Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

一只放养的羊 2023-06-03

So fast, has it undergone major repairs?

ethanxyf 2023-06-02

The default process for Elsevier is to have two reviewers complete the RRC (Review Round Complete) process. If the two reviewers can reach a decision through editing, it will take a few days to reach the RC (Review Complete) stage. If the opinions of the two reviewers contradict each other, a third reviewer will be sought.
How long does it usually take from submission to RRC, OP?

小杨很忙999 2023-06-02

How many people are usually involved in completing reviews? Why did mine change to "Required Reviews Complete" after reaching 2?

小杨很忙999 2023-06-02

Two reviewers have completed the task and have already entered the RRC. Does anyone know what the situation is?

嘟嘟的蛋蛋 2023-05-31

My third BT article, still very fast. I didn't expect to become a reviewer for BT during my doctoral period, I'm happy about it. I hope BT will continue to improve!

4/17 submitted
4/18 under review
5/11 major revision
5/22 revised. Everyone must respond to the editor's comments one by one, otherwise it will be sent back.
5/24 it came back again
5/27 resubmitted
5/29 with editor
5/30 accepted

小杨很忙999 2023-05-29

I would like to ask what the current outcome is.

y 2023-05-22

Why is it still under review after two months?

zzz456 2023-05-16

On May 13th, it dipped. It has been three days and there is still no result.

麻辣小肉丸 2023-05-16

The first time I submitted it, it was rejected with a 17% score. Later, after lowering it to 7%, it was accepted. 2023-05-16

When I submitted it, the editor requested a repetition rate of less than 15%.

zzy 2023-05-15

May I ask everyone, what is the required repetition rate for BT? Currently, will a 25% repetition rate be rejected?

zzz456 2023-05-13

May 13th, Decision in Process

Gfc1992 2023-05-10

It's already September 5th, and RRC is here. This is too fast, isn't it?

zzz456 2023-05-09

The given text "5.9日rrc" does not have a specific meaning or context in either English or any other language. It appears to be a combination of numbers and letters without any clear translation.

zzz456 2023-05-09

Some GAs say that the research paper should be 35 pages long. The review should be a bit longer, while the communication should be shorter. Can you please check it out?

zzz456 2023-05-05

Posted on April 27th, due to a similarity rate of 27%, it was requested to resubmit with a rate below 15%. Submitted on May 1st, it reached the hands of the editor on the 2nd. Under review on May 5th. The editor is incredibly efficient. Wishing you good luck and a fruitful outcome!

zhhhui 2023-05-05

Is there a strict limit on the number of pages required for BT?

yohayeah 2023-04-24

Excuse me, has it become slower? It seems that it has been a few days since the editing has not been processed, and there is still no response from the editor.

Logan1995 2023-04-16

2-21 submitted to the journal
2-22 with editor
2-23 under review
3-12 Given 14 days for major revisions, but the boss voluntarily added 12 more days
4-6 Revision
4-8 Did not submit supplement files
4-12 Revision
4-13 with editor
4-14 Accepted

chuyi1 2023-04-14

Has it slowed down? The ones downstairs are being reviewed in just a few days.

倾半生少年 2023-04-14

It was written incorrectly, it is in the hands of the editor.

倾半生少年 2023-04-14

Submitted for half a month, in the hands of the reviewer for two weeks, and still don't know what it means.

机智无敌的超人 2023-04-07

2.24 submission - This refers to submitting a document or work on February 24th.
3.20 major revision - This means making significant changes or improvements to a document or work on March 20th.
3.28 revision submission - This indicates submitting a revised version of a document or work on March 28th.
3.30 re-revision - This implies making further revisions or modifications to a document or work on March 30th.
3.30 re-revision submission - This refers to submitting an updated version of a document or work after making additional revisions on March 30th.
4.3 with editor - This means that the document or work is currently being reviewed or worked on by an editor on April 3rd.
4.7 accept - This indicates that the document or work has been approved or accepted on April 7th.

机智无敌的超人 2023-04-04

The manuscript I submitted is also by Professor Huu Hao Ngo. It went through a second revision due to a few formatting issues, but it was submitted on March 30th. From April 1st to April 4th, it has been in the "with editor" status. Currently, I am still anxiously waiting, hoping for a positive outcome soon!

Gfc1992 2023-04-03

2023-2-9: initial submission
2023-02-10: under review
2023-03-03: decision in process
2023-03-10: Major revision
2023-03-22: Resubmit
2023-03-30: accept
Thank you Professor Huu Hao Ngo for the quick review and handling of my manuscript on microbial denitrification. This is my third submission and I wish everyone good luck!

祈祷spring 2023-04-03

2023 Feb 27 - Submitted
2023 Feb 28 - With editor
2023 Mar 01 - Under review, the editor is Christian Larroche, it seems like he is always the editor for biomass-related submissions
2023 Mar 19 - Major revision, two reviewers
2023 Mar 27 - Revision submitted
2023 Mar 28 - Accepted
2023 Mar 30 - Online

20220429 2023-03-24

BT Submit Feb 21 - Submitted to BT on February 21
With editor Feb 22 - Under the editor's review on February 22
With editor Feb 23 - Still under the editor's review on February 23
Under review Feb 23 - Under review process on February 23
Under review Feb 24 - Still under review process on February 24
Under review Feb 28 - Continues to be under review process on February 28
Required reviews completed Mar 14 - Required reviews have been completed on March 14
Required reviews completed Mar 17 - Required reviews have been completed on March 17
Major revise Mar 18 - Major revisions needed on March 18
Revision submitted to journal Mar 21 - Revised version submitted to the journal on March 21
With editor Mar 23 - Under the editor's review on March 23
Accept Mar 23 - Accepted on March 23

Within a month, especially fast. Thanks to Professor Christian Larroche, everything was handled at the fastest speed, thumbs up.

De-Frank 2023-02-06

2022-12-30: Initial submission
2023-01-16: Major revision
2023-02-01: Re-submission
2023-02-02: Accept

Thank you to Professor Huu Hao Ngo for his prompt review and handling of the manuscript. This is my third BITE article and the second one as a corresponding author.

wjwu76 2023-01-08

The editing is very good. Thank you to them. Submission on 2022-12-01, acceptance on 2023-01-06.

科研骆驼 2023-01-05

11.18 - Submitted to journal
11.22 - Under review
11.27 - Required reviews completed
12.1 - Major revise
12.30 - Revision submitted to journal
1.1 - Accept

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