Verified Reviews - Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

岩土小白 2023-08-03

Excuse me, everyone, is it the case that this journal is at the "With Editor in Chief" stage without any reminders for submission?

lhqxxwb 2023-07-22

Has a new reviewer been assigned for the return review?

沧海一粒沙 2023-07-20

18 Jul 2023 - Submitted to Journal
20 Jul 2023 - With Editor in Chief
06 Aug 2023 - Editor Invited

277lion 2023-07-18

Excuse me, how can I see who the editor-in-chief is?

清风_123 2023-06-29

+1, it has been two months since Decision in Process, continue to wait patiently.

闪电驴驴 2023-06-21

Me too, Indian editor Basu. From April 15th, decision in process, until now, there is still no result.

YYlll666 2023-06-21

I am the same. After a major revision, it was sent for external review again. I came back and have been editing that decision for over two months. On 4.16, the status changed to decision. I was hesitating whether to urge for submission. My senior brother said, "Let's wait a little longer."

神经蛙2号 2023-06-19

I specifically came here to register a complaint. It's really slow, probably because the editor-in-chief is from India...
Submitted on November 30, 2022. Stayed with the editor-in-chief for two months and had to remind twice before it was sent out.
The external review process was normal.
As of today (June 19, 2023), it has been in the decision-making process and in two more days, it will be two months...

virtue320 2023-06-16

Keep going, you can do it!!!!

清风_123 2023-06-05

Congratulations, host! I've come over to share in the joy and hope that I can also win.

virtue320 2023-06-04

Indian Editor-in-Chief:
2022.6.6 Submit
2022.6.10 With Editor-in-Chief
2022.6.18 With editor
2022.6.18 Under review
2022.12.21 Required Reviews Completed
2023.1.10 Decision in Process (1 month without any news, urging for submission)
2023.2.21 Major revision
2023.4.10 Resubmit
2023.4.29 Under review
2023.5.12 Required Reviews Completed
2023.5.28 Decision in Process
2023.6.3 Accept

virtue320 2023-06-03

India Editor:
2022.11.2 Submit
2022.11.3 With Editor in Chief
2022.11.3 Editor Invited
2022.11.8 With Editor
2022.11.23 Under review
2022.12.23 RRC
2022.12.24 Decision in Process (No news for two months, reminder to submit)
2023.2.16 Major revision
2023.3.9 Resubmit
2023.3.9 Under review
2023.4.3 Minor revisions
2023.4.4 Resubmit
2023.4.10 Under review
2023.5.31 Decision in Process
2023.6.2 Accept

sunshine666@ 2023-06-01

Decision in process, it has been over a month and there is no movement. Indian editor.

csuzengfan 2023-05-31

2022.6.23 submit - Submitted on June 23, 2022.
2022.6.24 under review - Under review since June 24, 2022.
2023.3.6 major revision - Requires major revision as of March 6, 2023.
2023.4.6 resubmit - Resubmitted on April 6, 2023.
2023.4.7 under review - Under review again since April 7, 2023.
2023.5.30 accept - Accepted on May 30, 2023.

皇帝炒饭 2023-05-22

It has been postponed four times, and Xiaoxiu has been given~~ The editor-in-chief is from Hong Kong.

亚历哈大XING 2023-05-20

Add one sentence, Indian editor.

亚历哈大XING 2023-05-20

Looking forward to a good result. India Editor-in-Chief
Because the account is with me, I can log in and check every week. Here are the relatively complete submission milestones:
2022.10.08 Submit
2022.11.09 Under review
2023.01.03 Decision in process
2023.03.06 Inquiry about the state
2023.03.08 Major revision (Three reviewers, with opinions for minor revision, major revision, and major revision respectively)
2023.04.06 Resubmit
2023.04.07 With editor in chief
2023.04.13 Under review
2023.04.20 Under review
2023.05.14 Under review
2023.05.16 Decision in process
2023.06.09 Minor revision (For paper figures and format, Reviewer 1 wishes to add discussion details)
2023.07.01 Resubmit
2023.07.03 With editor
2023.07.04 Decision in process
2023.07.12 Accept

virtue320 2023-05-11

How long after the minor repair is the hiring?

sunshine666@ 2023-05-10

May I ask how long your RRC lasted this time? Did you send an email to the Indian editor? Or are you still waiting?

virtue320 2023-05-10

When editing and processing documents, I will send you an email, and that will be your editor.

kydl 2023-05-09

Indian editor, the speed is acceptable, major repair once, minor repair once, hired after more than five months.

求个offer 2023-05-07

28 Dec 2022 Submission
Received the first-round comments a little over a month later. Two reviewers provided 57 comments, showing great responsibility, and their suggestions were all very reasonable. After revisions, the quality of the paper significantly improved.
Given a month to make modifications, submitted just before the deadline.
07 May 2023 Accept!
The process was relatively fast!
Wishing the journal continued success!

JOJO-YY 2023-05-06

The first review was returned for repair in September last year, and there have been two reminders so far, but there is still no reply. It is still under review.

JOJO-YY 2023-05-06

I have reminded twice but still haven't received a response.

CQLPTN 2023-05-06

May I ask how to check which editor is handling my paper? It has been almost a month since the decision is in process.

CQLPTN 2023-05-06

May I ask how to find out which editor is handling my paper?

sunshine666@ 2023-04-22

Is the early stage fast? How long does the first trial take?

virtue320 2023-04-20

The returned item has been with the editor in India for 10 days already, but there is no progress...

岩土小白 2023-04-16

If it's an Indian editor, it may be slower.

皇帝炒饭 2023-04-09

The first trial opinion has been returned for two and a half months, and it is still under review. It is very puzzling as I have urged twice and received very official replies.

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