Verified Reviews - Chemical Engineering Journal
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

AndonysBE 2023-07-29

Friends, are the editors on vacation? It has been almost a month since I returned the repaired item to the RRC, and they have not done anything about it. Progress has been extremely slow since July, so I wanted to ask if the editors also take a summer break.

yiyichen oneone 2023-07-28

7.25 Proofreading
7.26 Online

day day upupup 2023-07-28

Accepted and officially published, brings good luck.
2023.02.25 Submission
2023.03.14 Review
2023.03.21 RRC (Reviewers' Recommendations Completed)
2023.03.26 RRC
2023.03.27 RRC
2023.03.28 RRC
2023.03.30 Major revision, 5 reviewers, 4 accepted, 1 rejected
2023.04.20 Delay letter until 4.30
2023.04.30 Submit
2023.05.02 Under review
2023.05.07 RRC
2023.05.10 RRC
2023.05.16 RRC
2023.05.19 Major revision, still 4 accepted, 1 rejected
2023.06.04 Submit (Delayed by 3 days, without delay letter)
2023.06.09 Under review
2023.06.18 RRC
2023.06.25 Accept
2023.06.27 Copyright confirmed
2023.06.30 Proofreading
2023.07.06 Online
2023.07.20 Officially published

无问小九 2023-07-28

The dates have changed several times, but it has always been under review. Is it going to be a tragedy?

happylamb 2023-07-26

Excuse me, where can I see how many reviewers have completed the review?

科研乐 2023-07-25

Same, the second submission on the 18th, with editor until now.

张同学快去做实验呀 2023-07-25

Recently, I feel like the processing speed of CEJ editors has slowed down a bit, but the reviewing process has become faster than before. Let me share the submission process:

20230530 - Submitted to Journal
20230607 - With Editor
20230612 - Under Review
20230703 - Major Revision
20230712 - Revision Submitted to Journal
20230718 - With Editor
20230719 - Under Review
20230720 - Required reviews completed
20230724 - Accept

I would like to express my gratitude for the recognition from Professor Youngjune Park, the editor, and the reviewers.

狼牙! 2023-07-24

Why am I still "with editor" after 6 days of submission?

XYZ 2023-07-24

It has been a week since I submitted my work, and it hasn't reached the editor yet. I don't know why it's been so slow recently.

XYZ 2023-07-24

It has been a week since I submitted my work, but it has not reached the editor yet. I don't know why it is taking so long recently.

大哥快跑! 2023-07-23

On the 16th, I went to the editor's place, but today on the 23rd, there is still no news, neither sent nor rejected...

huangbuliuqiu 2023-07-22

It seems like I have been under review for a week.

大大伟俊 2023-07-21

4.8 submitted
4.14 with editor
5.9 under review
6.1 rrc
6.2 major revisions
6.8 revision submitted
6.21 under review
6.25 rrc
7.10 rrc
7.16 accept

4.8 submitted
4.14 with editor
5.9 under review
6.1 rrc (Request for Revision from the Committee)
6.2 major revisions
6.8 revision submitted
6.21 under review
6.25 rrc (Request for Revision from the Committee)
7.10 rrc (Request for Revision from the Committee)
7.16 accept

孤独的 PhD 2023-07-21

The translation of "revision 7.19" into English is "revision 7.19".

yiyichen oneone 2023-07-21

5.12 submitted
5.21 rrc
5.31 rrc
6.4 major revisions
6.23 revision submitted to journal
7.13 accepted
7.14 completed the Rights and Access

Thank you for the support and assistance from the editor and reviewers. The review process took a bit longer than before, but please be patient and wait. Everything is happening according to the best plan.

scupanda123 2023-07-21

I submitted a comprehensive review on photocatalysis on 5.25. It went through major revisions in the first review, and minor revisions in the second review. Today, I went back to it. I feel like my paper is a bit long, with a high word count.

科研乐 2023-07-20

Has anyone noticed that the editing process has become slower this month?

aw6we6 2023-07-20

The summary I submitted does not have a word limit.

happylamb 2023-07-20

Dude, are you still with the editor? I am also on July 12th, and there has been no progress so far.

L-123 2023-07-19

During the second review, RRC changed to "under review". I have never seen this situation before and I am afraid.

day day upupup 2023-07-17

May I ask if you have received your assignment paper? I accepted mine on June 25th and it is also online, but the assignment paper has not been distributed yet, so I cannot retrieve it.

小男孩0911 2023-07-17

The reviewers have not finished reviewing yet.

labpuppy 2023-07-17

@Xu Jiaqi, mine is "Review Completed". The process of the editor's decision is "Decision in process".

labpuppy 2023-07-17

@WarpedAndUnfair You can find Fn+F12, Fetch/XHR, Fn+F5 in the track your submission webpage. Click on a folder with a numerical name at the bottom, open Preview, and you can see the events REVIEWER_INVITED, REVIEWER_ACCEPTED, and REVIEWER_COMPLETED. This will guide you on how many people have been submitted and how many reviewers there are. Only the corresponding author has access to track your submission. Alternatively, you can directly find chat on the Elsevier official website and contact the staff to help you check.

大耳朵图图 2023-07-17

Please explain it to me in English.

大耳朵图图 2023-07-17

July 17th has come and it is still rrc. Do you guys know the reason for this?

徐佳琪 2023-07-16

What is the result now?

徐佳琪 2023-07-16

What is the status of the manuscript pending the editor's decision?

keyanxiaobai666 2023-07-16

7.7 submitted
7.12 with editor
Give a chance for review.

gro_ele 2023-07-16

submitted: 2023/5/10
major revision: 2023/6/20
(3 reviewers)
revision submitted to journal: 2023/7/9
Thank you for the editor's strong support. Successfully secured CEJ in two months.

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