Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Tommy87 2023-07-14

This year, we received one paper, and the overall efficiency was good. The timeline is as follows:

Received: 20th December 2022
Revision received: 9th February 2023 (Three reviewers provided many comments, and the editor requested major revisions. In my personal opinion, the revisions were all minor, and the modifications were well done.)
Accepted: 16th March 2023 (Surprisingly, the review and editing process took even longer than the first round. I completely cannot understand why!)
Published: 19th April 2023


The overall quality of the journal is acceptable. Additionally, I have published three papers in Bioinformatics, and personally, I feel that Bioinformatics is better than Briefings. The quality of the peer review process is also higher in Bioinformatics. I'm not sure why Briefings has a higher impact factor. However, the significant decline in impact factor indicates an excess of inflated numbers. In comparison, I would recommend Bioinformatics.

鹿海园 2023-07-08

"Awaiting ME assignment" means "waiting for my assignment."

stronggogogo 2023-07-02

The impact factor is declining in a straight line. If it goes down further, it will be in the third quartile.

kk 2023-06-16

It has been a few days, could it possibly be a desk rejection?

black 2023-05-03

Did you have any changes in April? I submitted on April 12th and it is still awaiting reviewer assignment. I don't know why there haven't been any changes.

Bobby_yang 2023-04-29

Will the feedback from the reviewers be consistent? Then the editor reassigns the manuscript to the fourth reviewer for reevaluation (my junior is like this).

科研妲己 2023-04-17

4.16投 (4.16 submission) - This phrase is unclear and could have various meanings, depending on the context. It could refer to a submission made on April 16th or a reference to something else entirely.

4.17 Awaiting Editor Assignment - This means that as of April 17th, the person or document is waiting for an editor to be assigned.

博四了,真的太急了 - "博四了" is not clear and could have multiple interpretations. "真的太急了" translates to "It's really urgent."

路飞与海 2023-04-14

4.9 Minor Repair

路飞与海 2023-02-26

Posted on January 20, the status changed to "Awaiting reviewer scores" on February 5, and on February 25, the status changed to "Awaiting editor recommendation." How long does this status usually last?

Bobby_yang 2022-12-24

Submitted on September 12th, underwent major revisions on October 17th, made further modifications and resubmitted on November 11th, accepted on December 4th.

Bobby_yang 2022-12-24

The review speed of BIB is still very fast, with no cases where a majorly revised paper has not been accepted yet. The difficulty of acceptance has decreased compared to before.

小新的美冴 2022-11-15

Return of the first trial opinion before the National Day, lasted for 3 months. The exact time of the complete submission can be seen in a comment on my personal blog:
Hope it will be helpful for future generations!

zzq 2022-11-07

After undergoing a major revision, the paper was successfully accepted. The second review took two weeks, which was very fast.

lycutter 2022-10-31

Posted for two days, the system returned my submission, with the status "Returned by Administrator". I would like to ask where I went wrong. I submitted using a single-column, double-spaced Word document, and the word count was slightly over. I submitted for the "problem solving protocols" issue. I would like to know how everyone else formats their submissions.

zzq 2022-09-27

The paper's status has changed today, awaiting the decision of the editor.

小新的美冴 2022-09-20

I submitted my article around August 15th, and received the first review on September 6th. The deadline is October 4th. Currently, I am working hard to reply and hope everything goes smoothly!

zzq 2022-09-04

Reply to Xiaoxin's Meimai: Keep going!

小新的美冴 2022-09-04

My status is also "awaiting reviewer scores". It has been nearly 10 days today, and I still haven't received any updates. Keep going!

zzq 2022-09-04

Reply to ChampK: Okay, thank you.

ChampK 2022-09-03

My status changed to "Awaiting reviewer scores" after 20 days. Generally, the BIB efficiency is quite high, so yours should be faster. You can wait until around September 10th to check, and if it doesn't work, then you can follow up.

zzq 2022-09-01

Posted on July 24th, the status changed to "awaiting reviewer scores" on August 7th, and it is still the same until today. Is this normal? Should I send a reminder to the reviewers? It has already exceeded the average time for the first review as displayed on the official website. How long did it take for everyone to receive the first review comments?

ChampK 2022-09-01

My first revision has been completed, and currently the second revision has just changed to "Awaiting Reviewers Scores".

ChampK 2022-09-01

My current situation is similar. May I ask if you have hired me?

小新的美冴 2022-08-29

The status "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" lasts for approximately 10 days, and then it transitions to "Awaiting Reviewer Scores," indicating that it is likely undergoing external review.

小新的美冴 2022-08-19

I don't know what "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" means. It appears around 2 days after submission, and it is still in this status. Does it mean it is ready for review, or is the reviewer currently reviewing it?

辉灏 2022-08-11

After submission, three reviewers provided very good suggestions. It took three months to conduct additional experiments and make major revisions. Then, it was resubmitted with minor data corrections. Finally, it was accepted for publication. It is worth mentioning: why does BIB no longer display the affiliations of authors other than the corresponding author? It's quite frustrating. Does the influence of the first author still exist?

ChampK 2022-06-11

How is it possible to have 1000? Only around 200 per year.

Xuzhebiao 2022-06-08

I don't know if BIB has a lower threshold than bioinformatics since I haven't submitted to bioinformatics before. However, to be honest, it is indeed much easier to get accepted in BIB compared to JCIM. At least in our group, the acceptance rate for submissions to BIB without review is very high.

adaagf 2022-06-05

This journal used to publish reviews. It's easier than NC, at least that's the feeling of me and people around me. It's much easier than JICM and Bioinformatics. Many of us submitted to Bioinformatics and got rejected, then we submitted to briefings in bioinformatics and got accepted. As for those who got rejected by briefings in bioinformatics, there haven't been any yet... I even suspect that the editors and reviewers of briefings in bioinformatics have some grudge against this journal and are intentionally messing things up.

Lxinyang 2022-05-19

Currently, I have published two papers in this journal. The review process is indeed fast, and it only takes 1-2 months to receive the first review result. However, from what I understand, many people say that this journal is not of high quality, which is a bit embarrassing. Another issue is that there are fewer submissions from foreigners compared to Chinese authors, but the proportion of Chinese submissions is particularly high. However, it is indeed very popular within China.

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