Verified Reviews - Heliyon
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Sakuichi 2022-10-02

It is indexed in SCI, and it even has impact factors.

GeoCarto 2022-10-01

After the previous major revision, the August initial review returned with an increase from 5 reviewers to 8 reviewers. After receiving minor revisions and making serious changes, the submission was made, thinking that there might not be any problems. However, it was sent to 2 reviewers and returned in mid-September, with a total of 9 reviewers (one additional reviewer this time), and the associate editor is a Japanese person, who also requested a major revision. What kind of strange operation is this?

LISHIGE 2022-09-28

May I ask if you need to pay the submission fee yourselves or if the supervisor pays it in advance?

LISHIGE 2022-09-28

I transferred from the Journal of Infection. The editor said the impact factor is 3. Can this journal be included in the Chinese Academy of Sciences classification this year? My supervisor still doesn't allow me to submit to the fourth tier. Looking at the long review period, I'm not sure if withdrawing the submission is appropriate.

LISHIGE 2022-09-28

Could you please tell me if this journal will be indexed by the end of 2022? I've read comments saying it's very slow, and currently it's not indexed in SCI, right?

Sakuichi 2022-09-27

After filling in "right" and "access," I received an invoice email in less than a day, and then I can proceed with the payment.

Sakuichi 2022-09-27

I am also at this step. I couldn't find an online payment method. It seems that I have to send the invoice and make the payment according to the information on it. I suppose I can also contact the publishing house to request online payment.

qxf 2022-09-26

Hello, I have confirmed the information of the article via email, but I cannot find the interface to pay the layout fee. Also, I don't know how to request an invoice for the layout fee. I look forward to your reply. Thank you very much.

Sakuichi 2022-09-25

It's not this issue 13, it's the one I submitted before. This one may be included in the Chinese Academy of Sciences partition at the end of the year, probably in Zone 3.

linlin01 2022-09-24

Where can I see impact factor 13? There is no partition yet, I wonder if there will be a partition by the end of the year from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Sakuichi 2022-09-23

Submitted to the Asian Journal of Psychiatry, but rejected and resubmitted (Is it scientific for this journal to go from issue 3 last year to issue 13?). I felt that the editors I encountered were good, responsible, and patient. At first, I casually submitted without following the correct format, and it took two revisions to get it right. Three reviewers were invited, and one of them was particularly meticulous. The article was basically completely revised twice. The review speed was okay, considering that I had previously encountered a journal that took six months to review. Overall, I feel pretty good about it.

投稿路上的凡 2022-09-23

You've only been here for 4 days, but it takes me 2 months to start each state. You better withdraw your submission early because this journal is unusually slow, and sending reminders won't help.

Oerooo 2022-09-23

Record it
2022/9/19 submit to journal
2022/9/23 with editor
2022/9/26 with editor
On the 26th, it was updated with the editor again.
2022/10/20 the day after the reminder, it changed to "under review"
2022/10/23 "under review" time was updated once, what does it mean?
Just checked the tracking status, it's "accepted for review"
I really regret submitting to Heliyon, it's not just slow, is it slower in the computer field? I suggest everyone not to submit, the speed is ridiculously slow.

He Haihao 2022-09-21

Do you know approximately how long it takes for a first-instance repair to have a result? I have been waiting for more than ten days for the repair to come back, but there is still no progress.

泉鱼 2022-09-19

The reviewer's comments in the journal were pertinent, with strong potential for revisions. The editor was prompt in handling the submission, and the review time was reasonable. Overall, it was a pleasant experience submitting the manuscript.

qxf 2022-09-16

May I ask if the email is received several days late?

木木心 2022-09-16

Submitting ➡️ Received at Editorial Office 21 Jan 2022
Under review 30 Jan 2022
Required review completed 20 Jun 2022
Major revision
Article revised 6 Jul 2022
Minor revision 4 Sep 2022
Accept in Principle 13 Sep 2022
Article accepted for publication 14 Sep 2022
Production 15 Sep 2022

The above is the process of submission! It took approximately from January 21st to September 15th.
Throughout the process, the journal will send emails to inform: Track your article status.
The overall speed is slow, and the efficiency and enthusiasm of the reviewers are not high. If you have time, you can submit it!
At the same time, there will be a $1950 Article Process Charge!
Good luck to everyone, and have many papers published!

投稿路上的凡 2022-09-16

This state has been going on for two months.

投稿路上的凡 2022-09-16

Your situation is somewhat similar to mine. One of my reviewers was okay, but the other one also suggested changes that made me feel like they didn't understand what I had done at all. I couldn't even make the changes they suggested.

wubz 2022-09-15

Please wait for the link in the email, then fill out the form and make a payment of 13600. I made a mistake earlier.

qxf 2022-09-15

I am a beginner with no experience. After being rejected three times, I resubmitted to HELIYON. I submitted on April 27th and got accepted on September 15th. Can anyone please tell me what to do after acceptance? From previous experiences, I heard that I need to fill out a form and make a payment. My question is, what form should I fill out, where can I find it, and how do I make the payment? I'm waiting online for your response.

qxf 2022-09-15

Hello, I submitted my work for the first time without any experience. Today, I just received an acceptance. What should I do after receiving the acceptance? How do I make the payment?

叫我AAK 2022-09-14

Posted on June 17th, given one month for revisions on August 29th. There were three reviewers, two of whom suggested accepting the paper as is, while one requested major revisions. The questions asked by this reviewer were rather peculiar, and both my advisor and I agreed that they did not understand what the paper was about. They directly questioned the novelty of the research, and ultimately demanded additional experiments and finite element simulations (with a rather strong attitude). Currently, I am still working on the finite element simulations. I submitted this paper to this journal because I didn't have enough time to conduct the simulations, and now I regret it a bit. If I had done them beforehand, I could have submitted to a better journal.

泉鱼 2022-09-14

Replying to @小地雷7 upstairs: After transferring, you still need to go through the review process again, which is equivalent to submitting a new manuscript. Just follow the system's instructions.

小地雷7 2022-09-14

Excuse me, I have also encountered the situation of transferring journals. In the original magazine, there have already been opinions from four reviewers, with two agreeing to accept, but they still suggested that I transfer journals. If I do transfer journals, do I need to go through the review process again? Urgently seeking an answer, thank you very much!

泉鱼 2022-09-13

2022/9/12 accept in principle

This phrase is already in English and does not require translation. It means that on September 12, 2022, something is accepted in principle.

wubz 2022-09-12

$1950, 16300 Chinese Yuan

泉鱼 2022-09-11

2022/9/10 Decision in Process

wubz 2022-09-11

20220906 Fill out form and make payment
20220910 online + proof

hao1001 2022-09-09

I am involved in water resources management and policy. Within a period of three months, I contacted 17 reviewers, but none of them were willing to review my submission. Unable to tolerate any longer, I have proactively applied for withdrawal of my submission. It may vary in different fields, but caution is needed when submitting social science articles!

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