Verified Reviews - Heliyon
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

530675578 2023-04-28

How long did it take to review the manuscript?

快快毕业lt 2023-04-28

The editor is very responsible and the reviewers they found are also very professional. After multiple rounds of minor revisions and two major revisions, the final version has indeed made significant progress compared to the initial draft. It has been a learning process for myself as well.

The downside is that it is too slow, possibly due to the large number of reviewers. It feels like most of the time is spent in the review process.

530675578 2023-04-27

How long did the trial last?

医学小垃圾 2023-04-27

The article has been accepted, and it is very professional and meticulous. I would like to ask how long after accepting the proof will I be notified to submit the final version for publication?

goooood 2023-04-24

Forget about submitting manuscripts, changes in status will be notified by email. Based on everyone's comments, be prepared to wait 8-10 months (some have reported 2 years, my goodness!) for acceptance or rejection, and even if accepted, indexing may take another six months or longer! It may vary for different disciplines, and luck plays a role too... If it is a resubmission with revisions already submitted, it should be faster. However, if it is a direct submission, the review process at Heliyon is indeed slow. This journal values methodological completeness to ensure data reproducibility, and reliable data is crucial! They use a unique contribution statement that directly relates to the data, with every author having responsibility for data contribution. This deserves praise as it deters authors with a mindset of publishing low-quality or unethical papers. Many people likely submitted to this journal because of its affiliation with Cell Press, indicating that the article quality is expected to be higher than the current journal ranking and impact factor. The future looks promising. If time is not a concern, it's worth giving it a try!

铛铛铛 2023-04-19

It's already considered good if we can accept it within two years, even though it feels slow for about seven to eight months. Giving this journal a score of 1 is unnecessary, let's not ruin the reputation of the journal.

Dajun Fan 2023-04-18

Super slow, it's been 8 months and still no reception.

run_lgh 2023-04-18

Why do some people take seven to eight months, while you are so fast?

run_lgh 2023-04-18

Does the boss hire in just two months?

goooood 2023-04-17

Slow to the point where it makes you doubt your life. Be cautious when rushing to graduate. Many manuscripts are transferred from journals in the first and second zones of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, so the quality is already good. Don't be misled by the acceptance rate on the website, as the peer review process is still very strict.

lanlianhua 2023-04-13

Is the graduation requirement to be published or indexed? I'm a little scared hearing you say that. ?

jerermy 2023-04-13

Super slow, not only slow in reviewing, editing processing is also slow, the key is that the WoS index is even slower. More than 100 days have passed in 2023, and there are still over 370 papers from 2022 that have not been indexed.

伪装-小白 2023-04-13

Because he was catching up on indexing articles from the second half of 2022 for the first four months, he didn't index many articles in the first half of 2023. He should be able to index them in the second half of the year.

jerermy 2023-04-13

It is already April, but there are only a few articles that can be searched for in 2023. I noticed that there is a difference of 2600 articles between Medline and the core collection of Web of Science (WoS). It means that almost half a year's worth of published articles have not been included. There is also no "on hold" status. How did the search stop? Can someone who knows the situation please tell me?

霹雳旋风 2023-04-12

Posted on February 9, 2023, after being put on hold for a month, it was sent for external review. The status of the review was updated on April 2nd (presumably due to a change in the reviewer), and currently, the paper is still under review.

rabbityangzi 2023-04-06

My repair has also been under review for 2 months, with no updates.

yiyy 2023-04-03

I can't remember clearly, but I will roughly explain the review process. The paper was submitted on October 28, 2022, in the field of economics. I heard that the review process was fast before, so I didn't expect it to take 6 months from submission to acceptance (I read in the comments that the editor was changed during this period). The first submission was made in mid-October 2022, but it was sent back due to formatting issues. After making the necessary modifications, it was resubmitted, and it took about a month for it to be under review. Initially, the assigned reviewers could not be found, so two reviewers were invited, one accepted and one declined. Another reviewer was later found, and on February 15, their feedback was received. The authors were given one month to make revisions. Overall, it required major revisions, as one reviewer provided many comments, but the paper could still be improved. The other reviewer was more superficial and had many repetitive comments. Three to four days before the deadline, it changed from "with editor" to "under review" for about 20 days. Then, it took 10-20 days to change to "accept in decision" (around March 31). The next day, the authors received a request to modify the author contribution section (according to the journal template). On April 3, it was displayed as accepted.

goooood 2023-03-31

If you look at the articles from January 2022, you will know. The earliest search results only started from March 31st, and some were even retrieved in May. It's indeed very slow~

jiahua 2023-03-28

I also noticed that this journal only indexed 1 article in 2023. Is there a problem? I am worried that it won't be indexed in the future. After all, this journal published 3500 articles last year, which is quite risky.

伪装-小白 2023-03-25

No matter how powerful he is, he dares not warn the journals under Nature, Science, and Cell.

530675578 2023-03-25

How long after submission will I receive the external review comments?

xululu666 2023-03-25

Guys, the publication volume has been close to 3000 in the past two years. Will it be kicked out of SCI or receive a warning?

伪装-小白 2023-03-24

How long does it take for this journal to be indexed? There hasn't been any indexing until 2023. What's the situation?

鸟生鱼汤 2023-03-18

Rejected after 2 months, so sad. It's really unlucky to encounter a Chinese reviewer.

霹雳旋风 2023-03-14

There are too many manuscripts currently received by the journal, which affects the speed of review. One of my articles submitted in February was reviewed only one month later. I hope for a positive outcome.

Starshine 2023-03-14

Hello, may I ask where can I contact customer service online?

530675578 2023-03-12

How to assess the situation of a reviewer?

530675578 2023-03-11

Can't make it, at most 4 points.

爱吃花生的猫咪 2023-03-09

Can I ask about the current instant impact factor of this journal? Can it reach 5 points this year?

530675578 2023-03-09

How is it going now? Are you still reviewing the manuscript?

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