Verified Reviews - Chemical Engineering Journal
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

想要就得到 2023-08-09

4.03 submitted.
4.08 with editor.
4.12 under review.
5.16 major revision (7 reviewers).
6.27 revision submitted.
7.21 minor revision (2 reviewers.)
7.23 accepted.

4.03 - The submission has been made.
4.08 - The manuscript is currently with the editor.
4.12 - The manuscript is being reviewed.
5.16 - Major revisions are required and there are 7 reviewers involved.
6.27 - The revised manuscript has been submitted.
7.21 - Minor revisions are required and 2 reviewers are involved.
7.23 - The manuscript has been accepted.

ycyycy 2023-08-09

I have been submitting for two months. I submitted to 16 reviewers but only four accepted the review. So far, only three have returned their feedback.

hgwangbo 2023-08-09

This is hard to say. Usually, many people will be invited, but a large portion of them may not accept the review. If there are not enough, two reviewers will be sufficient.

是Kobe啊 2023-08-09

Hello, this journal generally requires several reviewers. I have been reviewing for a month and a half, and I have sent it to 8 people. Two people have accepted the review, one has completed the review, and the other is still reviewing. Should I send it to a few more people for review?

是Kobe啊 2023-08-09

Hello, does this journal require so many reviewers? I have been reviewing for a month and a half, and I have sent it to 8 people. Two people have accepted the review, one has completed the review, and the other is still reviewing. Should I send a few more people for review?

是Kobe啊 2023-08-09

Hello, how many reviewers does this journal usually invite?

JPPPPP 2023-08-08

The first time I tried to submit to CEJ, it didn't get reviewed, so I made revisions and submitted to Angew. It was accepted after major revisions. This shows that the editors at CEJ don't really look closely at the content of the manuscripts, which is understandable considering the large number of submissions they receive, around 40-50 thousand per year. They simply can't keep up with it all...

hgwangbo 2023-08-08

The first review invited two reviewers. After the revisions were made and sent back, it is now under review. It still shows that two reviewers were invited. One of them completed the review the next day, but the second one has not accepted the invitation for the past 10 days. In this situation, will the editor continue to wait, or invite someone else, or make a decision directly?

youwuyoulai 2023-08-08

May I ask if your application status shows "Decision in process"?

luyan123 2023-08-08

Agreed, my submission time is the same as yours, and the status is also the same. Until now, it hasn't changed, and I don't know what's going on.

小狗包弟 2023-08-06

Recently, is it summer vacation?

小男孩0911 2023-08-05

8.4 online

echo1994wf 2023-08-05

It's not necessary to exaggerate or criticize. If the work is done well, it's enough to publish in sub-journals or prestigious journals like JACS.

家里有矿的科研人 2023-08-04

What was the result of the manuscript?

深山老鬼 2023-08-04

The text is already in English.

东大泡芙小王子阿阿 2023-08-04

The first time I submitted to CEJ, I didn't have much hope, but it was sent for review. Speaking of reviewers, how many are there? Looking at the comments below, everyone seems to have a different number, with some having up to 8?... I hope the reviewers will be considerate.
Submitted on 7.28
With editor on 8.1
Under review on 8.2

是豆豆啊 2023-08-01

Among journals of the same level, CEJ is considered to be good. What does it have to do with "rejecting or not rejecting"? I previously had one accepted, and this is my second submission, which I am transferring to CEJ. The main reason is that the review process is fast, the impact factor is also acceptable, and the engineering and technology categorization is strong. CEJ is a good journal, but there is too much water (irrelevant content) on it, which leads to a significant difference in the quality of articles published on it.

-.- 2023-08-01

I'm sorry, but you haven't provided any text to translate. Please provide the text you would like to have translated into English.

波士顿大龙虾 2023-08-01

The process is straightforward and efficient, more user-friendly than some "top-tier journals".
5.11 submitted
5.12 with editor
5.15 with editor
5.17 under review
5.28 Required Reviews Completed
6.07 Major Revision
6.28 Revise
7.02 under review
7.12 Required Reviews Completed
7.15 Accept
7.20 online

free water 2023-07-31

I did a poor job and was rejected by CEJ (possibly an organization or company). It's just an excuse to say others are better, broaden your perspective.

free water 2023-07-31

The posts that have been rejected all say CEJ is water.

Doctor Zhang 2023-07-31

Record the submission process:
7.3 submit
7.8 under review
7.30 rrc
7.30 dip
Based on my previous submission experience, when "dip" appears, it usually means rejection.

是豆豆啊 2023-07-31

Me too, I submitted in May, and now there is still a reviewer who hasn't replied, and the editor hasn't made a decision either. I am planning to remind them to expedite the submission.

是豆豆啊 2023-07-31

Is there even a need to ask... Of course, small.

小男孩0911 2023-07-31

7.30 accepted. Grateful for the editor and reviewers.

dataiyang 2023-07-30

Don't you know that CEJ is famous for its water activities?

少爷 2023-07-29

Which one is better, CEJ or Small, according to Lou Lou?

大耳朵图图 2023-07-29

I have invited 8 reviewers, and 2 of them have already completed the review. The other 6 haven't made any progress. How should I handle this?

yiyichen oneone 2023-07-29

7.28 Version of Record

三乐斋主人 2023-07-29

Yes, very slow. The editing process is slow, and the review speed is also slow.

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