first round of revisions, reviewer 1 accepted the manuscript without any major changes, reviewer 2 requested minor revisions, and reviewer 3 requested major revisions or rejected the manuscript. In the second round of revisions, reviewer 3 was successfully convinced, but surprisingly, reviewer 2 refused to accept the revisions. The editor gave one last chance, possibly because I did not follow reviewer 2's advice properly, although I explained why I made certain decisions. Perhaps this made reviewer 2 angry, as they provided many unrelated and completely different opinions from the first round of reviews. Fortunately, the editor gave one last opportunity, so I diligently conducted additional experiments and answered questions. Surprisingly, the manuscript was accepted without further review after submission. Perhaps the revisions impressed the editor, and I am very lucky to have my first major publication.

泰山不佐 2022-02-15

It should have been the start of work yesterday, and my task from yesterday has been handled. In addition, it takes a month for the submission to be reviewed with the editor, which is a bit slow. Let's just wait patiently and it's better not to rush at this point.

泰山不佐 2022-02-15

The first time I submitted to CST, the article had some new and interesting findings, so I thought it would pass. However, I didn't expect to wait for nearly 7 months for the lengthy review process. The "under review" status changed four or five times during this period. After 4 months of submission, I sent a reminder and the editor replied that they were still waiting for one reviewer's opinion. It wasn't until New Year's Day this year that all the review comments were returned. They were mostly positive and appreciative. After making minor revisions, I had to wait for another month for acceptance, which coincided with the Chinese New Year holiday. The overall time was a bit long, but I managed to publish before graduation. The editor and reviewers were very responsible, possibly because my research topic is relatively niche in the field of composite materials mechanics, which may have contributed to the longer review cycle.

泰山不佐 2022-02-15

May 10, 2021 - Submitted to journal
May 11, 2021 - Under editor review
June 09, 2021 - Under review
January 01, 2022 - Required reviews completed
January 05, 2022 - Minor revision
January 10, 2022 - Resubmitted to journal
January 11, 2022 - Under editor review
January 13, 2022 - Under review
February 04, 2022 - Required reviews completed
February 14, 2022 - Accepted

小愚 2022-02-12

December 21st, submit article.
February 11th, accept.
The review period is half a month, a very good journal, and the reviewer's comments are also very professional.

观天澜 2022-02-09

I'm not even 20 days old yet, so I dare not rush, bro, cute!!!!!!!!!!

火山的缄默 2022-02-08

It has been over 20 days with the editor.

summerli 2022-02-08

Has your status changed? Did you edit and take a break for the Chinese New Year without reviewing?

yexinming 2022-01-29

It has been 10 days for me as well.

雪橇狗的咆哮 2022-01-24

It has been more than half a month with the editor. Does everyone know if the recent lack of time for editing is only applicable to me or to others as well?

luomu 2022-01-11

Can the line spacing be a bit smaller? If your document exceeds 25 pages, the journal's editorial manager (not an editor) will ask you to make revisions. If it is within 25 pages, it will first be reviewed by an editor who will consider whether to submit it for review or reject it. When we talk about line spacing, it refers to double spacing, but the requirement is not that strict. There are also requirements for margins. As long as the editor submits it for review, everything is negotiable. Generally, adjust the margins first, and then adjust the line spacing if there are too many words. The font must be 12-point Times New Roman.

dudupipi 2022-01-07

1.3 resubmitted: This means that something has been submitted again, possibly after it was initially rejected or returned.

1.7 accept: This means that something has been approved or agreed upon.

dudupipi 2021-12-31

12.31 Minor Revision

dudupipi 2021-12-29

The manuscript exceeds the page limit, and the editor requests that it be shortened. However, before we can proceed with the review process, we ask you to address the following:

The maximum length of the manuscript is 25 pages, including figures and tables. Please ensure that the page count does not exceed this limit.

dudupipi 2021-12-29

Brother, how long did it take from "required review completed" to "minor revision"? How many reviewers were there?

雨后 2021-12-29

Received at Editorial Office 3 Nov 2021 - The text was received by the editorial office on November 3, 2021.
With editor & Under review 4 Nov 2021 - The text is being reviewed by the editor as of November 4, 2021.
Minor revision 10 Dec 2021 - Minor revisions were requested on December 10, 2021.
Article revised 22 Dec 2021(问题比较简单和蔼,提前提交)- The article was revised on December 22, 2021 (with simple and kind questions, submitted in advance).
Article accepted for publication 26 Dec 2021 - The article was accepted for publication on December 26, 2021.

dougj 2021-12-27

I asked the journal editor staff, it is permissible to exceed the page limit, but it has not been submitted yet.

dougj 2021-12-27

Including references

雪橇狗的咆哮 2021-12-25

Excuse me, everyone, does 25 pages count as a reference?

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