Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

可口可乐VS百事 2023-06-28

Compared to the IF of top journals and the previous year, it has been significantly reduced. Many journal's IF has also dropped this year. What are the reasons behind this? In 2020, the worldwide publication volume for the four categories of SCI was approximately 2.6 million, and it is expected to be around 3 million in 2021 and 2022.

xianshanliu 2023-05-24

Apart from being slightly slower, everything else feels fine. Currently, I am striving for the "Chang Jiang Scholars Program" and the "He Liang He Li Foundation Award." Please discuss more about it. Thank you.

小娄 2023-05-17

Hired and ready to strive for the position of academician.

周公旦 2023-03-27

This journal probably needs to go to the Syrian battlefield to find tens of thousands of cancer-stricken human subjects in order to draw a bunch of conclusions.

wangyanyuchuan 2022-11-08

I submitted an article in my spare time and accidentally got it accepted. The review process was very efficient, and it was completed within a week. I'm not sure if publishing in this journal fulfills the graduation requirements.

xingyuan 2022-07-18

Not bad, not bad, very fast.

星子总在闪 2022-07-04

Currently, the Nobel Prize has not been received.

hjthjt 2022-04-24

The difficulty is okay, and the reviewer's comments are very fair. It was accepted after one month, and currently, I am preparing to compete for the Nobel Prize.

tanker 2022-04-07

The opportunity feels unlikely, but let's make a note of it.
Yutao Wang, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Submission: April 5, 2022
With editor: April 7, 2022

SSSSchwein 2021-06-30

Invitation to submit an article, accepted within a week, very good.

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