Verified Reviews - Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Charles 2022-11-20

Did you pay the layout fee in the end?

zxkdlmu 2022-07-09

Can I choose to pay for the journal cover fee after my article is accepted? I didn't choose to pay by institution when I started submitting. Can I still choose to pay for the journal now? Looking forward to your advice!

lkaccepted 2022-04-09

Hello, may I ask if you haven't received the invoice for the journal? When was the initial submission of the manuscript? Is it really free of charge?

CNPCer 2022-04-05

The editing process is fast. The first review took 53 days, and the feedback included 1 minor revision, 1 major revision, and 1 rejection. The editor requested a major revision. The second review took 18 days, and the feedback was for minor revisions. In addition to technical issues, the editor wanted improvements in language. After submitting the revised manuscript, it took a week to receive acceptance. It seems that this journal does not require any publication fees. I submitted my paper in December 2021, but the editor mentioned that papers submitted before October 1, 2021, can choose to pay Open Access fees. As a result, I did not have to pay any fees. Have any of you encountered a similar situation? It would be great if the journal covers the fees.


Submit by the end of August, receive major revisions in mid-October, and be accepted for publication after submitting the revised draft by the end of November.

小力宏 2021-12-21

Petroleum Engineering Zone 3

YRTES 2021-12-17

The text translates to:

"I submitted the manuscript at the beginning of November and received major revisions in the review comments yesterday. The editor-in-chief said that I don't need to pay the page fee, and the journal will cover it. They also provided me with a code. However, I actually didn't submit it before October 1st. It seems that the journal hasn't started charging authors yet. As you first submitted your manuscript before October 1st 2021, if you wish to have the APC covered by the journal, please select the option 'I believe that I am covered by a BMC/SpringerOpen Membership Account and wish to request institutional payment or discount…' option on the APC agreement page, and enter the following code in the field 'I have a BMC membership account number': JS-JPPT-****-****."

达特茅斯ET 2021-12-13

Strongly recommend the journal to revert to its original mode, Open Access (OA) without any charges, and continue to be sponsored by KACST. Once it reaches the top rank in the first quartile, then charging Article Processing Charges (APC) would be more favorable, wouldn't it?

达特茅斯ET 2021-12-13

If the classification of the Chinese Academy of Sciences falls into Zone 2 in December this year, it will be quite impressive. If it falls into Zone 3, it will be somewhat disappointing. Falling into Zone 4 would not be good. Let's wait and see. After all, we have to pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) ourselves now. The number of articles in Zone 2 and 3 is estimated to be still quite high.

石油大亨o 2021-11-08

Free before October 1, 2021, and APC fees will be charged afterwards.

OIF 2021-11-04

MD, it seems like they are starting to charge for pages now. Capitalists truly are greedy.

dennnis 2021-11-03

Please read the comments below and consider making a correction regarding the fee. Currently, the website states the following (meaning it is not free and quite expensive):

To have your article published as open access in the Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, authors need to pay an article-processing charge (APC).

The APC for all published articles is as follows, with VAT or local taxes applied where applicable:


laowang17238 2021-10-28

Misunderstood, it is three reviewers.

laowang17238 2021-10-28

Did you submit three articles? One rejection and two acceptances?

Xiaoyuerxian 2021-09-23

I recommend you Carbonates and Evaporites and Arabian Journal of Geosciences. These two journals are in the fourth quartile and do not require page charges, making them relatively easier to get published. Additionally, Open Geosciences has a page charge of several thousand dollars. If your boss does not reimburse, you can consider covering the cost yourself if you have good financial conditions.

Xiaoyuerxian 2021-09-23

Generally, it takes about two weeks with the editor. Don't be too anxious, slow and steady work produces fine results!

CNPCer 2021-09-17

First review: Reviewer 1 - rejection, Reviewer 2 - minor revision, Reviewer 3 - major revision; Second review: Reviewer 1 - rejection, Reviewer 2 - accept, Reviewer 3 - accept; The editor unexpectedly rejected it. Oh no, the comments made by the first reviewer were obviously biased, as all the comments were about the lack of innovation and were more like opinions on research reports rather than scientific papers. Specific issues were not mentioned. Must appeal!!! Otherwise, four months of time will be wasted in vain.

城南春天 2021-09-12

Post on 2021-09-10, rejected on 09-12, so efficient _(¦3」∠)_... really damaging to my confidence... Previously, my classmates said this journal had a manageable difficulty level, but why are my article numbers in the 600s when the publication quantity is only 300? This probably means the acceptance rate is only around 30%~~... Do any teachers or fellow students have any recommended SCI journals that are relatively easy to get accepted in? I'm in a hurry to graduate, excluding those with publication fees since my supervisor won't cover them.

星星月亮 2021-09-07

The text has already been written in English. Here is the translation:

Focusing on: Reservoir characterization and modeling; Unconventional oil and gas reservoirs; Geophysics: Acquisition and near surface; Geophysics Modeling and Imaging; Geophysics: Interpretation; Geophysics: Processing; Production Engineering; Formation Evaluation; Reservoir Management; Petroleum Geology; Enhanced Recovery; Geomechanics; Drilling; Completions.

星星月亮 2021-09-07

The Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology is an open access international journal that publishes advanced research in the areas of petroleum engineering, petroleum geology, and exploration geophysics. It focuses on the application of related technologies in the development and management of oil and gas reservoirs from their initial discovery to their complete production cycle.

星星月亮 2021-09-07

The text translates to: "There are no review fees or page fees for the article. The Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology is supported by KACST, which means there are no publication fees for authors. It accepts original and review articles as well as book reviews for publication. All the manuscripts are single-blind peer-reviewed for scientific quality and acceptance."

我爱吃哈根达斯 2021-09-04

No page fee, very nice, readers can read and download articles for free. I will not submit or publish in any journal that charges fees. This journal is in the second tier of petroleum engineering, the third tier of earth science, and the fourth tier of energy and fuel. I feel that the difficulty of submission is moderate, similar to the Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering and the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.

bull003 2021-09-04

I hope to receive the first trial's comments back soon. (*❦ω❦)

bull003 2021-09-04

The editor-in-chief is Professor Turgay Ertekin from Penn State University. I have listened to Prof. Ertekin's speech before, and this journal has a relatively high positioning, surpassing JPSE with hopes. I hope that the number of published articles in the journal can increase, reaching a fast impact factor of 600+ by the end of the year, but not to the extent of being similar to SPE J. While maintaining strict journal quality, it is beneficial to appropriately increase the distribution of articles.

bull003 2021-09-04

It is difficult to spam, our group deals with heavy oil. Many international experts publish in this journal, so we often download articles from it and the JPSE journal. The journal does not have publication fees and is highly efficient. Many new technologies and techniques in petroleum exploration and production can be quickly published. The downside is that the annual article quantity is a bit low. We should learn from JPSE and aim for more than 1000 articles.

Nicol 2021-09-04

It seems like it was still EI in the 19th year. I checked and found that the article published in the 20th year was indexed by SCI, still in the Q2 zone. No wonder they became proud.

Nicol 2021-09-04

In 2019, we submitted an article, which took 2 months to be accepted. In early 2020, our team submitted 3 articles, one of which was accepted. The average review period was 3 months. This year, our team submitted two articles, but both were rejected. The review process for the first round took over 50 days, and we received 3 or 5 review comments. It's not going well. -_-||

甘诺根 2021-08-29

The editing process for the manuscript was relatively fast. I submitted it and received the first review comments in less than two months. Only two reviewers provided suggestions for revisions in the second review. There were some delays due to personal matters, and re-editing the figures also took a considerable amount of time. After half a month of revisions, I received acceptance with minor revisions, mainly related to language and charts. Overall, the submission experience was very good, and I really liked the submission interface and process of Elsevier Publishing.

甘诺根 2021-08-29

This year, the petroleum engineering discipline in the Chinese Academy of Sciences should be in Zone 2, right? JCR petroleum engineering ranks 6 out of 20.

Mayfoul 2021-08-24

Do you charge for the layout fee?

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